FLC Weekend Announcements

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Worship Times:

Saturday: 5 pm

Sunday: 8:15am & 10:15am

All Worship Services are Live Streamed on Facebook Live.



Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:30pm

Fridays: 8:30am-3:00pm.

Phone Number


Visit our Website
Click here for the May Church Council Meeting Agenda and the Approved April Council Meeting Minutes.  Also, click here for the draft of the Annual Meeting Minutes.


Applicants must be at least 1 year out of high school and love combining kids, faith, and the outdoors! Contact Erika or go to www.nlom.org/smt for more info!!

News from Christian Growth Board:

Dear Members and Friends of First Lutheran Church:

The purpose of this letter is to ask each of you to consider the Christian Growth Fund ministry in your estate planning, including Wills, Trusts and even designating the Fund as a beneficiary for a portion of life insurance or retirement plans.

The Christian Growth Fund is essentially an endowment fund established by FLC.  The bylaws of the church direct that all undesignated gifts, regardless of amount, from estates and trusts be placed in this fund.  The by-laws provide that 10% of each gift received may be distributed to a charitable or religious purpose and the remaining 90% invested.  The income from those investments is then used to support the benevolent mission of FLC.

Last year we distributed over $60,000 towards the benevolent mission of First Lutheran Church (FLC).  Some of the recipients of Christian Growth Funds include: college scholarships, Lutheran Family Services, Snack Pack Program, Joseph’s Coat, Table Grace Ministries, Carol Joy Holling, Washington County Ministerial Associate, Mosaic Of Omaha, TeamMates of Blair, Men’s Group, The Bridge Crisis Center, FLC Senior Lunches, FLC Youth Travel Fund, Love Days, Vacation Bible School, Tanzania Ministries, Lekura Parish, ELCA World Hunger, Bread for the World, Habitat for Humanity, Oaks Indian Center, and ELCA Disaster Relief.  

A few simple steps to consider include:

  1. Decide if you want to provide a gift.
  2. Determine what portion of your estate you wish to gift. 10%, 25% or a specific amount.
  3. Contact your attorney, financial planner, life insurance agent or retirement custodian and inform them of your intentions.
  4. Please be sure to inform them that undesignated gifts to FLC and gifts specifically directed to the Fund will go to the Fund.  Gifts specifically designated for such purposes as payment of church debt will NOT go to the Fund, but will instead go to the appropriate account of the church.
  5. If you, your attorney or financial advisor need more information, please call the church office and they will be directed to someone who can answer questions about Christian Growth Fund and its mission.

Please prayerfully consider a gift to First Lutheran Church Christian Growth Fund.


Christian Growth Fund Board

Layne Lueders

Brenda Schroeter

Mick Jensen

Mike Boeka

Carol Hartvigsen

Please see the Summer

Worship Schedule:


Saturday at 5pm in Sanctuary


Sunday at 9:30am in LIFE

 Center - Starts on Sunday, May 29th


Sunday at 7pm in Prayer

Garden - Starts on Sunday, June 5th




The Mid Week Meal needs your help.

We serve 240 people EACH WEEK.  That's 20 dozen cookies/bars EACH WEEK.

Please sign up to provide a treat for these folks!! We are especially in need in June and July!!

Signup here or call Erika (402-533- 0918):  https://signup.com/go/hfewWuF

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FLC Garage Sale

August 4—6, 2022!!


Do you have clutter you need to get rid of?

Would you like to support FLC ministries?

Donate your items—we can take them anytime!! 


Furniture, appliances, clothes, toys, ANYTHING!!

For more info, contact Tracy Gross (402-720-4139) or

Liz Soderberg (402-250-6818)!

Health Kit Items


Reminder: You can donate items for the Health Kits that the Women put

together. Please see a list of items to

donate below:


Bath Towels, Ivory Soap, Nail Clippers, and Toothbrushes


If you would like to donate these items you can donate by dropping off at the church office. Thank you!


Social Concerns Announcements:

Our MOTHERS’ DAY INGATHERING for our local Crisis Center, “THE BRIDGE,” will begin on Saturday and Sunday, May 7/8 and extend through May 31. Needed items are: Tracfones & Minutes, Copy paper, Stamps, Cleaning buckets, Hair shampoo and conditioner, Toilet paper, Paper towels, Old cell phones, and Bottled water. The following Snacks are also requested: Granola bars, Rice Krispy treats, individually wrapped snacks, and cookies. You are invited to place these items in the bins provided in the narthex. If you prefer to make a monetary gift, please make our check out to “The Bridge” and drop it off at the church office. What a wonderful opportunity this provides for assisting these “mothers in need”! 

Are you looking for another way to serve our Lord? FLC SOCIAL CONCERNS COMMITTEE is seeking new members. Come join a busy team that works to help others in the community and around the globe, and who truly desire to “Serve as Jesus Serves.” If this sounds like you, please contact Lynette Jennings, John Mark Nielsen, Jim Peterson, Trudy Hutton, Jess Fredericksen, or Eric Filows. Or—just come to our next meeting on Monday, May 16, in the church library. 

Please note there is both a plastic and a wooden Receptacle for gifts to the WASHINGTON COUNTY FOOD PANTRY are available to receive your food donations at FLC at any time! 

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Wednesday, May

18th, 2022

We will be serving Chicken Stuffing Casserole, fruit, and dessert.

Click here for more information


Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers

†Family of Linnea Alexander (mother of Pastor Chris Alexander)

†Carol Haussermann- prayers & healing

†Glen Andersen - prayers & healing

†June Jenson - prayers & healing

†Frank Korshoj - healing

†Mary LaScala

†Jenae - healing

†Tim Jensen - healing

†Debbie Kempcke - cancer - healing

†Kenny Truhlsen

†Dick Shaw

†Dale Mruz - healing

†Melissa Templar - healing

†Clark Jenson - prayers

†Martin Kuhr - prayers & healing

†Nicole Schmidt - prayers & healing


†Wayne (father of Deb Henson) - prayers for healing

†Jeff Gunderson - healing

†Georgia (great niece of Debbie Katt) -prayers & healing

†Kyler Reed - healing

†Justin Roberts-healing

†Scott & Katie Abrams - prayers & healing

†Kay Melby (Angela Ulven and Kari Hernandez’s mother) - healing

†Mr. S. Akot - healing

†Patrick McKinnis - continued healing

†Stacy Thompson Green (daughter of Marcy Bottorff) – prayers & healing

†Lisa Garcia – strength & healing

†Larry Kastrup – healing

†Leo Aguilar-Hicks – healing for Leukemia

†Lekura Parish

†Lutheran Disaster Response and all those we name in our hearts.

Baptized at our Font:

Soren Miller

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