FLY Updates: September 2024

Register for the Year!

We are so excited to get back together! Each year students are required to fill out a Medical Release and Registration form - this is needed in order to participate in our trips. Please fill this out as soon as possible! Here's the link to the form: Youth Ministry Registration, Medical Release, and Yearly Permission Form.

Important Dates!

We have A LOT in store for the year ahead! Attached is a list of important dates throughout the year, including our mission trip dates. Students will get a physical copy of this list when we begin meeting in September. Here's the list of dates: FLY Important Dates.

Follow us on Instagram to get the latest updates: @flyglenellyn.

Sept. 4 - FLY Nights Begin - Food and the Bible

FLY meets on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8:30pm in the FLY Room. We'll spend some time getting to know each other, play games, and have a discussion about our faith in the real world.

Sept. 10 - FLY Forum Starts - Get to Know You Games

On Sundays, FLY meets in the FLY room from 9:45am through 10:45am. During this time we'll get to know each other, work on service projects, and connect our service to our faith.

Sept. 11 - FLY Night - Science & The Bible - Creation

Join us as we play a game and discuss the Creation Story and Science

Sept. 15 - FLY Forum - FLY Room Designing / Updating Session

We are looking to start updating the FLY Room! Come with your ideas to help make our Youth Room great!

Sept. 18 - FLY Night - Science & The Bible - Creation Part 2

Join us as we continue to think about Science and the Bible!

Sept. 22 - FLY Forum - Mission and Service Trip Reflections

Last summer our Confirmation and FLY Students went to Milwaukee, WI on a service trip. Our FLY students also went to New Orleans, LA to the ELCA Youth Gathering. We'll be sharing about our experience in Adult Forum - come hear about the trips we went on and where we saw God!

Sept. 25 - FLY Night - Mission and Service Trip Announcement for Parents and Students for the first 30 minutes / Service and Faith in Action

Our FLY Night for September 25 is going to look a little bit different! For the first 30 minutes, we invite parents and students to learn more about our Winter Retreat and the trips we're going on this summer. We'll reveal where we're going and all the information you need to know about the trip. This portion is for parents AND students.

After the Mission and Service Trip Announcement, we'll play some games and talk about how God calls us to serve others.

Sept. 29 - FLY Forum - FLY Room Paint Session

We're starting our FLY Room make over with some paint! Come in paint clothes ready to help!

Oct. 2 - Acolyte Olympics

Acolytes help during our worship services with communion. Confirmation and FLY students help with this role throughout the school year. On October 2, we'll be learning what it means to be an acolyte and finish our time with our annual Acolyte Olympic games!
