Hello ... is this thing on?
You are receiving this email because you are someone who cares about the quality of food in Canada. I know this because you are a member of the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST). As the president of this fine organization founded in 1951, I thank you for your membership and your ongoing dedication and support of our very important industry.
A great deal has been happening over the past few months here at CIFST and we felt it was time to begin updating you in a more immediate and personal way. So welcome to the inaugural edition of Food for Thought, a monthly collection of briefs (along with this message from yours truly) that we hope will help to keep you in the know about everything going on here at the Institute.
I should take this opportunity to introduce you to Doug Duke who will be helping us out with the creation of Food for Thought each month. A recent hire at Essentient Association Management - the company managing the affairs of our organization - Doug has stepped in as the Executive Director of CIFST. You can read a little bit more about both Doug and Essentient here.
So what can you look forward to from CIFST over the coming weeks and months? Keep watching your inbox and you'll get all the information you need on things like the upcoming launch of our redesigned website, an updated membership fees structure, our 2018 National Conference (see below), and a new strategic plan that will guide CIFST over the next few years.
Once again, thank you for your membership commitment to CIFST and for taking a few moments to read some Food for Thought. Be sure to watch for future editions as they find their way into your inbox each month.
Dr. Michael Nickerson
CIFST President