FLC Weekend Announcements

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Worship Times:

Saturday: 5pm

Sunday: 8:15am & 10:15am

Wednesday: 6:15pm-No LIFE Night Worship or Classes on January 1st

All Worship Services are Live Streamed on Facebook Live.



Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm

Fridays: 8:30am-3:00pm

Phone Number


Visit our Website
Click here for the December Church Council Meeting Agenda and the Approved November Council Meeting Minutes.  Also, click here for the draft of the Annual Meeting Minutes from January 28, 2024.  Also, a draft of the Meeting Notes from the Special Congregational Meeting from 7-13 & 7-14.

Pastor Glen's focus for his message for

this upcoming weekend:

It is one of the more fascinating aspects of the Bible; that we know so little about Jesus's childhood. That's how it is - sometimes we get a lot of detail, sometimes we don't. All we have is this singularyly odd story about how Jesus ran away from his parents (which does not paint a good picture of their family dynamic.) How do we as people who are so desperate for control deal with this adolescent Jesus who cannot be managed? The Christmas story seems to be all about comfort and peace, but perhaps we have no idea what peace really is. And maybe the disruption that is writ large in this story is exactly what we need to find real peace.

FLC Parsonage Open House is Postponed

until December 29th!


The FLC Parsonage Open House is postponed until Sunday,

December 29th.

We love to transform our house for Christmas we look forward to welcoming you to the parsonage. Please join us on Sunday, December 29th, between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm for a Christmas Open House

at the FLC Parsonage (657 North 22nd – just across the street from the church). Have a treat and share some holiday cheer.

No LIFE Night Worship or Classes on

Wednesday, January 1st

There will be No LIFE Night Worship or Classes on

Wednesday, January 1st.

If you have any questions please

call the church office at (402) 426-4073.




In order for you to claim a deduction for contributions made to First Lutheran Church during 2024, the church office must receive your contribution by December 31, 2024. All contributions placed in the offering plates at any of the Christmas services will be recorded as 2024 contributions. If you are

hand-delivering checks, please have them to the church office by Noon on Tuesday, December 31. All checks must be dated in 2024 and if mailed, must be postmarked no later than December 31. First Lutheran Church will be following these tax rules when posting receipts. 

Mid Week Meal date change for New Year's Day!

The Mid Week Meal will be changing days because of the New Year's Day holiday. The Mid Week Meal will be on Thursday, January 2nd instead of Wednesday, January 1st because of New Year's Day. If you have any questions please contact the church office at (402) 426-4073.

Offering Envelopes

The 2025 Offering Envelopes are out for you to pick up. The Offering Envelopes are in alphabetical order in the Narthex. Please stop by and pick your envelopes up. If you have any questions please contact Dawn in the Church office

at (402) 426-4073. Thank you!

Church Office Closed

The church office will be closed at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, December 31st and all day on Wednesday, January 1st. If you have any questions please contact the church office

at (402) 426-4073.

New Christ in Our Homes are here


Christ in Our Homes-If you would like a Christ in Our Homes daily

devotional they are available at the Welcome Center in the Narthex and also on the usher table outside of the LIFE Center for January, February, and March. The Christ in Our Homes is a book that has a daily

devotional to read and pray. Please stop by and pick one up if you would like or if you need one delivered please call the

church office at (402) 426-4073. 

Social Concerns Committee:

We will again be collecting Winterwear to help our neighbors through the cold winter months ahead. A box will be set up at the church to collect your new or gently used coats, mittens, hats, gloves, scarves, sweaters and blankets.  Items collected will be shared as needed with Joseph’s Coat and the Open Door Mission/Lydia House. Children and adult sizes welcome. Please ensure the items are clean or laundered.  The box will be available through the Christmas holidays.



We are needing cookies for January!

Please help if you can!

The Mid Week Meal needs your help.

We serve 240 people EACH WEEK.  That's 20 dozen cookies/bars EACH WEEK.

Please sign up to provide a treat for these folks!! We are especially in need in January!

Signup here or call Erika

(402-533-0918):  https://signup.com/go/hfewWuF

Monday Morning Bible Study


Martin Luther loved Paul’s letter to the Galatians and considered it his “beloved Katie.” One of Paul’s earliest writings, it is carefully constructed love letter that begs a deep dive into its powerful proclamation of the Gospel. Pastor Glen will lead us through his own translation process and help us open up

Paul’s words and thoughts.

W.O.W. Meal is back on Wednesdays!

There will be No W.O.W. Meal on next Wednesday,

January 1st due to the holiday!

Rushed on Wednesdays? 

Let us do the cooking!

Join us for the W.O.W. Meal

in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm

prior to Worship Lab.

** Free-will offering **


Come at 5:30 to fuel your body and then

stay for Worship Lab at 6:15

to feed your soul.

Pastor Glen's contact information


Pastor Glen and Lorie are now living at the parsonage. If the church is locked and you are needing to get in, you can call Pastor Glen and he will unlock the church for you. Pastor Glen's email is pastorglen@firstlutheranblair.org and his cell phone number is (402) 740-6395

if you need to contact him. 

Women's Bible Study 

The Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will begin a new study entitled “From Beginning to Forever” by Elizabeth Woodson.  “Too often we have just a fragmented understanding of parts of the bible.  This leads us to see the Scripture through the lens of our individual stories, causing us to miss God’s bigger story-His redemption and restoration of the entire world.  In this study, Elizabeth Woodson explains how all sixty-six books of the Bible combine to form one unified narrative. We will see how the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation show us the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how He invites us to be a part of it.”  This Bible study will combine a video with a study guide and meets in the church library on Friday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.  If interested in coming to this Bible study, contact Susie Pinquoch at (402) 426-8182 or email at spinquoch@gpcom.net.  

Do you participate in our online worship services?

If you watch our services on Facebook or other sites, please like the post or leave a comment each time. This will help us improve our accuracy in attendance numbers at First Lutheran.

meal picture.png

Thursday, January 2nd, 2024

We will be serving French Toast Casserole, fruit, and dessert.

Click here for more information


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers

†Family of Wesley Todd Sprick

†Family of Joe Fryman

†Family of Timothy Young

†Family of Beverly Homes

†Mick Jensen

†Marilyn Swanson - healing

†Jase Hemminger (grandson of Dennis & Angie Hemminger) - cancer - prayers

†Patrick McKinnis - healing

†Angela Ulven - healing

†Amie Clausen - prayers & healing

†Sunni Wilson (mother of Melody Dubon)

†J. J. Ihrke & Family (son of Carol Ihrke) - battling ALS

†Julia Maettes - cancer treatments -prayers & healing

†Elijah - healing

†Josh Foulk - healing

†Thomas Uhlman - diagnosed with lung cancer

†Trina Kaiser - healing

†David Kaiser - healing

†Helen Garnett (Jim Garnett's mother) - healing

†Randy Backman - healing

†Clint Clausen - prayers

†Mike Boeka - prayers for healing

†Deloris Matson - early stage lymphoma - healing & prayers

†John Wick

†Vivian Walvoord - healing & prayers

†Dana - healing

†Betty Anderson

†Wayne (father of Deb Henson) - prayers for healing

†Ruth Ann Persson - healing

†Gordon Soderberg - healing

†Irene Thorsen

†Meredith Dickerson - Alpha Gal


†Zach - cancer healing/treatment side effects

†Misty - healing and pain relief

†Marilyn Svendgard

†Sue Marsh - healing

†Merriebeth Ferguson (sister-in-law of Merriellen Bourn) - cancer - healing

†Chris Kesling - healing

†Alex - surgery & healing

†Mary LaScala

†Martin Kuhr - prayers & healing


†Georgia (great niece of Debbie Katt) -prayers & healing

†Kyler Reed - healing

†Scott & Katie Abrams - prayers & healing

†Kay Melby (Angela Ulven and Kari Hernandez’s mother) - healing

†Stacy Thompson Green (daughter of Marcy Bottorff) – prayers & healing

†Larry Kastrup – healing

†Leo Aguilar-Hicks – healing for Leukemia

†Lekura Parish

†Hurricane Victims and all those we name in our hearts.

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