Membership Renewal Drive ends
Every year, a number of individuals step forward and volunteer their time and expertise in an effort to make CIFST a better and more successful organization. This year has been no exception.
Over the past several weeks, an assembled team of enthusiastic member volunteers have been 'pounding the pavement' and contacting non-renewed CIFST members to remind them to commit to their membership once again this year. All told, 14 volunteers managed to reach out and make contact with 380 people by phone, email and through social media.
In recognition of their work, we want to say thank you and highlight the tremendous dedication of the following people:
Milana Abramovich (committee chair)
Nicole Avramenko
Sandra Berube
Tanya Der
Prasanth Kumar Sasidharan Pillai
Gail Nixon
Bithiah Selvarajan
Shahbaz (Peter) Sundhu
Debra Tomotsugu
Alphonsus Utioh
Roberto Veloso Pita
Raj Verma
Sumudu Warnakulasuriya
Congratulations to everyone on a job well done ... and thank you once again. Your efforts made a big difference!