Advent Theme
Welcome to Advent 2024: In Light and Darkness
Barbara Brown Taylor’s book, Learning to Walk in the Dark, asks, “What can light possibly mean without dark?” This
Advent season, we gather for a
conversation about how we experience light IN THE MIDST of darkness. Together we will explore how this understanding influences the way we view God, our faith, and the world.
Each week we will add light and brightness to our
worship space. Weekend and midweek messages will explore how the light of Christ grows in our hearts and world. All of our worship services will share texts and prayers to create a common experience of the
journey of Advent. Mid-week worship services will
also feature music from Holden Evening Prayer.
You are invited to add the Advent devotion calendar
focused on Light and Darkness to your preparations for Christmas. They are located on the Welcome Center.
May this Advent season open your heart to welcome the light that has come into the Dark of the World, our
Savior Jesus Christ!