Tlingit & Haida Head Start Awarded Funding to Extend Classroom Hours
Juneau, AK  (June 3, 2019) – Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska’s (Tlingit & Haida) Head Start has been awarded supplemental funding under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016 to extend its operating hours for six classrooms in Southeast Alaska - Juneau (3), Petersburg (1), Saxman (1) and Wrangell (1) . Congress appropriated funds in 2016 for existing Head Start and Early Head Start programs to increase hours of service without having to reduce enrollment.

Head Start is a free federal program for low-income families and promotes school readiness of children ages 3-5 through educational activities that support cognitive, social and emotional development.

“The extended duration hours for six of our classrooms will not only help to increase learning and development outcomes for children, but will also support families who work or attend school through longer quality-care hours to reach or secure self-sufficiency,” said Tlingit & Haida Head Start Director Amber Frommherz.

The six classrooms operating as extended duration sites will almost double annual classroom contact-hours from 512 hours to 1,020 hours. In order to do so, these classrooms will operate seven hours per day, four days a week over a 40-week school year which is four weeks longer than non-duration sites.

The boost in federal funds also creates additional jobs and training opportunities. Tlingit & Haida’s Head Start is actively recruiting to fill several new positions (classroom aides, bus drivers and coach) in three communities. With the supplemental funding, both new hires and current Head Start staff will be given the opportunity to seek an Associate of Applied Science degree in Early Childhood Education or Child Development Associate (CDA) certification.

Tlingit & Haida Head Start’s enrollment period for the 2019-2020 school year is currently open. If you have a child between the age of 3-5 and reside in Angoon, Craig, Hoonah, Juneau, Klawock, Petersburg, Saxman, Sitka, Wrangell or Yakutat, please consider applying .
Tlingit & Haida Head Start Contact:
William G. Demmert Head Start Center
9095 Glacier Highway, Juneau AK 99801
Toll Free: 800.344.1432 ext. 7159 | Direct : 907.463.7159 | Email:

Media Contact:
Office of the President - Communications
Raeanne Holmes, Communications Coordinator
Toll Free: 800.344.1432 ext. 7368 | Direct : 907.463.7368 | Email:
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