First Presbyterian Church Bi-Weekly Newsletter
January 3, 2024 - Issue 27
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Pastoral Letter
Holiday Schedule
Joys / Concerns
Faith Formation
Fellowship Events
Service and Mission Opportunities
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Pastoral Letter
Dear friends,
The award-winning and beloved television series Ted Lasso is full of quotable quips and one-liners. One of my (many) favorites comes when Ted, the American football coach who now coaches European football in Richmond, near London, first walks into his team’s locker room. He takes a few steps in, pauses, takes a deep breath, and says, “I do like the smell of a locker room. It smells like potential.”
I have been thinking about that quote this weekend, as we move from 2023 into 2024. Not the stinky locker room part, but the way a new year is an invitation to stop and smell the possibility before us. I love the freshness of a New Year. It smells like potential. This turn of the year invites us to consider what we have learned in the months that have passed. We have an opportunity to give thanks for the ways we have grown, to grieve our losses, celebrate our accomplishments, confess, and ask forgiveness for our missteps, and embrace the possibilities of life and living that lie ahead of us.
We do this as individuals, but we also do this as people of faith in community with one another and in relationship with the world. Therefore, at the turn of the year, as we enter into 2024, I invite you to take a deep breath and smell the possibilities that lie ahead of us:
The possibility of peace - In a world torn by war and violence, we can never stop believing that peace can be a reality. As Christians who follow Jesus, the Prince of peace, we must live our lives as peacemakers, calling for peace and an end to violence, war, hatred, and oppression in any home, city, state, or nation. Bombs, guns, swords, and weapons do not belong in God’s kin(g)dom and we have an obligation to work toward peace in every way possible, until peace in the world becomes the reality God intends for us all.
The possibility of a healed creation - Our human actions have devastated our earth and changed our world. Our local, national, and global decisions continue to cause irreparable damage to land, air, sea, sky, and creatures. As those who worship the God of all creation, we are called to care for the earth that has been given to us as a gift. How can we explore together the deeper and harder questions of creation care, repair, and sustainability? What are we willing to give up individually and collectively to save our planet?
The possibility of a beloved community - As followers of Jesus, we are called to live together not in judgment of one another or in competition, not in blaming or shaming, and not in breaking people down to make ourselves feel better. We are called to love one another because every human bears the image of God. Every human creature is beloved and chosen by God. We are called to see the beauty in the other and called to find connections with one another that lead to deep and meaningful relationships. What are we doing that will lead us to be bearers of the reality of love into the world, one relationship at a time?
In this New Year, how will you, how will FPC, embrace the possibility of peace, a healed creation, and a beloved community and how will you/we live that possibility so that it becomes a reality?
Thank you for what you have done, what you continue to do, and what you will do to move us closer to this reality God intends for us. I pray this potential reality, God’s vision for us all, is on our hearts, minds, and spirits every day of this coming year.
Dear friends, may peace, love, and wholeness be with you all in 2024 and beyond.
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COVID on the rise . . .
Note: The number of people with COVID has increased in Durham and in our FPC community over the past two weeks. We are taking precautions among our staff and encouraging those with any symptoms to work from home (or to wear a mask while working at the church), even if not testing COVID positive, until this wave passes (of course, a positive test requires full isolation). I encourage our FPC community to be aware of the increased presence of COVID in Durham and to consider wearing a mask in communal spaces for your own safety and for the safety of those around you.
With gratitude,
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Sunday, January 7, 2024
11:00 a.m. - Worship
Mindy Douglas, preaching
Flourishing In Faith.
Age-graded classes for children are being offered. Children meet at 9:45 on the second floor of the Christian education building.
is held on Sunday mornings during the faith formation hour in the Godly Playroom (second floor, Christian Education building) from 9:45-9:55 a.m. Come learn new songs and sing some old favorites. Don't be late!
Faith & Community Class
New Series on Gender
Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m.
in Watts-Hill Hall
January 7 – Understanding the latest definitions of gender, led by Noah Penny, educator with Transgender Training Institute who directs an LGBTQ+ program for age 55 and up at Durham Center for Senior Life.
January 14 – Meet people with lived experiences on the gender spectrum.
January 21– An exploration of how Reformed Theology understands gender, inclusion, and possible action.
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Lectionary Class
(meets year-round)
Lectionary Class: Join us each Sunday at 9:45 in the Robert Daye (East) Parlor for discussion of the lectionary readings.
January 7: Wouldn't it be reassuring to hear a voice from heaven, announcing God's approval of your life and your plans! But on the other hand, it might raise expectations and even limit your choices. What did that voice mean to Jesus?
January 14: When Nathanael was called, he was skeptical. When Samuel was called, he was confused. How will you respond when God calls you?
Journeys Class
In life and in death,
we belong to God.
On January 14th, Rabbi Howard Voss-Altman from Temple Habonim in Barrington, RI will be joining us via Zoom. He will be discussing the Jewish faith's viewpoint on death and dying with a particular focus on their interpretation of Genesis Chapter 3.
This Sunday, January 7, we will read Genesis Chapter 3 and prepare questions to ask Rabbi Voss-Altman.
Contact Andy Henry or Eric Wiebe for to learn more.
MnMs (Meaning in the Middle) Fellowship
We meet via Zoom at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. The Zoom link is sent each week to those on the listserve. To learn more about this group, contact Mary Berry or Emily Diy.
New 5-week Study
from Psalms
February 4, 11, 18, 25
and March 3
Led by Susan Dunlap
Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
in the basement parlor.
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Clergy Ordination Anniversaries
Sam Miglarese
December 19, 1969
Susan Fricks
January 1, 1987
Mitzi Lesher-Thomas
January 6, 2002
The love and concern of the congregation are extended to Tyler Adams, son of Mindy Douglas, on the death of his father, Scott Adams, on December 22 in Melbourne, FL.
Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Tyler at the following address:
Tyler Adams
349 Darlington Ave - Apt 205
Wilmington, NC
Doug Butler will have back surgery at Duke on Friday, January 5.
Franzi Rokoske, patient at Duke, receiving treatment for an infection.
Carol Wills is dealing with significant pain following a fall.
Additional concerns here.
. . . to Lenore Champion and
the Christian Education Committee for the shadow box Christmas pageant on December 17 and the Fellowship Committee for organizing a wonderful Christmas potluck and carols sing-along following the pageant.
. . . to Jane Wettach & Paul Baldasare for hosting a holiday potluck for the church's administrative staff, ruling elders, and deacons at their home on December 19.
2024 Pledge Update
As of January 1, 2024
Pledges: 177
Amount: $984,160.52
Percentage of Goal: 91.83
Pledge Goal: $1,071,766.00
Needed: $87,605.48
Your pledge of support for 2024 allows our Session to plan the budget for the year. If you have not yet had a chance to make your pledge, you can do so here. If you have already shared your pledge with us, please accept our gratitude for your 2024 support!
Jon Abels, chairperson
Stewardship Committee
We will gather at Mad Hatters restaurant this Friday, January 5 at 8:00 a.m. Join us for breakfast and/or coffee and light conversation. New faces welcome.
SONAM in Concert
Saturday, January 6, 2024
4:00 p.m.
FPC sanctuary
Join Singers of New and Ancient Music (SONAM) for a concert of music about light and gifts for the Epiphany season. Donations are accepted at the door in lieu of tickets. All proceeds benefit the work of Durham Tech's Mobile Health Lab, which provides health services to underserved neighborhoods in Durham and Orange Counties.
Music by Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Victoria, Woo, Gjeilo, and more! To see the full program, visit our upcoming concerts page. We hope you'll join us! Please invite your friends, family, and colleagues. You're also welcome to share our Facebook event on your social media!
We will gather at Bull City Burger following worship on Sunday, January 7 to chat about Epiphany / Baptism of our Lord. New faces welcome.
January Slide Show:
Birds of Taiwan
Taiwan is a prosperous, friendly island nation located about 100 miles from its larger neighbor on the mainland. Political issues aside, it’s an easy country to visit, and the thirty-one bird species that are found nowhere else were a big attraction for David and Judy Smith, who spent almost two weeks there in May of 2023.
Join them for a virtual tour of Taiwan’s birds and sights next Sunday, January 7, at 7:00 p.m. in Watts-Hill Hall.
| We will meet on Monday, January 8 at 10:30 a.m. in the Robert Daye Meeting Room for our monthly Circle meeting and Bible study led by Susan Dunlap. New faces welcome | | |
The Things That Matter Book Group is scheduled to meet at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 9 to discuss “This Here Flesh” by Cole Arthur Riley.
Nora Tisdale, herself an author of nine books and former homiletics professor at Yale, and all-round fun person will lead the discussion.
Contact Kathy Parkins (919-451-5300) before leaving home as this gathering at Kathy's home may be postponed or even cancelled if COVID remains on the rise.
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A Call for Ushers
If you are interested in serving as head usher or being on-call for ushering duties, especially on the first and second Sundays of the month, please contact Esther Hethcox ( or 540-316-1548). Instructions are available.
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FPC’s Racial Equity Task Force invites everyone at FPC to mark Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday this year with a week of special events involving Ms. Rosita Stevens-Holsey. “Ms. Rosita” is the president of Preserving Pauli Murray, LLC, which she founded to enhance the legacy of her aunt, Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray. Durham knows Pauli Murray as our saint, who demanded justice and equal treatment in her work as writer, activist, attorney, and an Episcopal priest. Her work literally helped launch the civil rights and women's rights movements. More about Rosita Stevens-Holsey here.
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You are invited to meet Ms. Rosita Stevens-Holsey at all of these events:
· Sunday, January 14 after worship -Join in greeting Ms. Rosita at a reception sponsored by FPC’s Racial Equity Task Force. There will be books on sale and for signing.
· Tuesday, January 16, 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Durham Congregations in Action will have a Lunch and Learn with Ms. Rosita at Epworth United Methodist Church, 3002 Hope Valley Rd, Durham. For information or reservations, call DCIA at 919 688-2036.
· Wednesday, January 17, 7pm to 8:30 p.m. - FPC is co-hosting a conversation about Pauli Murray with Ms. Rosita Stevens-Holsey and Angela Thorpe, Executive Director of the Pauli Murray Center. It will be at Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship at 4907 Garrett Road in Durham.
· Thursday, January 18, 1:00 p.m. – There will be a conversation with Ms. Rosita at Durham Center for Senior Life’s auditorium, 406 Rigsbee Ave, Durham.
Please bring your friends and join us in these special opportunities to hear unique insights from someone who was closely connected to Pauli Murray and her importance in the history of the USA and Durham in fighting for equality for everyone!
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