"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Ghandi
Don't wait for someone else to solve the problem.

Winners List

Congratulations to all of our winners!
Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors who helped
to make this such a successful event!

Winners and prizes are listed below.

2021 Wacky Quacky Ducky Derby Winners
$2,000 American Leakless Company Grand Prize: Jeffrey White
2nd Place: Marriott Shoals Hotel and Spa One Night’s Stay: Jason Newton
3rd Place: Canebrake Club Round of Golf for 4: Kristina Crutchfield
4th Place: $250 Osborne’s Jewelers Gift Card: Charity McLin
5th Place: SK Salon Gift Basket: Gerry and Marilyn Ford
6th Place: $150 Cash – American Leakless Company: Naomi Dubois
7th Place: $100 Cash – American Leakless Company: Terry Machnicki
8th Place: $100 Cash – Athens-Limestone Hospital: Samantha Bussey
9th Place: $100 Cash – Brody Jackson State Farm: Jason Newton
10th Place: $100 Cash – Crown Service Termite & Pest Control: Alan Bullington
11th Place: $100 Cash – Distinctive Landscaping, Inc.: Tammy McAllister
12th Place: $100 Cash – Limestone Drug Company: Brandon Heard
13th Place: $100 Cash – Morell Engineering, Inc.: LeeAnn Hooks
14th Place: $100 Gift Card – Hobbs Jewelers: Robin Gerrish
15th Place: $100 Gift Card – Publix: Pam Haney
16th Place: Set of 4 Flex Tickets – Theatre Huntsville: Tony Luttrell
17th Place: $50 Cash – Athens-Limestone Hospital: Lisa Kerr
18th Place: $50 Cash – Distinctive Landscaping, Inc.: Keith Hicks
19th Place: $50 Gift Card – Eastside Pharmacy: Trustmark Bank
20th Place: $50 Gift Card – Eastside Pharmacy: Amy Frasier
21st Place: 2 Flex Tickets – Theatre Huntsville: Gene Darrell
22nd Place: 2 Flex Tickets – Theatre Huntsville: George Kelley
Lazy Duck Awards: Gift Certificates to Dub’s Burgers: Darden Bridgeforth & Sons, Hillary Riggins, Leslie Roberts, Shelby Rouse, Mary Simpson, Richard Smith


Congratulations to our $2,000
American Leakless Company
Jeffrey White!

We had a total of 2,007 ducks in our race this year thanks to the wonderful support that we received from our community. Over $11,000 was raised for KALB from both the Wacky Quacky and the Duck and Run 5K fundraisers combined! So thank you, Athens and Limestone County, for helping KALB continue it's mission to empower citizens to take greater responsibility for enhancing their (your) community enviroment.
Recycling Your Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG)
Thanksgiving week is here, and that means there will be lots of cooking and frying! Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) are created when we cook meat, or use cooking oil, butter, or other similar products. Pouring these FOGs down the drain can cause serious plumbing and sewer issues that can easily be avoided.

Cooking fats, oils, and grease can be recycled in LImestone County!

How To Recycle FOG:

  • Pick up a free FOG container from one of the cages located at the Athens-Limestone Recycling Center, at the KALB office, or at the Athens Utilities Building.
  • Fill your container with fats, oils, and grease from your kitchen.
  • Return the full container to the bottom shelf of any of the FOG cages and take an empty one.

Let's do our part to keep FOGs out of our drains and sewer systems!

Recycling Center Updates
The Recycling Center Manager and Ass

The Athens-Limestone Recycling Center is pleased to bring back Community Collection Centers to the following areas for public use:

  • East Limestone High School
  • Cedar Hill Elementary
  • West Limestone High School
  • Owens Elementary Property
  • Elkmont High School
  • Johnson Elementary
  • Clements High School
  • Ardmore High School
  • Piney Chapel
  • Tanner High School (new trailer located on the north side)

Monday through Friday
6:00 am to 2:30 pm.
The Recycling Center will accept the
following materials at the
during business hours. (Bins are
promptly removed at 2:30 pm.)

Please SORT BEFORE ARRIVING. If bringing items in a plastic bag, empty your items out of the bag into the correct bins.

  • Container Plastics #1, #2, and #5
  • Plastic bags and film (clean and dry)
  • Electronics (if you have heavy items, please bring help to unload. We currently do not have staff at the plant to help you. There is a $10 fee for TVs of any size. All other electronics are accepted free of charge.)
  • Cardboard (including paperboard: cereal boxes, drink cartons, etc.) (Cardboard MUST be broken down. Unbroken boxes take up too much space!)
  • Newspaper (must be separate from other paper)
  • Junk Mail, Office Paper, Magazines
  • Shredded Paper (please leave in bag)
  • Steel/Tin Cans and Other Steel Items
  • Aluminum Cans and Other Aluminum Items
  • Glass Bottles and Jars - All Colors (Glass must be sorted by colors: brown, clear, and blue and green. NO other types of glass accepted!)


Athens-Limestone Recycling Center


City of Athens Sanitation Department
(Athens City Curbside Recycling)

City curbside recycling pickup has resumed. The west side (west of Hwy 31) is picked up on the 1st and 3rd Mondays, and the east side (east of Hwy 31) is picked up on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. City residents may request a blue recycling cart by calling the City of Athens Sanitation Department
at 256-233-8747.

Old Town Cemetery:
Ready For The Holidays!
The Athens-Limestone Beautification Board has once again dressed up the Old Town Cemetery for the Holidays, just in time for Christmas Open House last weekend! Wreaths have been placed on the wrought iron fencing and on the headstones, drawing attention to the historic sight holding some of Athens' first citizens. The addition of the fencing, landscaping, and headstone repair have been some of the projects that the board has completed over the last several years at this special cemetery. Thank you to all of the board members who worked together on this project. The Old Town Cemetery is located on Washington Street between East Street and Beaty Street.   
Mark Your Calendar:
Upcoming 2022 Spring Events

Elk River Cleanup: Saturday, March 12th

Household Hazardous Waste Collection: TBD

Earth Day & Outdoor EXPO: Saturday, April 23rd


We Want to Hear From You!
Links to KALB's Articles
Athens Now Publication

Here is the link to our most recent articles featured in Athens Now:

October 15, 2021

November 19, 2021
Athens Now can be found twice monthly in local grocery stores, pharmacies, doctors offices, the KALB office, etc. KALB's article is always on PAGE 12.

You can also read KALB's Clean, Green, and Beautiful articles (current and past) by clicking the link online at www.KALBCares.com.
Keep Athens-Limestone Beautiful | 256-233-8000 | Fax: 256-233-8012
KALBCares@gmail.com | KALBCares.com