Volume 1 Issue 2 - April 2022
You are receiving this newsletter due to your expressed interest in cancer community outreach & engagement. We are slowly growing our distribution list. Please forward this to others who may be interested. Moving forward, the newsletter will be archived on our website for easy access.
We hope you enjoy this edition!
COE recently awarded the inaugural research pilot grant of $50,000 to Dr. Robin Lally and Dr. Juan Santamaria both professors at UNMC on:
This navigation program is timely as the previous navigation program ran out of funding in 2016, leaving underserved populations - "underserved." Navigators advocate for patients in the most difficult times of their lives and COE is proud to collaborate on this initiative and make a difference.
UNMC Student Honored for Public Health Efforts
"Mr. LaCrete's dedication to serving historically underserved populations with dignity and respect is inspiring,"
Dr. Kolm-Valdivia
Frantzlee LaCrete, a fourth-year medical student who recently matched in otolaryngology at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, has been named a recipient of the United States Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Award.
The award was established to recognize medical students’ contributions to public health.
The award was a result of the work LaCrete had been doing as part of his work on a master’s degree in the UNMC College of Public Health. LaCrete paused his medical studies in 2021 to earn the MPH as part of UNMC’s MD-MPH program.
Public health always was part of LaCrete’s plan.
"As physicians, we can treat the symptoms of ailments all day, every day," he said. "But that doesn’t change the issue unless we go upstream. Focusing on public health helps you figure out the cause of these tough issues we see in the clinics."
In addition, LaCrete, himself a head-and-neck cancer survivor, wants to focus on head-and-neck cancer detection, prevention, and treatment...
COE Team Develops CRC e-Learning Module
Dr. Shinobu-Watanabe Galloway, Mr. Louis Fok, and Ms. Krishtee Napit were awarded $3000 to develop an interactive e-Learning module that teaches about colorectal cancer screening in September 2021.
The Funded Awards Program is a collaborative partnership between faculty and students. Faculty lead the projects with the commitment to incorporate the e-modules into their courses and consult with students to generate creative ideas; in turn, students offer engagement options and content development skills.
The developed eLearning module was displayed in the E-Learning showcase 2022 and with the highest votes, the module won the first place.
With every edition, we are honored to highlight our CAB members and their work to reduce the cancer burden in the State of Nebraska. The CAB members are carefully selected and invited to be on the advisory board that helps inform and create a bidirectional relationship between COE and the community.
Dr. Viv Ewing is a native of Omaha, Nebraska. She has over 15 years of experience in the fund development field including creating development strategy, donor cultivation, marketing, and communication strategy, fundraising solicitations, establishing development policies and operations.
Dr. Ewing’s community leadership includes service to many organizations.
Dino Verrelli was born and raised in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Dino has been at the helm of Project Purple (PP) since its inception in 2010, founding the organization and today is the current Chief Executive Officer. He enjoys running, cross-fit and spending time with his family in his free time.
PP has become the nation’s leading provider of patient aid to families fighting pancreatic cancer.
Events and Outreach Activities
UNMC/FPBCC supports Calistus Multiple Myeloma Foundation
The Calistus Multiple Myeloma Foundation held a Gala Friday, April 8, 2022.
Governor Pete Ricketts wrote a welcome letter, and UNMC's Chancellor Gold gave a virtual welcome to attendees. This Gala included Multiple Myeloma (MM) awareness sessions, a silent auction for MM patients, and a story about a patient's journey through MM until death, with emphasis on the importance of screening and prevention methods. In attendance was Dr. Sarah Holstein, who received an award for all the work towards helping underserved communities. Dr. Siobhan Wescott from UNMC COPH, Congressman Don Bacon, DHHS CEO Dannette Smith, religious officials, and many influential community members were all in attendance.
Diet, Physical Activity, & Cancer
(What Health Professionals Need to Know about Current Evidence and How to Translate It in Realistic Lifestyle Choices)
Tuesday, May 17, 12p-1p (CST)
Speaker: Karen Collins, MS, RDN, CDN, FAND
The problem with talking about cancer risk and cancer survival isn’t a lack of information. It’s that today people are surrounded by often-conflicting information. People rely on healthcare and public health professionals to help them make sense of what they hear from media and marketers, friends, and family. But it’s easy for professionals to feel overwhelmed by information overload, too. This webinar will help healthcare and public health professionals find an easier – and better – way to provide the evidence-based answers and guidance people need.
You are receiving this newsletter due to your expressed interest in cancer community outreach & engagement. We are slowly growing our distribution list. Please forward to others who may be interested. Moving forward, the newsletter will be archived on our website for easy access.
We hope you enjoy this edition!
FPBCC COE | 402-559-2072 | www.unmc.edu/cancercenter