
This week I traveled to New England to train instructors to empower our fellow Americans to be well regulated as well as armed. Ironically, I was unable to be legally armed myself. Many of the instructor candidates, had different equipment and stacks of non-resident permits because of various state regulations and restrictions. Some folks could only have 10 round magazines. Some had 10 round magazines, but it would be a crime for them to put more than 7 rounds into the magazine. Some have standard capacity magazines, but they cannot give them or sell them to anyone inside their state. Others would be committing a felony if they had standard capacity magazines in their possession. All of them told stories of how it took weeks to get their permits and how it might be easier for me to obtain a non-resident permit than it was for them, a resident of the state, to obtain a permit for themselves.

When Americans are required to ask the government for permission to exercise a Right it IS an infringement. When an American is denied a Right because a government official has an anti-Liberty agenda, then that government official is a tyrant. Hearing stories of an official in county “A” that will issue a permit, but an official in county “B” will not, then the Rights of folks in county “B” are being infringed by the politics of a tyrant. This country was built on the notion that tyrants are not to be tolerated.

So, this begs the question, why the hell are we dealing with so many tyrants at the local, state and federal level?

It is because “We The People” are letting them get away with it.

In Pennsylvania, we are very fortunate to have preemption. We are also fortunate to have Article 1 Section 21 in the PA Constitution. We are also fortunate to still have many in the legislature that heed the restrictions place upon THEM by our US and PA Constitutions. This is clearly not the case in other states in the northeast USA. But make NO MISTAKE, in Pennsylvania, we are only one bad election cycle from losing the Liberty that we enjoy.

When I speak to gun owners in states where tyranny is the status quo, they feel helpless and act as if it is a forgone conclusion that they are going to continue to be restricted, defeated, and infringed. Many of them apathetically accept their defeat.

When I speak to gun owners in Pennsylvania, many feel as if “it could never happen here” or they say, “there is nothing I can do about it”, or they say, “when that happens, I’ll just move to West Virginia”. It is rare I hear a reply like, “Hell no! What can I do to help keep this from happening?”

Even though the media promotes the ideas that your vote doesn’t count, your voice will just be cancelled, speaking about your Rights is racist; the media also knows that the power is in OUR hands. IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL so long as we don’t give it away. If we didn’t have the ultimate power, why would so many politicians and the media work so hard to restrict us? The founders of this Country were very smart. They designed our Constitutional Republic so that the power is with “The People”. We vote and we are armed so that we can be the 4th and ultimate check and balance. The Constitution places restrictions on the government to protect our natural born, Rights and Liberties from the government. We must sometimes remind those in government that this IS the case. We must recognize this too and understand the responsibility that comes with it.

The last couple of years, millions of Americans from various backgrounds have chosen to exercise their 2nd Amendment Right to be armed to protect themselves and those that they love. We had superior numbers pre the 2020-2021 government overreach and lockdown phase, and now we have many more gun owners in the country. If every gun owner contacted their elected officials and stressed that we value our rights and won’t abide tyrants in the halls of government, we would not have threats to our liberty. The numbers are in our favor.

“We The People” are free, we have Liberty, and the rights of all Americans should be celebrated, honored, and protected. We must work to maintain our Liberty and labor to ensure that it is not eroded. The problem is, just like many other aspects of our lives in this society, we have left it up to the government to take care of us… and take care of itself.

The Government is indeed good at taking care of itself. They won’t put walls at our border to protect the country from invaders, but they put up fencing to protect the Capitol from you. Many want to take away your ability to have certain types of firearms (or any at all) but the politicians personal security details can certainly have them. You have to scrimp and save to make ends meet in this economy and the government can just print more money and borrow against the future of your children.

Think to yourself, what would your grandparents or great grandparents say about the state of our country today? What would those who fought in wars to protect our American way of life say about the state of our union? What would they say about YOU? What have you done to celebrate, honor, and protect the rights and liberties of your fellow Americans? What are you prepared to do to advance the cause of Liberty?

In a few weeks, we are having a primary election in PA. Do you know who is running? Do you know what these people are about? Do you know who your current representatives are? Do you know what they are all about? More importantly, do THEY know what YOU are all about? We must invest time on the election process to educate ourselves on those who wish to represent us. We must work to build relationships with those in office so that they actually represent us. In order for an elected official to properly represent you, they must first know what you are about.

Learn who your elected officials are and reach out to them. Let them know that YOU are a gun owner. Let them know you are a voter. If you are not a voter… be sure to vote. Look at their voting record in regard to 2A related issues. If you have a representative that DOES value your rights, ask them what you can do to help them advance the cause of Liberty. If they do NOT value your rights, ask them flat out, “why do you advocate to restrict the rights and liberties of those that you represent… including me?” Many “politicians” will try to convince you that they are not “restricting you”, they are “keeping you safe”. Remind them that anytime a FREE AMERICAN has to get permission from the government to exercise their most basic rights and liberties, then that American is being infringed upon. They are actually endangering you by making it harder for you to protect yourself from criminals and from the government itself.

I challenge you! Each day do something to help celebrate, honor, and protect the rights and liberties of all Pennsylvanians. Speak to elected officials. Urge your friends and family to speak to their representatives. Educate yourself and Vote ONLY for those that value the individual rights and liberties of ALL Americans. Be an ambassador for the 2nd Amendment. Share a post on social media showing that you are responsibly exercising your rights and Liberties. Encourage others to do the same.

In 2020 I was honored to be among many American pro-Liberty advocates that spoke during the 2020 virtual 2A Rally. Although the video is a few years old, the message is as important today as it was then. Click Here or on the photo below to view the video.
The State of The State
By Kim Stolfer, FOAC-ILLEA President
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not simply outmoded, archaic concepts to be disregarded in a cavalier fashion or, as is currently the case, seen as obstacles to be overcome. They are pillars that need to be defended and nourished with water ‘or’ the blood of patriots.

Despite the constant barrage of attacks, the fact of the matter is that our Constitution and the Bill of Rights means that the power of government is limited. The hard-fought victory in the PA House and Senate on Constitutional Carry is one example of how FOAC-ILLEA is fighting for Freedom. Yes, we know that Gov. Wolf vetoed this legislation and that we fell short of a veto override, but we WILL be back.

Another key point is the Point of Contact status for Firearm Background Checks – PICS – here in PA. The PSP has been operating this POC in parallel with the National Instant Check system since 1998. PA is one of 13 POC states in the US. We have ‘opposed’ this system since its inception for many reasons;

1.    the violation of citizens’ rights (background check fees)
2.    the intrusion into citizens’ privacy (Record of Sale / Registration of guns & gun owners)
3.    the reliability/consistency of operation of PICS
4.    the lack of accountability of operators of PICS
5.    many, many more issues
FOAC-ILLEA has filed suit, two weeks ago, to have the courts examine the operation of PICS/PSP for compliance with PA Statutory Law. This has been a LONG time coming for ‘all’ the wrong reasons. This is in addition to our Preemption lawsuits against Pittsburgh and Harrisburg that are winding their way through the courts. To Donate to these worthy causes please go to this website:

To Progressives, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not pillars of American society that must be defended. To Progressives, the 2nd Amendment is simply a wrong idea, long discredited, that should either be ignored, re-defined as meaningless, or removed from the body of law. They do not believe in natural law or individual rights. The 2nd Amendment is simply a political inconvenience. Progressives generally view the State as God. Right is anything that advances Progressivism. The concept that an openly armed person is a provocation to attack appears to flow from a simple premise on the left: A person doing something a leftist does not like is a provocation to attack them. It is part of the broader philosophical abandonment of the rule of law.

Radio and TV personality Dan Bongino put it this way: Conservatives think leftists are people with bad ideas; Leftists think Conservatives are bad people. This manifests itself in many forms such as the PA State Police PICS unit, the FBI and a host of other agencies operating outside the normal channels of legitimate elected government.

The 2nd Amendment limits government power. The belief in natural law, that the 2nd Amendment is based on, defies, and is in direct contradiction, to the theory of Progressivism. The idea that people have a right and the ability, to rule themselves is treated by Progressives as absurd.

Part of this attitude toward the open carry of weapons by people other than government agents comes from the Left’s worship of government as God. A private person openly carrying a firearm is a direct and obvious statement of individualism. The Left hates the idea of limits on government. For that reason, gun control is in Progressivism’s DNA. Defining open carry of weapons as a legal provocation is Orwellian word manipulation.

As we continue to suffer from the rise in crime, on many fronts, (the Philadelphia violent crime with firearms to the continued losses on preemption) to the assault on law enforcement through defunding and humiliating them; the rejection of what defines us as a people is beginning to be rejected by average citizens.

The resurgence of Constitutionalists and belief in natural rights and natural law is the result of hard fought and bitter experience over the last century. Over and over again, various iterations of Progressives have taken over governments and instituted their theories, backed by the absolute power of the state. They have uniformly ended in failure, often spectacular failure.

Firearms Owners Against Crime – Institute for Legal, Legislative, Educational Action are the primary advocates for Castle Doctrine (2002-2010) and other responsible public policy, including participating in the writing of PA’s current LTCF law, and the protection of individual constitutional freedom protecting legislative initiatives for the last 28 years.
The Article V Constitutional Convention and Why We Oppose It
There are a lot of well-meaning legislators pushing for an Article V Constitutional Convention. This process allows for delegates from across the country to crack the hood (so to speak) on the Constitution and make “adjustments”.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

Because it has never successfully been invoked, the convention method of amendment is surrounded by a lengthy list of questions.1 When and how is a convention to be convened? Must the applications of the requisite number of states be identical or ask for substantially the same amendment, or merely deal with the same subject matter? Must the requisite number of petitions be contemporaneous with each other, substantially contemporaneous, or strung out over several years? Could a convention be limited to consideration of the amendment or the subject matter which it is called to consider? These are only a few of the obvious questions, and others lurk to be revealed on deeper consideration.
When a state passes a Convention of States application, it goes into a stack with other states that have passed an application. Many folks think that our current legislators are going to be the people that represent Pennsylvania during a convention. This could not be further from the truth. How many years will it take to get enough applications to make the Convention a “go”?
Will you trust unknown future representatives to speak for you?
Do you think that your Great Grandparents would believe that in 2022 there are actual self-proclaimed Socialists walking the halls of government? Do you know what type of people will be available to represent us in an Article V Constitutional Convention if one were to take place in 10, 15, or 20 years from now? By passing the application NOW, we are giving power to future elected officials to “tweak” the Constitution.
The current call for a Convention is “to propose constitutional amendments that will limit federal spending, limit federal power, and set term limits for federal officials”. There are indeed good ideas, but can these things be done other ways? Are you SURE that by the time a convention happens, will these reasons be the sole focus of those that attend? Maybe by the time a Convention happens (if it happens), the reason will be to restrict “toxic” speech, eliminate “dangerous” firearms, and to grant the federal government the ability to mandate certain medical procedures to ensure the health and safety of the population.
If any of you have a crystal ball, I would certainly appreciate a peek.
The last time there was a Constitutional Convention was in 1787. The delegates went to Philadelphia to “make adjustments” to the Articles of Confederation and ultimately threw it out all together and replaced it with our current Constitution. There are no restrictions in place as to what can be done. Anything and everything COULD be on the table.
In defensive training, we teach that we must scrutinize any individual within our protective bubble and cautiously look upon them as a potential threat to our safety. The unknown is something we must be careful of. Therefore, it is prudent to look upon an Article V Constitutional Convention as a potential threat to our basic Rights and Liberties. Contact your PA Senator and let them know that we must not roll the dice on our Constitutional Republic, say no to an Article V Constitutional Convention.
"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops."

Noah WebsterAn Examination of the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution, October 10, 1787
Love at First Sight:
Discovering Trijicon HD Night Sights
By Stephen LaSpina, FOAC-ILLEA Board Member
I was roaming through one of the massive exhibit halls at the Great American Outdoors Show. Held annually in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, this is a must-see event for those who love to camp, fish, hunt, and shoot. 

My meandering eventually led me to the Magpul booth, where, this particular year, they had a very prominent display featuring their new P-Mags, made for GLOCK pistols. On display were several guns with the newly-released magazines. After selecting a GLOCK 19 from the row of firearms and acquiring a sight picture, I let out a small gasp. The sights on the gun had caught my attention: They were exactly what I had been looking for.

I had been wanting to replace the factory Glock sights on my everyday carry pistol for some time. However, I was overwhelmed by the amount of available options on the market. I knew I wanted to purchase steel night sights, but the offerings I had seen up to that point did not offer what I felt was a distinctive enough front sight to differentiate it from the rear. 

As I acquired a sight picture with the GLOCK, a Magpul representative approached me to see if I had any questions about the new P-Mags. I replied, “Forget about the mags...tell me who makes these sights!” He obliged, and it wasn’t long before I ordered a set for my own Gen 4 GLOCK 19.

Trijicon HD night sights offer a very bold, photoluminescent painted front sight in either orange or yellow/green. (The color I had picked up and fallen in love with was the latter.) The front sight also contains a tritium vial. The rear sight is of the plain black U-notch variety, with tritium vials that only become noticeable in darker settings. This combination of a bold front sight and plain black rear sight was absolutely stunning to me. When shopping for pistol sights, it is one thing to see pictures of them on a website: it is quite another to actually see them in person. 

I have had this set of sights for many years now. They have been with me through multiple training classes and many more range sessions. They are a joy to shoot with, whether I am in bright sunlight or a low-light environment. While they are not inexpensive, this is certainly one investment that was well worth the upfront cost for me. If you are in the market for steel night sights, I suggest researching Trijicon HDs!
The ATF published the new “Final Rule” that changes the definitions of a frame, receiver, and firearm. Now a piece of plastic or hunk of metal CAN be considered a firearm. It was thought that Sigmund Freud once said, “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” Now a piece of plastic that has no functioning internal parts is just a firearm.
FOAC-ILLEA Board Member Jim Stoker, Presenting at a FOAC-ILLEA Concealed Carry Seminar
FOAC-ILLEA Monthly Meeting - May
Date: 05/8/2022
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: South Fayette Township Municipal Bldg.
Address: 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064

Concealed Carry Seminar - sponsored by Rep. Josh Kail
Date: 05/10/2022
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Location: Avella Volunteer Fire Department
Address: 1560 Avella Road 15061

Firearms License to Carry Satellite Event
Date: 05/14/2022
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Monroeville Boro Office
Address: 2700 Monroeville Blvd., Monroeville, PA 15146

Concealed Carry Seminar - sponsored by Rep. Matt Dowling
Date: 05/18/2022
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Farmington Volunteer Fire Department
Address: 119 Elliotsville Road 15437

FOAC-ILLEA Monthly Meeting - June
Date: 06/12/2022
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: South Fayette Township Municipal Bldg.
Address: 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064

Firearms License to Carry Satellite Event
Date: 06/25/2022
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: South Park Community Center
Address: 2575 Browssville Rd., South Park, PA 15129

FOAC-ILLEA Monthly Meeting - July
Date: 07/10/2022
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: South Fayette Township Municipal Bldg.
Address: 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064

Firearms License to Carry Satellite Event
Date: 07/16/2022
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: North Fayette Community Center
Address: 580 Donaldson Rd., Oakdale, PA 15071

Firearms License to Carry Satellite Event
Date: 08/6/2022
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Allegheny Valley Volunteer Fire Company
Address: 851 Parkway Dr., Harwick, PA 15049

FOAC-ILLEA Monthly Meeting - August
Date: 08/14/2022
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: South Fayette Township Municipal Bldg.
Address: 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064

Concealed Carry Seminar - sponsored by Rep. Barb Gleim
Date: 08/17/2022
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Carlisle Fire and Rescue
Address: 117 Carlisle Springs Road 17013

FOAC Monthly Meeting - September
Date: 09/11/2022
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: South Fayette Township Municipal Bldg.
Address: 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064

Harrisburg 2A Rally
Date: 9/12/2022
10:00 am
Location: Pennsylvania Capitol Stairs
 Address: 501 N. Third St, Harrisburg, PA 17101

Firearms License to Carry Satellite Event
Date: 09/17/2022
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Forward Township Municipal Building
Address: 1000 Golden Cir., Elizabeth, PA 15037

Firearms License to Carry Satellite Event
Date: 10/1/2022
8:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: Crescent Township Municipal Building
Address: 225 Spring Run Rd., Glenwillard, PA 15046

FOAC-ILLEA Monthly Meeting - October
Date: 10/9/2022
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: South Fayette Township Municipal Bldg.
Address: 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064

FOAC-ILLEA Monthly Meeting - November
Date: 11/13/2022
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: South Fayette Township Municipal Bldg.
Address: 515 Millers Run Road, Morgan, PA 15064

FOAC-ILLEA Annual Meeting and Holiday Luncheon - December
Date: 12/11/2022
10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Location: TBD
Address: TBD 15064
Closing Thoughts
FOAC-ILLEA is working to educate our fellow Americans and fight to advance the cause of Liberty for all Pennsylvanians. We are an ALL Volunteer organization and are always looking for folks to help us fight tyrants in the newspapers, on the internet, in the halls of the Capitol, and in the Courts.

Each day do something to help celebrate, honor, and protect the rights and liberties of all Pennsylvanians.

Stay Armed and Be Well Regulated!

Yours Most Respectfully,

Klint Macro