Winter is fast approaching and the holidays are nearly upon us!
It has been a busy and successful fall for CIFST!
Once again we had excellent participation in our last
Safe Food for Canadians Regulations -
Presented by Nona Schultz Ferris. If you missed this or any of our previous webinars, they are posted on our site
We will continue to offer our webinar series and are always looking for new content. If you are interested in being a presenter or have some topic ideas, please let us know.
r provincial sections had several successful events this fall:
- Ontario Section – This industry favourite and very popular event, The Annual Suppliers Tabletop was held on November 12th and was another huge success, attracting over 140 suppliers and close to 1500 attendees.
- Quebec Section – The annual Soirées Vin & Fromages/Wine & Cheese – held on November 20th and November 27th once again proved to be popular were both sold out!
- Manitoba Section – On October 1, the section held their annual Supplier Expo and morning Symposium on Cannabis Edibles and Safe Foods for Canadians offering great value and benefit for all who attended.
Our Food Summit Committee is hard at work preparing for our annual event. Please mark your calendars June 3-5, 2020 for the
2020 Canadian Food Summit in Winnipeg, Manitoba
We will have an exciting program for you! Please stay tuned for more!
Our newly formed Membership Committee has had a couple of meetings and will be reaching out to remind you to renew. We are working on many new initiatives that will continue to add value to your membership.
I mentioned in my previous message that the growth and survival of CIFST
depends on the collaboration and participation of all its Sections. The CIFST
Board of Directors
and I look forward to working with you!
Please reach out to me or Tim Stover (CIFST Executive Director), or any of our
board members
if you have any thoughts or questions. I look forward to hearing from you!
I wish you all a Happy Holiday season and a healthy and successful New Year!