First Presbyterian Church
Bi-Weekly Newsletter
April 9, 2024
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Pastoral Letter
Joys / Concerns
Faith Formation
Fellowship Events
Service and Mission Opportunities
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From Pastor/Head of Staff
Dear friends,
Earlier this year, the Session approved a sabbatical for me from May 6, 2024- August 5, 2024. I am extremely grateful for the generosity of the congregation that provides a 3-month sabbatical for all our full-time program staff. The purpose of the sabbatical, according to our personnel manual is “to have the opportunity for periodical extended study, renewal and personal growth beyond that which is afforded by annual study leave and vacation as set forth in their terms of call.” Some of you have been asking about my plans for this sabbatical and so I wanted to share them with you here:
Scheduled and Unscheduled Travel Plans, Preaching Schedule, Pastoral Care
Throughout the summer, I hope to have conversations with people from other congregations who are no longer actively worshiping with their community. I would like to talk with people of all ages and ask the questions, “What is feeding you spiritually today/this week/this year? What is missing in worshiping communities that doesn’t support your growth in faith and service? What is keeping you from being active in a worshiping community?”
We know that organized religion in the US is fading. Churches are closing. Communities are struggling to maintain financial stability. Congregations are getting smaller and growing older. I want to dig into the questions around what people need spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically for nurture, growth, expansion, and meaning that they aren’t getting from their local faith communities.
Thank you again for this incredible opportunity for rest and renewal. It is truly a gift that I do not take for granted. I will miss you while I am away, and I look forward to returning ready for many more years of ministry together with you in Durham and beyond as we seek to follow Jesus and build Beloved Community wherever we go.
With deep gratitude,
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Congratulations to Kathy Conner on the birth of her first grandchild. Robin Flora was born March 31st to Krisha Bugajski-Sharp and Benjamin Conner.
Allison and Chip McCorkle announce the birth of Theodore (Teddy) William McCorkle, born April 8th. Teddy joins older siblings Lucy and Finn. Happy grandparents are Wendy and Mac McCorkle.
MEMORIAL SERVICE: The family of Jim Seitzer, FPC member who died March 20th, will hold a Service of Witness to the Resurrection at Carolina Meadows retirement community in Chapel Hill on Saturday, May 25 at 11:00 a.m.
CONDOLENCES: The love and concern of the congregation are extended to Chris and Madeline Anglin on the recent death of Carl Anglin, Chris’ husband and Madeline’s father. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to the family as follows:
Chris and Madeline Anglin
2439 Pepperstone Dr
Graham NC 27253.
Beth Brockman is hospitalized at NYU-Langone following an emergency appendectomy.
Kayla Champion is expecting. Her labor will be induced on April 10th.
Kerry Holbrook is preparing for surgery (April 10).
Vernon Neece is hospitalized at the Durham VA Medical Center, recovering from a recent fall.
Jennie Bodkin, sister of Mindy Douglas, is preparing for surgery (April 11).
Francisca Cristobal, relative of Al and Judy Arrowwood, requests prayers.
Spencer Reeves, friend of FPC, is hospitalized at UNC-Hospitals.
Individuals and families impacted by the recent earthquake in Taiwan.
Click here to see other concerns.
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Our Palm Sunday activities, Holy Week and Easter services were wonderful this year. We had great weather and strong participation. Thanks to everyone who participated in the egg hunt, palm parade, Maundy Thursday worship. Good Friday pilgrimage and Tenebrae, and Easter Sunday worship.
Thank you to everyone who donated a lily or helped to flower the cross on Easter Sunday.
Thank you to Wendy & Mac McCorkle for hosting First Friends April Potluck at their home on April 6th.
CROP Hunger Walk a Huge Success!
FPC raised over $7,300 through the CROP Hunger Walk on March 24, and there are still additional gifts coming in. That well exceeds the goal we set of $6,000. We learned at the walk that the Durham CROP Walk is now the largest in the country, and the goal for Durham this year is $220,000. These funds will all be used to alleviate hunger here in our community and throughout the world. Again, thanks to all of you who helped make the walk such a success.
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Sunday, April 14
Third Sunday in Easter
Sunday, April 21
Fourth Sunday in Easter
11:00 a.m. Worship
Mindy Douglas, preaching
Flourishing In Faith.
Age-graded classes for children are being offered at 9:45 on the second floor of the Christian education building.
is held on Sunday mornings during the faith formation hour in the Godly Playroom (second floor, Christian Education building) from 9:45-9:55 a.m. Come learn new songs and sing some old favorites. Don't be late!
Please spread the word: If you know of/or are a family with children younger than preschool age who need childcare during the faith formation hour, we are now providing childcare during that time frame!
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This Eastertide, our Faith & Community class is experiencing a Spring of Service. We’re checking in with familiar partners in doing God’s work, as well as meeting new folks. Join us.
This Sunday, April 14: Margaret and Miguel Rubiera will be discussing the ministries of Iglesia Emanuel - they will share about the Food Pantry and have invited Mimi Dunn to share about the Tutoring Program.
- April 21: John Fricks, PC (USA) Mission Work in the Democratic Republic of Congo
April 28: Noel Nickle, North Carolina Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
May 5: Cris Rivera, Creation Care
May 12: Betsy Cox, an old friend of the congregation, shares about her book Reading Van Gogh
May 19: Ian Vellenga & Jhan Dotel, Nicaraguan Mission Co-Workers
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Lectionary Class
The Lectionary Class enjoys lively discussion of the week's four scripture readings, both their original context and their meaning in our lives. There is room for folks of all levels of experience with the Bible. All are welcome, Sundays at 9:45 am in the Robert Daye Meeting Room
on April 14: When you have witnessed something important, you have a duty to testify. But sometimes there are consequences. Are you willing to be a witness? Are you willing to get involved?
on April 21: “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Are we likely to be called upon to lay down our lives for others? If not, is there any other way we can demonstrate our love?
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MnMs (Meaning in the Middle) Fellowship
Meaning in the Middle is a group who talks about how to find God and meaning in the middle of wherever we are: as Christians, as professionals, as friends and family, as parents, as middle-of-life adults (whatever that circumstance might look like for you).
We gather on Zoom, Sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. - link available from Emily Diy, Mary Berry or John Weicher.
Plus, we gather monthly in person to be together - often late afternoons on a Saturday.
To learn more about this group, contact Mary Berry or Emily Diy.
And if you haven't, please sign up to lead a Sunday night this spring! The sign-up sheet is here.
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Journeys Class
Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Wilson Parlor
This Sunday, April 14, there will not be a Journeys class because we want to encourage our participants to attend the Faith and Community class at 9:45 a.m. in Watts-Hill Hall. That class will have presentations on the various volunteer organizations that First Presbyterian members support including the Emanuel Food Pantry that Margaret and Miguel Rubiera have grown and managed.
Meanwhile, it is never too early to start your reading of "Bartleby the Scrivener" by Herman Melville to prepare for Lea Bingham's discussion of that work on April 28.
Contact Andy Henry or Eric Wiebe to learn more.
| The study of the book of Psalms will resume on Sunday, April 21 in the basement parlor from 9:45-10:45 a.m. All are welcome to join this study which is led by Susan Dunlap. | | |
Landscaping and
Grounds Workday
Barbara Buckley will lead a crew of volunteers in beautifying the church grounds on Saturday, April 13 from 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon. New faces are welcome. Many hands make light the work. Please join us!
Daytimers are invited to a Spring Seniors Luncheon on Tuesday, April 23 at 12 noon. We ask that you gather in the Wilson Parlor at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at 12:00 noon in Watts-Hill Hall. The cost of the meal is $10.00. Several members will give a short presentation on the theme: “The Place I’ve Been.”
Beth Stringfield and Cris Rivera will prepare the lunch. Attending? Please RSVP to Mickey Velkey by Saturday, April 19.
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Spring is the perfect time
for a Pop-up fellowship event.
Check out these opportunities and sign up to join us!
More information can be found on the signup page or contact the host(s) directly. Space is limited for each event. Sign up to attend.
B J Morton - Make greeting cards
April 13 from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon - at her home - 1402 Colewood Dr.
Ellie Meade - tour of Duke Gardens
April 20 from 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Catherine Dumas -Occoneechee Mountain hike
April 27 from 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Brianna Honea Bennett
Yoga Class - location TBA
May 19 at 1:30 p.m.
David and Judy Smith
Bird watching - location TBA
May 25 at 7:30 a.m.
Jon Abels
Make sour dough bread making
June 1 at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday, May 5
Spring Fling
This year's Spring Fling will be a send-off for Mindy. Bring a dish to share at this potluck event.
Time: 5-7:30, p.m.
Location: Croasdaile Village
Sunday, August 11
Summer Sizzle
Saturday, November 16
Awesome Autumn
Sunday, December 15
Advent Potluck & Sing-Along
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El Futuro's
(mental health organization) 20th Anniversary Benefit Luncheon
Friday, April 26 from
12 noon-1:00 p.m.
Durham Convention Center
Tom Bacon, Margaret and Miguel Rubiera are hoping you will help them fill a table. Email them to reserve a seat. Lunch is free to those who REGISTER in advance. Donations appreciated.
Bag Beans and Rice
It is time for us to gather together once again to bag rice and beans for the Emanuel Food Pantry. Mark your calendars now for Saturday, May 11, from 10 -12, and plan to join your new and old friends for a morning of fun, fellowship, and service! This is a family friendly event, and we invite everyone to come out, give a little time to help our neighbors in need, and use the opportunity to connect with other wonderful FPC members. Look for the link to sign up in the next newsletter! For more information, or to make sure you are the very first to sign up, contact Margaret Rubiera.
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First Friends Rebuilding Together Workday
Saturday, May 18
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
(Two shifts, two crews)
Sign up to work
or provide lunch
Let's do some rehab to help a neighbor make their home safer and healthier. We are called to support those in need, so let's get together and have some fun in the process! Morning and afternoon crews. All workers, and anyone else who can join, is invited to get together for lunch. We also need volunteers to provide and coordinate lunch. Donations welcome for cost of materials.
Refugee Resettlement Team Forming
The Service and Mission Committee is encouraging anyone who would like to join a new team to work with a refugee family building a new life here in Durham to contact Gordon Campbell. If we can get four or more folks, we will have an introductory meeting and then put you in direct contact with Church World Services to sponsor a family.
Help Provide Meals for StepUp Durham Training
StepUp Durham, a social justice organization which supports
adults and children through employment and life skills training, is looking for church
groups to provide meals for its Step 2 program which meets on Tuesdays from April 30-June 11. Please reach out to Esther to learn more.
May 4, 2024
Red Cross
Community Blood Drive
1:00-6:00 p.m. at FPC in Watts-Hill Hall
Sign up to donate blood
to help save someone’s life.
Go to and enter code: firstpres.
Things That Matter Book Group
Our next meeting is on May 14 at 7:00 pm at the home of Hendrika and she will give us instructions as we get closer to the date.
Barbara Buckley will lead us and the author has been invited to join us. The book is by David Cecelski and is entitled “Waterman’s Song: Slavery and Freedom in Maritime North Carolina.”
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