First Presbyterian Church

Bi-Weekly Newsletter

October 22, 2024


Online Giving

Online Calendar

Phishing & Spoofing

Ways to Give

Sign up to deliver worship flowers

Office volunteers - open dates


Pastoral Letter

Joys / Concerns


Fall Faith Formation

Fall Fellowship Events

Service and Mission Opportunities

October Birthdays
Donate flowers for Worship 2024
Donate flowers for Worship 2025

Stewardship Season


"Rooted in Faith,

Growing in Service,

Living in Love"

Psalm 1:3

"That person is like a tree

planted by streams of water,

which yields its fruit in season

and whose leaf does not wither - whatever they do prospers."

Letter from Pastor/Head of Staff

Dear friends,

This Sunday, we kicked off our annual stewardship season with a festival after worship that focused on our theme, Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service, Living in Love. People of all ages gathered to share a meal, write postcards to one another, note our gratitude on tree leaves, and put together bags of beans and rice to share with our neighbors through the Emanuel Food Pantry. These activities reminded us of the way our faith guides our acts of service and our lives of community and love (Shout out to Jon Abels and the Stewardship and Fellowship Committees who worked so hard to make this festival a time of gratitude and connection!).

Many of you picked up your packet that includes our 2025 stewardship brochure, a pledge form, and a sticker with our theme. The brochure is available for you to see here I encourage you to read through the personal stories found in the brochure and the letter from Jon Abels and me about this year’s campaign to support our 2025 annual budget. Every pledge matters and helps FPC live into the calling we have been given to serve God and neighbor in this place at this time.

This year, we are seeking a 3.5-5% increase to support increases in operating costs, changes in personnel (costs related to hiring a new parish administrator, adjustments to the associate pastor’s salary package, cost-of-living increases for staff, and additional health insurance charges to us brought about by PC(USA) Board of Pensions changes, and the maintenance of our benevolent giving to non-profit organizations and mission co-workers working to support those in deepest need in our community and in the world. Questions can be directed to any of the following people:

Jon Abels, Stewardship Committee chair

Al Arrowood, Finance Committee chair

Debbie Hamlin-Aggrey, Personnel Committee chair

Tom Bloom, Business Administrator

or to me (Mindy).

As informed and wise people, we give for practical reasons. We know that our building and our ministries require funding. As people of faith, we give for spiritual reasons. We give because we know that everything we have comes from God. We give as a thank offering, a sign of our gratitude for God’s gifts of life, mercy, forgiveness, grace, and unconditional love. We give because we know that apart from God, we are nothing. We give to ensure that the worship of God, the faith formation of God’s people, and service to the world might continue as our faithful witness and work from Durham, NC.

Click here to read the rest of Mindy's letter.

AWARD: Congratulations to Sam Brown on earning All-Conference in cross country.

MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations to Mary Ashley Rose and Taylor King who were married October 12 in Rocky Mount.

SYMPATHIES:  The love and concern of the congregation are extended to the family of David W. Bryant, formerly unhoused and friend of the congregation who died last week.



  • Eugene Brown is recovering from knee replacement surgery at Croasdaile Pavilion.
  • Harriett Mitchell is recovering from hip surgery at Parkview Health and Rehabilitation in Chapel Hill. 
  • Jim Gudaitis’ leukemia has returned. He will have a bone marrow transplant in November.
  • Denisha Williams, daughter of Sybil King, is hospitalized at Duke Medical Center for pain management.
  • Becky Carpenter, classmate of Susan Cyr, is now a resident at Hillcrest.

Care Links (Caring Bridge / Meal Train) 

Jen McGonigle -

Mitzi Lesher-Thomas - ed0d0913a750?utm

Franzie (and Keith) Rokoske -

Baker/Duffney (new baby) Meal Train -

Click HERE to see more concerns.

The churchlife app can be used to locate address information for sending cards to individuals and families. You may also contact the church office if you do not have access to the app.

Sharing Worship beyond the Sanctuary

Friends, we are in need of folks to help expand our Live Streaming Ministry. Think of Jody or Thilo in the back of the sanctuary, and you’ll be surprised to find out it isn’t as difficult as you might imagine. 

Please contact Jody Maxwell ( if you’re willing to consider how you might help our dozens of online worshippers connect with our congregation and God. Jody is happy to train new folks.  

Sunday, October 27

11:00 a.m. Worship

Kathryn Lester-Bacon, preaching

The Hunger for Change Offering will be received during worship.

Your bellies need our treats! 

Our treats needs your trunks! 

This Sunday, October 27, is our 3rd annual community-wide Trunk or Treat event. Kids of all ages are welcome to trick or treat, grab a hot dog, get your face painted, or just hang out. This is for FPCers and the whole community, so invite your friends and spread the word, far and wide.

We have several open spots for more trunks – click the link to sign up. 

The event is 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the church parking lot, with trunks arriving at 4:45 p.m. Contact Stephen Berry, Amy Dillon or Lenore Champion with questions.  

Worship and Communion Sunday, November 3

Mindy Douglas, preaching



The Preschool Faith Formation class is for ages 3 years to 5 years. Each Sunday, there's free play, a story, a snack, and an activity!

The kindergarten-2nd grade Faith Formation class promises a fun story, big art, drama, and a snack!

The Godly Play class is for 3rd through 5th grades. Stories are presented visually with small props. The class is invited to consider "Wondering" questions as they reflect on the story that was presented. Check in for the week and prayer time ends the session!

If your child is interested in taking part in Worship leadership, please let Lenore know! (


Children are welcome on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:00 a.m. in the Godly Play Room to learn and sing songs. Lenore Champion leads this time with children.

Children's Music returns this Sunday following worship.

Children, kindergarten -6th grade are invited to a time of music with Kathy Parkins in the choir room following worship each Sunday (begins about 12:10 p.m.)


meets Sundays

9:45-10:45 a.m.

in Watts-Hill (Fellowship) Hall

  • In October, we’re exploring the depth and breadth of what stewardship means. On October 27, we’ll continue with Walter Brueggemann’s book, Materiality as Resistance, and talk about stewardship of the body, time, and place. 
  • November brings FPC University, where church members share about the intersection of their faith and their occupation. We also welcome FPCer Jerry Postema on November 10 to talk about his new book, The Rule of Law.


Join us each Sunday at 9:45 in the Robert Daye Meeting Room for discussion of the lectionary readings.

October 27: Does God have more important things to do than listen to our prayers? In our readings for Sunday, there are two examples of people who made their requests loudly and persistently. What response did they receive? "I sought the Lord, and he answered me."

November 3: How many saints do you know? What are their lives like? What are the rewards of sainthood? Are you interested in applying for the position?


Sundays at 9:45 a.m.

in the Wilson Parlor

*We have begun a discussion of important sections of the Book of Acts and Saving Jesus from the Church by Robin Meyers. We hope some members will help take a lead in this study, which will be later in the faith formation year.

* There are several topics that will only need a single Sunday. Examples include Conversion of the Jews by Phillip Roth; The Forgotten Radicalism of Jesus (NYT article, which includes a separate rebuttal); and, I was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me (podcast).

For more information on this adult class, contact Andy Henry, Eric Wiebe, or Paul Baldasare.


meets Sundays

8:00 p.m., via Zoom

(Link is sent in weekly email)

Every first Sunday, we will have a time of virtual fellowship, so we will ask for a leader to choose a game or some sort of fun activity for the group. On the other Sundays, we will be using the resource d365, a Presbyterian / mainline devotional to guide our discussion. There is no reading or prep required, and our topics vary from week to week, so you won't have missed anything. 

We will need leaders for our weekly Zoom discussions and our monthly in-person gatherings. The sign-up sheet for both is here. If you haven't already done so, please sign up for two weeks on the spreadsheet, and a giant THANK YOU to those who have already signed up.

High School Faith Formation – meets Sundays

9:45-10:45 a.m.,

right-side youth room

(and once in a month in the lobby

for a trip to Yonder Coffee)

Middle School Faith Formation – meets Sundays 9:45-10:45 a.m., left-side youth room 

Every Sunday between October 6 and Election Day (November 5), FPC will share information on how you can support voter mobilization efforts and Get Out the Vote. Please stop by our voter mobilization table after worship and checkout the bulletin board in the lobby to learn how you can connect with various nonpartisan efforts to ensure you and your family’s, friends’ and neighbors’ voices are heard during this election.



PCUSA Election Center:

Voter Ballot Information:

PCUSA Facebook:


No yoga classes

the week of October 21st.


New Hope Presbytery will meet on Saturday, October 26 at Hudson Memorial PC in Raleigh at 9:00 a.m.



The Diaconate (5:30 p.m.) and Session (7:00 p.m.) meet at the church on Monday, October 28.



Friday, November 1 at 8:00 a.m. at Mad Hatter's Cafe

Join FPC men on the first Friday of the month for breakfast and lively conversation. New faces welcome.

If gardening is your thing, join Barbara Buckley and other volunteers at a grounds workday on Saturday, November 2 at the church. The focus is the area (banks) along the playground. Come at 8:00 a.m. and park away from the playground.

Daylight time ends at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 3. Remember to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday evening.

Circle and Bible Study

Monday, November 4

10:30 a.m.

in the Daye Meeting Room

New faces welcome.

Susan Dunlap leads the Bible study.



Thursday, NOVEMBER 7, 2024

from 1:00-6:00 p.m.

at FPC - Watts-Hill Hall

Go online to 

and use code firstpres to schedule your appointment. We currently have all spots to fill. If you are healthy and it has been over 50 days since your last blood donation, please come out to donate today. Most donations take about an hour, so book your appointment, roll up your sleeve, and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross.

For more information, contact Julie Whiddon (919-730-6673), FPC's organizer and Red Cross volunteer.

Save the Date!

All-Church Potluck

Saturday, November 16

5:00 - 7:00 p.m. at FPC

Bring a dish to pass

Community and activities

with your congregation!

Deborah Momsen-Hudson (she/her)

919-417-8664 cell

FPC Recruiting for

Church Administrator

Many of you know that our beloved Church Administrator, Valerie McMillian, is planning to retire at the end of this year. Although her shoes will certainly be difficult to fill, FPC is now looking for an organized, diligent, responsive and motivated individual to continue to support our mission in the role of new full-time Church Administrator. 3+ years of relevant administrative and/or supervisory experience are required and the individual must be well-versed in use of accounting, communication/social media and database software. FPC members/family should not apply but if you know of others who might be interested in the position, encourage them to visit the church's website and reply with resume/references to


Recruitment committee (David Sappenfield, Al Arrowood, Kathryn Lester-Bacon, Laurie Ray, Katy Ruark)

You Are Not Alone:

A Caring Group

for People Living with Health Challenges

 These can be very challenging, and it is often hard to share them with other people. If this describes you, you may be interested in a place to find conversation, support, prayer, and fellowship with others who face similar challenges. We are starting a group that will provide these things, facilitated by Susan Dunlap. Our next meeting is October 28 at 10:30 a.m. in the Wilson Parlor, with the possibility of continuing the group further if desired.  For more information, please contact Susan Dunlap,

First Presbyterian serves meals 2 to 3 times each month to individuals staying in the UMD Community Shelter and to our unsheltered homeless and extremely low-income neighbors.

We assist with breakfast on the 3rd, and 5th (if there is one) Fridays of each month. Volunteers work from 7am to 9 am and make sandwiches for bag lunches on the 3rd Monday and 4th Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Jancy Johnstone at 919.824.6489 or


If you cancel a date within a week of the day you signed up, please send Jancy a text so that she can round up another volunteer.



We have an easy and wonderful way for you to give 2 hours of your time, right here in Durham. No need to pack your bags and travel, just come be part of the incredibly impactful ministry at the Emanuel Food Pantry! We love welcoming new volunteers, and are always grateful for donations of food, rice, beans, and financial support. To volunteer at the food pantry, simply click here and come join the fun! For more information, contact Margaret Rubiera


Iglesia Emanuel’s tutoring program is looking for tutors! We offer 1:1 student to tutor ratios from kindergarten through twelfth grade, and tutors are paired with the same student for the entire year, which helps to foster a supportive and collaborative relationship between tutors and students. The focus here is on skill development through games and projects that are inspired by student interests, rather than homework help, so students (and tutors!) look forward to coming each week. No teaching experience is necessary. If you have interest in being part of this community as a tutor, we’d love to have you! For more information, please check out our website at or reach out to the director, Mimi Dunn at 304-553-3295 or by email:


FPC partners with PC (USA) Mission Co-Workers:

Jhan and Ian Dotel-Vellenga, Nicaragua

Jeff and Christi Boyd, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Please keep them, the people they work with, and the work they do, in your prayers. Using the links above, you can find out more about them and subscribe to their newsletters. You may also read today's edition of the PCUSA Mission Yearbook. Click link below.

Link to PCUSA Mission Yearbook