The Latest in Transportation
Booming Freight Market Creates Pressure to
Raise Rates and Driver Pay

C EO of McLeod Software, Tom McLeod, is pushing for fleets to increase rates and driver pay, saying "Go ahead and raise driver pay...Driver pay has lagged behind other industries such as construction and manufacturing. That's one of the reasons for driver shortage."

McLeod made a presentation where he discussed the driver shortage along with the challenges in driver recruiting and retention. In today's market, McLeod believes this is the best time to start asking shippers for higher freight rates to help carriers earn a profit and invest more in their businesses.
FMCSA Drops Exemption Process for
Drivers with Diabetes
A final ruling by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration states that certified medical examiners can now decide whether or not truck drivers with diabetes are qualified to drive.

Prior to this ruling, drivers were required to receive an exemption to be allowed to drive. This process could take up to six months, leaving many drivers out of work.

The final rule will be effective on November 17, 2018, 60 days after it was published in the Federal Register.
Top Takeaways from FLS Seminar
"Trucking Defense 2.0" with Doug Marcello
Trucking defense attorney Doug Marcello of Marcello & Kivisto, LLC spoke in our seminar last month when he gave guests insight on what to do before, during, and after an accident involving a company truck and driver. Here are some of his takeaways on what you should do for your company and drivers!
Top 3 Post-Accident Tips for Companies
  • Train your drivers: Make sure they know to stay quiet if an accident occurs.

  • Make sure you have an accident response plan so when the time comes, you are able to get out there and do what you need to do right away.

  • Take advantage of immediacy. A rapid response is the biggest asset you have.
Top 3 Post-Accident Tips for Drivers
  • Be courteous to those handling the accident.

  • Be quiet

  • Be proactive. Defend yourself. Take pictures. Get witness names. You are the first line of defense.
Be sure to attend our next seminar,
"Reasonable Suspicion: Drug and Alcohol Testing," planned for March 2019.
Congratulations to our Raffle Winners During Driver Appreciation Week!
During Driver Appreciation Week we held a raffle for five $100 gift cards for our valued drivers.
The winners are:

  • Roosevelt Cooper, Jr. (pictured at left)

  • Johanny Gomez

  • Guillermo Quintanilla

  • Lahai Stanley

  • Aaron Wilson

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