Pacific Naturopathic
Pacific Naturopathic  Newsletter
 Number 119 * July 2019
1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7  
                             Mountain View, CA 94040, 650-961-1660     

The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care


What most readers do not know about Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel is that in addition to keeping up with events and research in nutrition, we are also big-time foodies.  For counseling patients, we read articles and journals on food and nutrition.  As foodies, we subscribe to various food magazines (check out ad-free  milk street ) and take international trips every year to countries known for their gastronomical delights.  (Spain three times, Turkey twice, Greece, Japan, France... This year, we hope to be allowed by the US government to travel to Cuba (yummy creole cuisine) as Dr. Marcel has not seen his family in over 20 years.)

In this issue of the newsletter, Dr. Connie muses on the energetic aspect of food preparation and eating; Dr. Marcel offers a nutrition update with news and commentary on several topics; Jane returns with her explanation of how effective hypnosis is for sticking to a weight loss program; Anandini discusses the joys of summer fruits from a Chinese medical perspective; and Connie waxes poetically on the joys of home cooking, including a few of our favorite recipes.

The  Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care  articles include an article on the connection between nitrates in drinking water and cancer; 33 of the most dangerous things science has linked to cancer and a study on how cannabis helps ease cancer-related symptoms.

NEXT MYERS COCKTAIL SATURDAY, July 20,  Details below. Also in this newsletter is a question/answer format article on the Myers cocktail. Yes, yes, nobody likes needles and the thought of an IV is not motivational to many people, but the reality is that the Myers infusion is so much easier than the thought of it.  Dr. Marcel is happy to answer telephone questions about the Myers cocktail with anyone interested in it.  Our patients who have discovered the Myers keep coming back for more, and are glad they did.  

May all beings be healthy and happy!

Dr. Connie, Dr. Marcel, Dr. Sage, Jane H. and your health care team  at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

Our Saturday Myers Cocktail Parties have been huge successes with a room full of chatting, happy guests. I.V. patients love interacting and learning from each other while receiving their I.V. therapies. This being so,

Please join us for our next  
Myer's Cocktail party:

Saturday, July 20, 
between 8:00 AM and 12:00 Noon.  

Just for fun, our Saturday parties feature chit-chat with the doctors and other patients.

Rates for Myers Cocktails will be discounted on July 20 only! Usually $145; Saturday, May 18, $125 (addition of glutathione is $50 extra).

(Note: Myers Cocktail Parties are open to all patients who have previously  received I.V. therapies with us or from a referring doctor.  Patients new to us and/or new to I.V. therapies will need a prior 30 minute safety and orientation consult with one of our doctors. Schedule in advance for prioritized service or just feel free to show up.  Other IV therapies are available as well at early start times and are discounted 10 percent.)

Want to find out about the Myers Cocktail? 
Read Dr. Alan Gaby's excellent monograph  HERE

Dr. Connie Muses on
Beyond Dietary Shoulds and Should Nots

by Connie Hernandez, ND
In our affluent society, we have endless dietary options. Books and podcasts promote an ever-expanding array of dietary plans, most of which do help a certain number of people. While many people are intrigued and committed to these diets, some are baffled.

Increasingly, we see patients suffering from great anxiety as to what it is that they should be eating. 
Wise food choices are a good thing, and there are some simple guidelines with which most health minded people would agree. Particularly when considering the "dirtier" fruits and vegetables, choose organic when available and when it is financially feasible to do so. Increase the variety and quantity of fresh fruits and veggies. Eat wild, not farmed fish if you eat fish; choose free range eggs, poultry and meats that are certified hormone and antibiotic free. Limit fried food. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Reduce sugar, simple carbs and processed foods.  Emphasize pure water and herbal and green teas, avoiding sugary drinks (including excess fruit juice!). And so on.

Click HERE to read entire article

Find out more about Dr. Connie's work  HERE

Nutrition Update: 2019

by Marcel Hernandez, ND

Determining what to eat used to be easy.  You ate what was seasonally and locally grown. That was it. This simplicity still exists in many parts of the world.  During our many travels in Spain, for example, we ate delicious, local food, grown without chemicals.

With the advent of globalization and rapid transportation from growers to markets, in California we can eat Mexican and S. American -grown produce out of season.  You can purchase a watermelon in San Francisco in the middle of the winter!  My article this month has little to do with the above.  Instead, I will address some of the questions that have been posed during my office visits with patients.

Read above-referenced article HERE

Putting Your Best Food Forward 
Using Hypnosis 

Jane Hernandez, CCHT
Have you ever heard the phrase; diets don't work?  You probably have but that doesn't stop you and millions of others from trying the latest and (supposedly) greatest diet. It's not unusual that weight can come off but it IS rare that it stays off and eating habits change.

This is especially true at midlife because that is when the weight sticks more, even for those who didn't previously have a weight problem. This is particularly upsetting because getting older does not preclude wanting to look good. 

What if I told you that hypnosis plus a good meal plan is the way to lose weight AND keep it off? 

Read rest of article HERE

For more information about Jane and her work 
Juicy July

Anandini Wadera, L.Ac.

While many of us await Summer for the vacation time it brings, the sunshine and long days, the pool and other social activities, I particularly love Summer for the various fresh fruit, and to me, the social gatherings on long Summer evenings wouldn't be complete without something sweet. 

I thought I'd share a bit about the qualities of different Summer fruit from a Chinese Medicine perspective, so you can choose fruit that not only taste good but might benefit you. 

Watermelon - a pool party classic! This fruit is considered very cold, and is actually used to reduce fevers in Chinese Medicine. Be sure it's a hot day when you consume this fruit. 

Peach - surprisingly, peaches are thought to be warming in nature. They nourish Qi and Blood while mildly helping blood flow, such that they increase blood flow to the skin and contribute to that healthy glow we all desire.   

Cherry - another warming fruit, but its deep red exterior and interior create an affiliation for the Heart and calms anxiety by settling the Heart-Mind. But don't eat too many or you may end up with mild diarrhea! 

Pineapple - not native to California, but often eaten during the Summer thanks to our tropical neighbors; the pineapple is best known for its neutral temperature and digestive properties. If you're feeling extra stuffed after a BBQ, try having a couple slices of pineapple to aid in breaking down that food.

Have a wonderful July!    

To schedule with Anandini, please contact her directly at  or 650-922-1129
Visit Anandini's web site:

Preparing Home Made Meals May Be Easier Than You Thought 

by Dr. Connie Hernandez

Living here in Silicon Valley, we can source pretty much anything we want in terms of very specific healthy and not so healthy food options.  We have Farmer's Markets, ethnic food markets, Whole Foods and health food stores galore. If you're one of those folks who just don't want to be bothered with preparing your own food, you're living in a place where you can easily source ready made or partially prepared food.
But this column this month is for those of you who prefer more of a hands on approach to your food, but don't have unlimited time to prepare your food, and are looking for helpful hints, recipes and resources. 

Read rest of article HERE

Ionic Detoxification  Foot Baths in Our Office!

For years we resisted this form of therapy thinking it too woo-woo for our patients.  Then the manufacturer showed us before and after heavy metal testing results performed on foot bath patients.  We were impressed!

Dr. Connie experiences ionic foot bath at a conference

How long are the sessions?  

Sessions last 30 to 45 minutes. Patients can just sit and relax, read or doze during the session.
What will a person experience?

Nothing except a warm water foot soak during treatment.  Afterward, people may experience a pleasant tingling sensation in the feet. Most people also experience a deep relaxation effect and for some, better sleep.  Often people experience more energy and alertness and a clearing of brain fog.
How often should a person receive treatment?

Any detoxification program has a cumulative effect with repeated treatments.  However, each individual session provides benefits. We offer discount packages for people who desire sustained positive effects. Ideally, people should receive three treatments a week separated by one or two days.
What times are available for treatment?

Any time the office is open.
How much do treatments cost?

Single Session:            $50
6 Session Package:      $255 ($42.50 per treatment, a 15% discount)
12 Session Package:    $480 ($40 per treatment, a 20% discount)
* Package purchases must be paid at the time of scheduling.

For a deeper discussion of the science behind the foot bath, click  HERE


Recommended by 
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel...

For Sale in our clinic...

Expanded Unique Healthy Product Section in Our Clinic: 
 Perfect for Gifts and Self-Care

We are absolutely  delighted to offer a selection of unique healthy products, 
most of which are not available anywhere else in the Bay Area.

For a complete list of special products available in our little boutique, click  HERE

Myers Cocktail: Questions and Answers 
- Safe, Powerful Effective -

The Myers Cocktail has been around for 40 years and is the most popular IV cocktail in our clinic.  Read this detailed  information sheet and you will see why.

Want to learn more about the Myers Cocktail?  Alan Gaby, MD, has written the definitive, easy-to-read MONOGRAPH  about it.

Please phone 650-961-1660 for more information.

About food:
Sweet Onion Greens

Perfect for warm summer days -- this quick and easy dish is absolutely delicious, healthy and quickly made.  Perfect for those of us who get home from work feeling tired and not in the mood to cook. Also great at pot lucks.

You can use any greens you like -- chard, kale, bok choy, spinach, dandelion greens, mustard greens, even finely chopped green beans -- the only limitation is your imagination!



- big bunch of greens
- ¼ sweet onion, diced fine
- 2 tbls toasted sesame oil
- 2 tsps  rice vinegar 
- pinch of salt
- 1 tsp toasted sesame seeds
- dash of hot sauce (not so you'd notice)
Steam greens until soft.  Chop fine.  Add rest of ingredients.  Toss to mix everything together.  Best served at room temperature.



Breast Thermography at
Pacific Naturopathic
- how food choices influence thermographic readings -

You may be surprised at how food choices can influence breast thermography readings.  

We have often seen changes in comparative thermal risk ratings after a person has followed a detox diet, or even a basic anti-inflammatory diet. Avoiding bad fats, sugar and simple carbs reduces overall inflammation. That reduction in inflammation is often reflected in reduced thermal risk ratings. 
The hormonal grade on the thermography reports reflects not only internal estrogen production, but also intake of estrogen through hormone replacement therapy, and through foods and environmental sources. Eggs, dairy and meat should be organic, free range, and certified to be free from hormones and antibiotics. Otherwise, bodily hormones may be altered in disruptive ways, and that disruption may be reflected back to you by a higher hormonal grade.

Breast thermography is offered on most Wednesdays at Pacific Naturopathic.

Read more about 
breast thermography  at
Pacific Naturopathic   here.

Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii: 

Check Future Openings 
(then click on "Availability")

Sunset over the Pacific, viewed from the View House lanai.

Finding yourself in need of a quiet space in which you might restore your outer self through communion with nature, and re-experience the peace and calmness of your deep inner Self? 

Fresh local seasonal organic food is always the best food, and we find that kind of food in abundance on the Big Island. The Hilo Farmers' Market on Wednesdays and Saturdays features produce, food and drinks, and crafts as well. Waimea (a 25 minute drive from PNRC) offers a choice of 3 lively and unique farmers' markets on Saturdays. And Honokaa has a Sunday market. 
To add to all of that, guests at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center wander the property, helping themselves to seasonal fruits, and introducing themselves to more unusual tropical varieties such as jaboticaba. Jaboticaba looks a bit like a Concord Grape, and erupts from the bark and branches of the trees.
Come and taste for yourself!  
How to get there?  Both Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines routinely offer special fares.

C heck our VACATION RENTAL CALENDAR   and see if there is an opening that works for you.

* * *

Isn't it time you treated yourself to a magical experience?
Come, enjoy, rejuvenate and reinvent yourself. 

Medical Humor:  A Break From 
"Matters of Consequence"

The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care

News and Commentary on Cancer Topics

* * * * *

What We Offer  at the  Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

There is light in the darkness

Our cancer patients often ask us to give them an estimate of the effectiveness of therapy at the Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care. We respond that  our entire focus is on helping our patients stay healthy, upbeat and positive. 

The truth is that the botanical and nutritional therapies we offer (including  intravenous vitamin C), although 'adjunctive' in nature, have powerful documented actions in decreasing inflammation, reducing tumor load and attacking cancer stem cells. 

  Our mind/body approaches are focused on transformation of experience.  And our bodywork approaches help reduce muscular pain, resolve lymph drainage problems and relieve stress. 
  The hope we offer is not that of a miraculous cure, 
although we are definitely open to miracles, 
but the hope of a life lived to the fullest in dignity 
and understanding, for however long that may be.

Study: Nitrates in drinking water 
linked to cancers
A new study by the non-profit  Environmental Working Group  and researchers from Northeastern University found that nitrate pollution in U.S. drinking water could cause over 12,000 cases of cancer each year.  The peer-reviewed study  is published in the journal Environmental Research. 

Nitrates are a type of  plant nutrient found in land and water ecosystems that are harmful to humans if consumed at high concentrations, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. They can find their way into drinking water through runoff from fertilized land, water treatment plants, leakage from septic tanks or sewage, industrial discharge, or the erosion of natural deposits.

Read full article  HERE

33 of the most dangerous things 
science has strongly linked to cancer

by Hilary Brueck
Cancer is the  No. 2 cause of death in the U.S., second only to heart disease.

It fundamentally affects the way our cells grow and divide, changing them in perverse ways. All cancer is a result of damage or genetic mutations in our DNA. The nasty, debilitating class of diseases spreads through a body like an invading army, as toxic cells grow relentlessly into unruly tumors.

Some cases of cancer are out of our control, determined by genetic defects and predispositions passed down from one generation to the next, or spurred by genetic changes we undergo through our lifetime.

But we also know that breathing in certain substances, eating specific things, and even using some kinds of plastics up the risk of developing some deadly cancers.

Here are some known carcinogens (cancer causers), as well as a few more things scientists are zeroing in on as prime suspects.

Read full story HERE

Study Finds Cannabis Eases 
 Cancer-Related Symptoms

by Michael Warford

In dozens of states, people consume medical marijuana to help ease symptoms related to cancer and chemotherapy, such as nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness and pain. While research has backed up cannabis's effectiveness in helping cancer patients find relief, high-quality, large-scale studies are still lacking.

However, this is changing thanks in part to a major joint study that was recently published in the  Journal of Oncology Practice. The Minnesota Department of Health and the Oncology Research Center at HealthPartners/Park Nicollet conducted the study and found that  cancer patients reported a significant reduction in their symptoms after taking medical marijuana for four months.


Other I.V. Therapies Offered at Pacific Naturopathic and the Hernandez Center

--I.V. therapy is not just for cancer patients--

Many people have already heard about intravenous vitamin C as a complementary cancer therapy to help stimulate the immune system as well as being directly cytotoxic to cancer cells. This is the most common therapy we use at the Hernandez Center for our cancer patients. 
But intravenous therapy is not just for cancer patients.   More than half of our IV patients come for various  "cocktails" to help them ward off infections and optimize their health.  We offer a number of individualized versions of the famous "Myers Cocktail." Read about the Myers Cocktail HERE
Other cocktails we offer promote brain health, assist the liver in its detoxification efforts, relieve the symptoms of chronic fatigue, help reduce stress, bring rapid relief from sinusitis, colds and flus, address immune system disorders, slow the progression of macular degeneration, reduce chronic pain and fibromyalgia and many other conditions.

Who Would Benefit from IV Vitamin Therapies?

Although anyone could benefit from IV therapy, people with the following health concerns especially benefit from IV therapies:
  • Advanced Aging
  • Allergies
  • ALS
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Asthma
  • Atherosclerosis 
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Before and after surgery
  • Cancer treatment
  • Cancer prevention
  • Chron's Disease
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Chronic Pain
  • Colds and Flus, both preventive and acute treatment
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Dementia
  • Depression/Anxiety
  • Detoxification
  • Enhanced athletic performance
  • Environmental toxicity
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Fatty Liver
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastritis
  • General health maintenance
  • Hangover recovery
  • Heart disease
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • High blood pressure
  • Immune system disorders
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Insomnia
  • Joint Replacement candidates
  • Liver detoxification
  • Low functioning immune systems
  • Lyme disease
  • Macular degeneration
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Migraine headaches
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Peripheral vascular disease
  • PMS
  • Post Stroke
  • Post trauma/post surgical wound healing
  • Prior to important events, meetings or travel
  • Respiratory infections
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Serotonin increase in the brain
  • Sinusitis
  • Times when one cannot afford to be tired or Ill
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Ulcers
  • Viral infections
  • And More... 
Check out our IV web site at

For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact us at the Hernandez Center at (650) 917-1121. A lot more information can be found at   

Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center 
for Adjunctive Cancer Care

1580 W. El Camino Real, Suite 7
Mountain View, CA 94040
650-961-1660 (v) 

Latest News

 ** Myers Cocktail party, Saturday, July 20.  See detailed article in this newsletter

** NEW! NEW!:  Ionic detoxification: a new, effective therapy at Pacific Naturopathic.  Stay tuned!
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Pacific Naturopathic
The Hernandez Center for Adjunctive Cancer Care
