FLC Weekend Announcements

Bell Tower.JPG

Worship Times:

Saturday: 5pm

Sunday: 8:15am & 10:15am

Wednesday: No Worship or Classes since it is Holy Week.

All Worship Services are Live Streamed on Facebook Live.



Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm

Fridays: 8:30am-3:00pm

Phone Number


Visit our Website
Click here for the March Church Council Meeting Agenda and the Approved March Council Meeting Minutes.  Also, click here for the draft of the Annual Meeting Minutes from January 28, 2024.

Pastor Glen's focus for his message for

this upcoming weekend:

Jesus comes riding into Jerusalem with a singular purpose. He has come to claim his kingship, a challenge that will set him against the powers of this world. But which powers? Not the ones that we like to single out as pious, church people. Rather, Jesus goes to war against the merchants, the religious authorities, the un-hopeful. The world. The powers that be will mock his claim, but if we can see him on the cross, then perhaps we can see him where he abides now – in the sick, the hungry, the prisoner, the stranger.

No LIFE Night Classes or Worship next

Wednesday, March 27th!

There will be NO LIFE Night Classes or Worship next Wednesday, March 27th since it is Holy Week. If you have any questions please call the church office

at (402) 426-4073.


Please pick up if you haven't already.

Butter Braids are here now. Please stop by

and pick them up if you haven't already.

They are in the Kitchen Freezer.




 March 24th @ 10:15am Worship


Sanctuary at 9:45am for practice

The children will parade in with their palms and ribbons and sing at the beginning of the service.

They will sit with their families after singing. 

A Passion Reading

presented by FLC Youth


Sunday, March 24th @ 7pm


Hear the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, as read from the Gospel of Mark by FLC Youth.

A powerful experience for all.


FLC Youth

Easter Breakfast!!


FLC Youth will serve an Easter Breakfast—a time for food and fellowship as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ!



When:       Easter Sunday, March 31st


Where:      Fellowship Hall


A free will donation will support our trip to the

ELCA Youth Gathering in July

Rock the Block with Habitat for Humanity!!

May 4th @ 8am - 1pm


Help beautify our neighborhood!! Contact Erika if you would like to help!!

Breakfast AND lunch provided - headquarters are HERE at FLC!! April

New Christ in Our Homes are here
Christ in Our Homes-If you would like a Christ in Our Homes daily devotional they are available at the Welcome Center in the Narthex and also on the usher table outside of the LIFE Center for April, May, and June. The Christ in Our Homes is a book that has a daily devotional to read and pray. Please stop by and pick one up if you would like or if you need one delivered please call the church office at (402) 426-4073.








March 28, 2024


11am—Worship with

Holy Communion

followed by lunch


Please call the church office at 426-4073 to RSVP by Friday, March 22nd.April

Easter Lilies

Easter Lilies will be used to decorate our worship areas for the Easter season. If you would like to honor a special person in your life, give a Easter Lily in memory of a loved one, or just help out in this way to beautify the church. There will be forms available at the Welcome Center. Orders must be received by March 25th. If you have any questions please call Dawn in the church office at

(402) 426-4073. Thank you!

Good Friday Cantata

In My Place by Craig Courtney


Masterful compositions and inspired

narratives will

facilitate a memorable and meaningful

worship experience for Good Friday. The First Lutheran Chancel Choir

presents this distinctive blend of original melodies and

creative hymn settings in this poignant

musical journey that follows Christ to the cross. It is a compelling reminder of the

sacrifice that Jesus willingly made as he gave his life for each of us.

Please Join Us on Good Friday, March 29th at 7:00pm!

FLC Youth Silent Auction Has Begun!

18 different baskets for you to bid on! Contact Erika for your Bidding Number!

Bidding begins: March 2nd @ 4pm

Bidding ends: March 24th @ 12pm

Winners announced at our Pie Auction: April 7th @ 6pm

The funds we raise will help us reach our fundraising goal of $70,000!! We're headed to the ELCA Youth

Gathering in July!!  

Thank you for your support!!

Women's Bible Study 

The Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will begin a new study entitled “From Beginning to Forever” by Elizabeth Woodson.  “Too often we have just a fragmented understanding of parts of the bible.  This leads us to see the Scripture through the lens of our individual stories, causing us to miss God’s bigger story-His redemption and restoration of the entire world.  In this study, Elizabeth Woodson explains how all sixty-six books of the Bible combine to form one unified narrative. We will see how the rich theological truths found in Genesis through Revelation show us the eternal significance of what God is doing in the world and how He invites us to be a part of it.”  This Bible study will combine a video with a study guide and meets in the church library on Friday mornings from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m.  If interested in coming to this Bible study, contact Susie Pinquoch at (402) 426-8182 or email at spinquoch@gpcom.net.  

Monday Morning Bible Study: A Love Story in Three Parts

This month, as we prepare for Holy Week, we will take an in-depth look at the events of that most-important week in our faith story: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. These are the days when everything is at stake and through which God changes our world and our lives. Join this detailed look at the texts and contexts of the Gospel accounts that define our faith. Monday mornings at 9:00 am.

Social Concerns Committee:

Equal Exchange Booth to Be Set Up on First Week-End of the Month.

“Equal Exchange” is a program set up to help Third World Farmers in the selling of their products for a fair and equitable price by by-passing the middle man.  Such items as chocolate candy, pecans, teas, coffees and other items are available for sale.  Beginning in March, on the first Sunday of each month, a booth will be set up at First Lutheran offering these products for sale.  Please take a look and see if there is something that you would like.  Not only will you be helping third world country farmers, but you will be getting a wonderful product.     

Don’t give the church money. Make your offering to God.

Our offerings are not about finances, nor are they about the costs of running the church or the size of a tax break. Offering is an act of worship, of acknowledging that God gives us all that we have and practicing the spiritual gift of gratitude. The liturgical ritual of gathering the offering during the worship service fosters that spiritual gift. It is a necessary rite for disciples gathered in worship, it is good and right to do.

And so we shall.

It has always been the practice of the church that the worship service includes a time to gather offerings. We must retain this part of the liturgy as an act of discipleship and for the sake of faith. Beginning in Lent, we will return to the passing of the offering plate during worship at every worship service at First Lutheran Church. It is my hope and prayer that you will discover the spiritual joy of giving and that your hearts will be gladdened by this experience of worshiping God.

Pastor Glen

Lent Focus is LOVE

Why is Lent such a gloomy season? Maybe because we’re all just gloomy inside. NO! People who live in the grace of God should never despair. Lent is a time to focus our attention on something wonderful and amazing: that God loves us so much that he gives us his only Son, a love expressed in the passion of Good Friday and fulfilled in the light of the Easter dawn. Our lives are not defined by sadness, they are defined by love. And we exercise that gift in the people we love and how we love them.

Wednesday mid-week worship at 6:15 pm. Our weekly readings ponder five different stories of love in the gospels. As Jesus encounters people on his journeys, so we reflect on the people we meet every day and how we show love to them. 

Sunday is a Day of Promise. Our scripture readings during the season of Lent focus on the promised blessings of God given over and over again, like those to Noah, Abram, and Moses. God promises us healing in our ailments and that his Word will be written on our hearts. He promises the coming of his eternal reign and his constant presence in the bread and wine. Lent is a season to exercise a discipline of love, of knowing that we are blessed and living a life of gratitude for all of God’s gifts.



We are needing cookies for April!

Please help if you can!

The Mid Week Meal needs your help.

We serve 240 people EACH WEEK.  That's 20 dozen cookies/bars EACH WEEK.

Please sign up to provide a treat for these folks!! We are especially in need in April.

Signup here or call Erika

(402-533-0918):  https://signup.com/go/hfewWuF

Lenten Daily Calendars!!

We have a Lenten Calendar available for all! The calendar has a daily opportunity of either a prayer, a fast, or a give of some kind. We would love it if all of us could participate in these activities as a church family and share them with our neighbors! If you would prefer an electronic copy, please contact Erika.

Pick yours up at the Welcome Center beginning Feb. 7th. Lent begins on Feb. 14th.

Funeral Coordinator

The Women's Steering Team is in need of a Funeral Coordinator. This person would work with the family to provide workers for the funeral luncheon. The family is responsible for providing all the food. Please contact Sarah Boeka, Coordinator if you are interested in this position or would like more information. sboeka@abbnebraska.com 

or 402-669-6008.   

Safety Note from Pastor Glen:

Safety is an act of love! As COVID remains a threat in our community, and as flu, RSV, and other infectious diseases are on the move let us resolve again to use safe practices for the sake of one another. There is hand sanitizer available at the various entrances to our building and we would ask that you use it every time you enter the church. We will also make masks available for anyone who would choose to use them. At this point we will maintain our current worship and fellowship practices, but please know that we will continuously review them as is necessary to fulfill our responsibility to each other. Thank you for your

sense of grace and mutual respect.

-Pastor Glen

FLC Youth Garage Sale 2024!!

Yes, the time has come.

We are collecting items for our garage sale. Please bring your items to the elevator. If you have a large number of items or large sized items, please contact Erika to setup

a time for dropoff.

If you need to have your items picked up, we can try to arrange for that, but our abilities are limited with our kids' schedules. We'll do our best!!

Sale Dates: June 13-15, 2024



 ATTENTION High School Seniors and College Students: The Christian Growth Board is accepting scholarship applications for the 2024-2025 school year for post-secondary education. Any member of FLC that is currently a high school senior or college student may apply. Applications are available on the church website or by the Welcome Center. If you have any questions please call the church office at (402) 426-4073.

The deadline to submit an application is

April 14, 2024.

Do you participate in our online worship services?

If you watch our services on Facebook or other sites, please like the post or leave a comment each time. This will help us improve our accuracy in attendance numbers at First Lutheran.

W.O.W. Meal is back on Wednesdays!

There will be No W.O.W. Meal next Wednesday, March 27th since it is Holy Week.

Thank you!

Rushed on Wednesdays? 

Let us do the cooking!

Join us for the W.O.W. Meal

in the Fellowship Hall from 5:30 pm – 6:15 pm

prior to Worship Lab.

** Free-will offering **


  Come at 5:30 to fuel your body and then

stay for Worship Lab at 6:15

to feed your soul.

Pastor Glen's contact information


Pastor Glen's email is pastorglen@firstlutheranblair.org and his cell phone number is (402) 740-6395

if you need to contact him. 

meal picture.png

Wednesday, March

27th, 2024

We will be serving French Toast Casserole, fruit, and dessert.

Click here for more information


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers

†Family of Ben Carman

†Family of Curtis Jensen

†Family of Frank Korshoj

†Family of Ernie Smith (Heidi Garnett's Uncle)

†Thomas Uhlman - diagnosed with lung cancer

†Trina Kaiser - healing

†David Kaiser - healing

†Helen Garnett (Jim Garnett's mother) - healing

†June Jenson - prayers

†Chris Chance - healing

†Randy Backman - healing

†Clint Clausen - prayers

†Crew Workman - healing

†Mike Boeka - prayers for healing

†Deloris Matson - early stage lymphoma - healing & prayers

†John Wick

†Vivian Walvoord - healing & prayers

†Betty Wolsmann - healing

†Florence Larsen - prayers for healing

†Marilyn O'Neil

†Keith Matzen & family - prayers

†Dana - healing

†Clark Jenson

†Betty Anderson

†Sunni Wilson (mother of Melody Dubon)

†Wayne (father of Deb Henson) - prayers for healing

†Ruth Ann Persson - healing

†Gordon Soderberg - healing

†Irene Thorsen

†Jo Royuk (mother of Anne Chrans) - healing

†Russ Sonderup - prayers

†Meredith Dickerson - Alpha Gal


†Zach - cancer healing/treatment side effects

†Misty - healing and pain relief

†Marilyn Svendgard

†Sue Marsh - healing

†Merriebeth Ferguson (sister-in-law of Merriellen Bourn) - cancer - healing

†Chris Kesling - healing

†Alex - surgery & healing

†Mary LaScala

†Martin Kuhr - prayers & healing


†Georgia (great niece of Debbie Katt) -prayers & healing

†Kyler Reed - healing

†Scott & Katie Abrams - prayers & healing

†Kay Melby (Angela Ulven and Kari Hernandez’s mother) - healing

†Patrick McKinnis - continued healing

†Stacy Thompson Green (daughter of Marcy Bottorff) – prayers & healing

†Larry Kastrup – healing

†Leo Aguilar-Hicks – healing for Leukemia

†Lekura Parish

†Maui Wildfire Relief and all those we name in our hearts.

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