From Associate Pastor Esther Hethcox
This summer the Somethings (the 20/30 something year olds of FPC!) have been gathering to read Inspired by Rachel Held Evans, a book about faith, scripture, and doubt.
Before we began this book group in late May, I realized this would be a sporadically attended series, as many of the Somethings would be dispersed throughout the nation and globe for work, travel or school. To remind us that we are connected no matter where we end up in these months, I made them a “blessing bookmark” to carry with them in the months ahead.
I would like to share the words of this blessing with you, as you also go forth into these summer months!
a blessing for the summer
may all this summer holds for you
be what it must be for you.
if you are traveling; may you
be safe and comfortable
if you are in one place; may your staying
be reorienting and grounding
if you are busy; may your obligations
hold glimmers of hope & progress
if you are worried; may you experience
delight in the promises of possibility
if you are doubtful; may you hold
firm to what is sure and steady
if you are excited; may you lean
fully into the enchantment of it all
whatever these months hold,
may you feel tethered to the love of your people,
secured to the hope for good things,
and held by the promise of a love that is bigger than
whatever exists within these months.
Pastor Esther