Photo: Youth group's Winter Chill Getaway to Forest Springs, WI.
Sunday Worship
Jan 29
If you have any issues downloading please contact Christal at
Annual Meeting
Jan 29 at 10:30am in Fellowship Hall

The 2023 Annual Meeting of First Lutheran Church will be held on Sun, Jan 29. A light brunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30am, immediately following worship. The meeting will begin when everyone has been served. Childcare will be arranged.

This Annual Meeting can be watched on Zoom:
Passcode: 536677 

Those watching on Zoom will be able to listen and ask questions but not take part in voting. The emergency bylaw resolution that allowed remote participation during the pandemic no longer applies now that we are worshiping again in person and able to meet safely according to public health guidelines.
Annual Meeting Brunch

A light brunch will be served at the annual meeting on Jan 29. Donations of muffins, quick breads, egg bakes and cut up fruit are needed. Please contact Jeanie if you can help. Use the yellow cards, call, or email, 608.752.7434 x10 or Thank you!
News From FLCW Board

At the Jan 4 meeting of the FLCW Board, it was decided to cancel the sandwich and soup lunch again this year. Having the Spring Salad Luncheon was discussed. Please contact Jeanette Beard, or by phone 608.868.4240 if you would be willing to help prepare the meal for a spring luncheon or set up a themed table. Having the luncheon on a weekday or Saturday was also discussed. Now the luncheon is on the calendar for April 29, a Saturday, but that is not set in stone. If there is no interest in this event, it too will be canceled for this year. Thank you for your willingness to help.
Jan 28, Feb 11, 18, 25
from 10am-Noon in the FLC Gym

Come play pickleball or learn how to play on Saturdays in the gym from 10am-Noon. We have the equipment we just need you! Saturdays in January & February. Questions call Jenny McMullen at 608.208.0315.
Centering Prayer
Jan 30, Feb 6, 13, 20, 27 from 8-8:30pm via Zoom
Centering prayer, also known as the prayer of silence, helps you quiet your mind from the constant thoughts and impulses, and frees your true self to experience more of God’s love in the very core of your being. You will gain inspiration, rich insight, and practical knowledge of a contemplative prayer practice that can open you up to deep experiences of inner healing and peace. Everyone is welcome to take part.

Meeting ID: 816 1696 9038 
Passcode: 224107
The BG's
Jan 31, Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 from 8-11am
in the Fellowship Hall Lounge

The BG's are a group of 6-10 (mostly retired) guys that gather every Tuesday at 8am for coffee, socializing, and to handle the many outdoor and indoor miscellaneous maintenance needs around First Lutheran. If you are interested in joining this group stop by Tuesday as we are always looking for new people to join our team!
Jan 31, Feb 7, 14, 21, 28 at 9am
in the Gathering Space

Join us Tues at 9am in the Gathering Space for smiles, laughs, and lots of knitting!
Wednesday Bible Study
Feb 1, 8, 15, 22
from 10-11am in Rm 302

Please join us Wednesdays at 10am in Room 302 as we dig into our Lutheran understanding of baptism using Daniel Erlander's book, Water Washed and Spirit Born. Books will be provided.
Mission Sew
Feb 1 & 15 from 8:30-11am
Help Mission Sew with cutting, sewing, tying, and pining quilts for Lutheran World Relief. These quilts are distributed to struggling neighbors across the globe. For more info contact Margaret Drinkwater, by contacting the church at 608.752.7434.
Youth Ministries

Contact Eric with any questions, call/text 608.290.7083, or email Open to youth in 7-12th grades.
Page Turners Book Group
Feb 7 & Mar 7 at 6pm in the Gathering Space
Page Turners book group welcomes anyone who is interested! The group meets on the first Tues of the month. Contact Sally Schuenke 608.754.0407 with questions. 

Feb 7: Dear Edward by Ann Napolitano
Mar 7: Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
Karaoke Dance Party
Feb 9 from 5-7pm
LEAD Conference
Feb 11 from 8:30am-3:30pm
St Luke's Lutheran Church in Middleton
7337 Hubbard Ave
Our ministry focus this year continues to be “Building/Rebuilding.” This year for the LEAD conference we are “rebuilding” this great event and turning the focus to the excellent resources available through the SCSW Ministry Teams. Our keynote speaker is the Rev. Sara A. Cutter, who serves with the ELCA Churchwide organization as the Senior Director for Operational Effectiveness. Combining Pastor Cutter’s expertise and the expertise of our synod’s ministry teams will result in another outstanding LEAD experience for one and all.

Rostered leaders, lay leaders, congregational staff, and all those who are part of the work of building and rebuilding your ministry and community are encouraged to attend!

What Happens at LEAD?

So much! Here’s an overview of what’s in store:
  • Worship – We will center ourselves and begin with worship.
  • Workshops – you can attend up to two! Included are workshops directed toward congregational council leaders, communicators, and more.
  • Ample time for connecting with people from other congregations. Year after year, attendees reflect that talking to people from other congregations is one of the best things about LEAD.
  • Displayers from Synod and Lutheran Affiliated Organizations will be there to share opportunities for shared ministry.
  • This year, we will be receiving an in-kind and monetary offering for Open Doors for Refugees. See the information below (past the registration form) and consider taking a special offering/collection from your congregation to bring to LEAD and help support this great cause.
Candlelight Ski/Hike
Feb 11 from 6-8pm at Rockport Park
The Life Together Board is hosting a social event on Feb 11, 2023 from 6-8pm. We will be participating in the Candlelight Hike/Ski at Rockport Park. We will meet at 6pm in the Rockport Pool Parking lot which is where the head of the trail is located. Cost is free, but donations are welcome. Please RSVP Anne Gohlke 608.931.1043 by Feb 6 if you are interested in attending. More info:
Second Harvest Food Pantry
Feb 16 from 3:30-5:30pm
Distribution is in the gym. Please call Mary Gallup at 608.755.1399 so she knows if she has enough help. Set-up begins at 2:30pm. (We have enough grocery bags for now.) 
Ash Wednesday Fish Fry
Feb 22 from 5:30-7pm in Fellowship Hall
Chilli Cook-Off Contest
Feb 26 at 10:30am in Fellowship Hall
Living Well With Dementia
Feb 26 & Apr 23 in the Chapel
You are invited to join us for two more Living Well With Dementia discussions on Feb 26 and April 23. Please grab your coffee and join us in the Chapel following the first worship service. 
Host Coffee Hour
Thank you to all who signed up to host coffee hour in January and February! We are grateful for your generous hospitality. A sheet of guidelines and helpful hints for hosting are in the Gathering Space kitchen and they can also be mailed or emailed to you. You can always call the office with questions or to find out what is involved. 608.752.7434 x10. Sign-up sheet is in the serving area.
Paper Grocery Bags
Second Harvest

Paper grocery bags are again needed for Second Harvest. Please leave them in the labeled bin in the Donation Center on the ground floor. Thank you!
Caring for Your Needs
Please contact the office if you or a loved one is seriously ill, hospitalized, or in a care facility so we can keep in touch. 

Pastoral Visit: If you would like to have a visit from Pastor Jim Johnson in person or by phone, please call the church office at 608.752.7434 x10. 

Prayer Chain: Did you know that we have a very active prayer chain here at First Lutheran? If you, your family, or friends are in need of prayers for any reason, contact Jan Pinnow at or 608.352.7022. Or, contact the church office at 608.752.7434 x10 or You only need to give the first name of the person needing prayer and as much or as little information on their need as you wish. The members of the prayer chain will do the rest. 

If you are interested in praying for others contact Jan Pinnow (contact info above). 
Convalescent Loan Closet (Fellowship Hall): You are welcome to come and pick up or donate items. Accepting bath benches/chairs, toilet risers, commodes, walkers, canes, standard wheelchairs, and adult urinary incontinence products.
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, Friday 8am-Noon.
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