Food for Thought is a monthly, members-only e-newsletter from the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST).
I hope you are all getting a chance to enjoy your Summer with family and friends now that the school year is over, the Canadian Food Summit has concluded as well as a busy year for the CIFST National webinars, CIFST ALT, Section events across the country including Table Top Suppliers Nights and Student programming.
I am anticipating a busy and rewarding year ahead as your new CIFST President with a Board of Directors representing the membership across Canada – we have 8 provinces represented! It is humbling to be the 67th president of our professional institute which is in its 72nd year, especially since I first joined as a student member in the Department of Food Science at UBC. I maintained my membership throughout my graduate studies participating in graduate student poster competitions, postdoctoral fellowship and as a faculty member in the School of Nutrition at Toronto Metropolitan University. It was my pleasure to mentor our students in the early years of the Marvin Tung Competitions and I remain honoured to do so today.
I owe a debt of gratitude to Louis Ayotte, our immediate Past-President and Rob Kowal (who is stepping down from that role) for their leadership and tireless support of CIFST during the COVID-19 pandemic allowing us to emerge as a stronger and resurging institute over the past two years.
Our success as a professional organization would not be possible without the support and advocacy of all of the volunteers at the Section level and Nationally, including past and present BOD members, Canadian Food Summit volunteers and within our Colleges and Universities – thank you! To our student membership, including the Student Committee and all the participants in the 3MT™ and Marvin Tung Case Competitions, you are the future of the food industry in Canada and of CIFST, so please keep up the good work and participation.
The year ahead promises to be an exciting one for CIFST as we learn about the outcome of our AAFC Food Cluster application in relation to the support of innovation and sustainability in the food industry. As well, we have a new Strategic Plan focused on Professional Development programming and resources for our membership; Building and diversifying revenue, including sponsorships to support our programming; and Pursuing partnerships potentially with media and other professional bodies with whom we share mutually beneficial common goals.
It goes without saying that our growth and successes are due in no small part to the support and guidance of our Association Management Company, Essentient, and Constance Wrigley-Thomas, Heidi Loney, Jennifer Murray and Brynne Wrigley and their staff - I look forward to continuing to work with you in the coming year.
Finally, CIFST is your/our professional institute, so I hope you will find community, representation and support amongst your fellow members and be able to benefit and grow from your involvement and volunteerism. If you have an idea for an event or want to get involved with your School, local Section or National activities, give it a whirl – that’s how I started out!
Warmest regards (literally and figuratively),
Yvonne Yuan
President - Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology
Check out our past issues of the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology (CIFST) Food For Thought / Tour de Table with archives that go back to 2017. It's all on our website.
At the CIFST Annual General Meeting on July 20, the members approved a new slate of directors to the current Board of Directors. Please welcome them:
Lavina Gully, Regional Innovation Director - BC/Yukon, Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN)
Gordon Hayburn, formerly Vice President - Food Safety and Quality Assurance, Trophy Foods Inc.
Dr. Jianping Wu, Professor, Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sci - Ag, Food & Nutri Sci Dept., University of Alberta
Please welcome back the following Directors:
Louis Ayotte, Immediate Past President, Retired
Amanda Goodyear, VP of Operations, Moosehead Breweries
Tanya Der, Director of Food Innovation & Marketing, Pulse Canada
Dr. Marcia English, Associate Professor, St. Francis Xavier University, Department of Human Nutrition
Francois Girard, Process optimization coordinator, Qualtech
John Keogh, CAIE, Professor of Practice, McGill University
Sara Lui, Director of New Product Innovation, Saskatchewan Food Industry Development Centre Inc.
Dr. Yvonne Yuan, President, Associate Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
Heidi Loney, DES, Executive Director (ex-officio), CIFST
Quebec Section:
September 11, 2023: Tournoi De Golf ICSTA Section Québec 2023/ 2023 Golf Tournament CIFST- Quebec Section, Club de Golf de Boucherville / Boucherville Golf Club, 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM. Register HERE.
Ontario Section: