SPECIAL MESSAGE: Many of our local neighbors have been greatly impacted by Hurricane Ian and their needs will continue for the next several months. The Pelican Sound Charitable Foundation supports many of the charities that are organized to directly serve the needs of those who have lost their homes, employment, transportation and means of feeding and supporting their families. Please help the Foundation by nominating the charities you know are making a difference to those in great need at this time, and funds will be awarding in the form of grants to those charities that meet the requirements. You can also help by making a direct donation to the Foundation. We are committed to supporting those charities that have the greatest impact in our nearby communities. 
PS Staff impacted by Ian

Several PS staff members and their families experienced losses from the hurricane. The Club has set up a Hurricane Relief Fund in conjunction with the $50 Holiday fund that was billed to members on the 9/30/22 statement. If you would like to make an additional direct donation to this Relief Fund, click on the link below. These funds will go directly to the staff members in need.
As we enter our fourth year of Foundation activity, we are pleased to announce that the Pelican Sound Charitable Foundation 2022 Annual Report is complete and available for your review.

This report summarizes our third year from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 and demonstrates an ongoing commitment to communication and transparency. Throughout its pages, you will see many examples of the good work we have accomplished.

We could not have done it without you. Thank you!

We value your feedback, thoughts, and ideas as we reset our vision on initiatives to pursue in 2022-2023. If you have comments or suggestions for our Charitable Foundation, please feel free to email us at [email protected]
Meet the Foundation's 2022 - 2023 Board of Directors
President - Ed VonderBrink
Secretary - Kathy Fitzpatrick
Treasurer - Russ Frith

Ann Bird - Marketing Committee Chair
Joan Buffone - Grants Committee Chair
Alan Fanger - Donor Development Committee
Kathy Fitzpatrick - Grants Committee
Russ Frith - Finance Committee Chair
Annette Koch - Events Committee Chair
Fred Kohnke - Grants Committee
Sue Sawchuck - Grants Committee
Ed VonderBrink - Donor Development Chair
Making a Difference Together