All JVME content is published with a 12-month open access embargo and all issues published up to and including volume 47 issue 3 (June 2020) are now open access at
This model expands access to important developments in veterinary medical education. JVME’s hybrid publishing model amplifies its global reach to veterinary medical practitioners, educators, researchers, prospective and current veterinary medical students, and other stakeholders.
The hybrid model fosters AAVMC’s goals of building public awareness of the ways veterinary medicine is advancing global health and wellbeing; promoting careers in veterinary and biomedical research among students, applicants, and pre-applicants; and supporting engagement, sharing and collaboration among AAVMC member institution research administrators.
Increased visibility and more timely access to the research presented in JVME will also promote interprofessional collaboration and improve outreach to the media and policymakers, further increasing the impact of JVME and its authors on international veterinary medicine.
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