First Presbyterian Church

Bi-Weekly Newsletter

August 22, 2023 Issue 17


Pastoral Letter

Joys / Concerns


Faith Formation

Fellowship Events

Service and Mission




Online Calendar

Phishing & Spoofing

Ways to Give

Flowers for Worship

September Birthdays
August Birthdays

Pastoral Letter

Dear friends,

           As a child, and even as a teenager, I always loved the start of school. The summer had given me plenty of unscheduled time to explore the woods near my house or catch crawdads and salamanders in the creek. I missed my friends, though, and probably even the routine (though I wouldn’t have said that at the time), and I was excited, though somewhat nervous, about a new school year. I couldn’t wait until the class list came out and I got to see who my teachers and classmates would be. But I also had some anxiety because new things can be both exciting and scary, right?

           I have been thinking about all the college students moving in for the first time this week, as well as all the parents driving away without their child in the car with them and feeling their stomach clench and their eyes get a little watery. I know DPS starts next week, and so summer camps are ending and traveling is winding down. Children are choosing backpacks and loading them with notebooks, pencils, and binders. Some are going shopping and choosing first day-of-school outfits.

           As I consider these children, teens, and college students (and parents) and the new starts they are making, I give thanks that God is with us in all things. I pray that they and all of us who are facing a transition of any kind know that God accompanies us through change. Whether the change is exiting or terrifying, or a crazy mishmash of all the feelings, we know that God goes with us and gives us strength, courage, and hope for the path that lies ahead. May all who are dealing with change right now be filled with God’s spirit so that they are equipped for the days, months, and years ahead.

           May God go with our children, youth, college students, and parents. May God go with us all.


Grace and peace to you all, friends.



P.S. I hope everyone will bring their backpack or briefcase for our blessing for new beginnings this Sunday in worship! I will have mine! See you there.

The Church office will be closed on Monday, September 4 in observance of the Labor Day holiday.


Sunday, August 27

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

Mindy Douglas, preaching

Bring your backpacks or briefcases so they can be blessed as a new school year begins for students and teachers next week.

The Hunger for Change offering will be received this Sunday during worship.

* * * * * * * * * *

Sunday, September 3

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

Esther Hethcox, preaching

This summer, the children's class meets from 9:45-10:45 a.m. as a one-room schoolhouse on the second floor of the CE building, room 208. The theme is "Journey with Jesus." Parents and youth are invited to assist. Sign up HERE.


September 10

Faith Formation

Fall Kickoff

Stay tuned for details.

Bible Study:  

Philippians in

Six Sessions

Paul wrote the book of Philippians from a prison cell as a letter to a community he loved.  Even though he was imprisoned, this book is full of themes of joy and community life together.  We have a lot to learn from Paul about faith during times of adversity.  While we will focus on the study of scripture, this group will also be a way to deepen our spiritual lives and our fellowship with each other. If you are interested please let Susan Dunlap know,  Susan will consult with all who are interested to determine the best time and frequency for these gatherings.

Looking for some late-summer reading? Pick up Proud Shoes, by Pauli Murray! The Faith & Community class starts back up on September 17 with two weeks of discussion about this unofficial patron saint of Durham. This book is a great introduction/refresher. Join us in-person in Watts-Hill Hall at 9:45 a.m. on September 17 and September 24.

Lectionary Class

(meets year-round)

Join us each Sunday at 9:45 in the Robert Daye Meeting Room (East Parlor) for discussion of the lectionary readings.

August 27: What do you depend on as your rock, the foundation of your faith? The values of the world? your family or friends? 

respected leaders?

September 3: “Vindicate me, O Lord,” says the Psalmist. “Bring down retribution for me on my persecutors,” says Jeremiah. The desire for vengeance is very human, but is it the best we can do?

 Faith & Community Class

  Journey's Class

You are invited to join the year-round Lectionary class on Sundays at 9:45 in the Robert Daye Meeting Room (East Parlor) through the remainder of the summer.

MnMs (Meaning in the Middle) Fellowship

We encourage the 9:45 a.m. in-person class to attend the Lectionary Class which meets year-round.

Our 8:00 p.m. Zoom Time will resume closer to the start of the school year.

To learn more about this class, contact Mary Berry o Emily Diy.

"Enslavement, Presbyterianism,

and the Burwells"

-- presented by Hillsborough Presbyterian Church and The Burwell School & Historic Site. 

Friday, August 25

7:15 p.m.

at Hillsborough Presbyterian Church

102 W. Tryon St. Hillsborough, NC.

It will be a presentation on the historical connection between slavery and the Presbyterian Church, highlighting the role of local minister and educator, Robert Burwell. A question and answer period with refreshments will follow. And, our own Vernon Cooper will be one of the speakers. We do hope many of you can attend.



Carolyn Crowder (friend of Macky Alston) has made a documentary called AT THE RIVER about white Christian pastors who broke ranks and stood for Civil Rights, following Black leadership across the South. 

The film is a powerful witness to white people. As we are called today to act for racial justice in support of Black leadership, we can learn from and be inspired by those who came before who did so when the cost was often much higher than it is today.

The film will be screening in Raleigh on Sunday afternoon at 4.30 on September 24th at White Memorial Presbyterian Church.

For information about the film. click here.

For screenings near you, check this listing.

Ordination Announcement

Congratulations to Rev. Haley Winslow Stephenson who was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament on August 19 at FPC. Haley will serve as a Chaplain Fellow at the Durham VA Medical Center.


  • Wes Carson, our dear member and husband of Carol Carson, died on August 2 at The Forest at Duke. (Obituary) A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held for Wes at FPC on Saturday, September 2 at 2:00 p.m. The family will greet friends at a reception in Watts-Hill Hall following the service. If you are available to help with the reception, please sign up here.
  •  Laura and Torrell Armstrong, Mason, and David on the death of Laura’s father (Mason and David’s grandfather).  Tom Clift died August 7 in Florida.
  • Emily Wilkins on the death of her friend Véronique’s mother who died peacefully on August 7 in Bruxelles, Belgium.


A Celebration of Life service with lunch, music, and visiting will be held for Phil Boyle (husband of Scottie Seawell and father of Erin, Rachel, and Lauren Boyle, on Saturday, September 16 from 10:30 a.m.-4:00p.m. at Pluck Farm in Orange County.



  • Jasper Yeatts Gunn, daughter of Wilson Gunn
  • Carol Wills is in rehab at Southpoint Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center following hip  surgery
  •  John C. Weicher, father of John Weicher
  • Ellen Doyle OSU, friend of Karolyn Mangeot, who is celebrating her 50th year as a nun on Labor Day weekend.
  •  The congregation of Greater Waltown United Holy Church of Durham whose buildings were destroyed by fire recently.
  • The citizens of Maui impacted by recent wildfires there.

Click HERE to see our full list of concerns.

I want to thank my First Presbyterian Church family for your continual care and love. Your visits, cards, sharing of flowers, and your prayers make for good and happy days. I enjoy hearing from and seeing my Circle and Women of the Church friends and those in the Day-Timer’s group. And I especially want to thank Mindy, Esther, and Amy, who are faithful in visits, messages, prayers, and care. I love my church and the dear friends I have here. With much love and thanks

Maxie Honeycutt

Dear Friends,

We are deeply grateful for the celebration of our 60th Wedding Anniversary on Sunday. Your expression of love for us meant so much to us. Our relationship with you brings us such joy. We are so blessed to be joined with you in this congregation. Thank you for your gifts to the Emanuel Food Bank.

With our gratitude and love,

Carlisle and Joe Harvard  

Double kudos to Tyler and Deborah Momsen-Hudson who hosted the All-Church Summer Sizzle event at their home on August 13 and First Friends August Potluck on August 19. We are so grateful.

Thank you to Barbara Buckley who organized a grounds workday at the church on August 12.



This year's FILL THAT BUS school supplies drive was a success! Thank you to Mal King for organizing our drive again this year and to those of you who donated much needed supplies for Durham Public Schools teachers.

Congratulations to FPC on our recent recertification as an Earth Care Congregation (ECC). Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) will be offering a national conference September 20-23 at Massanetta Springs Camp and Conference Center in Virginia. The conference will also be livestreamed if you prefer not to travel. For more information and to register, click here.



There are some open dates for flower donors in September and October. Click here to see what Sundays remain available. After you select an open date,, scroll down to the bottom of the SignUp page to Save and Continue. Adding your name and comment will complete the process. Typical arrangements cost $65, which is paid to the church.



The Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, done in partnership with Sankofa Farms in Orange County, is now selling tomatoes, squash, peppers, and much more through September 7. If you wish to participate, go to the Sankofa Farms website, and once there, click on “Shop.” The website is For more information, feel free to contact Tom Bacon or Johanna and George Bernhardt.



This is a reminder: The beach trip will be September 29-October 1. Please contact Kathy Conner or Deborah Momsen-Hudson with questions!

Planning to go? We need to know. Respond to the EVITE or email Kathy or Deborah by end of day Wednesday, August 23.

First Friends is a monthly gathering of adults for a meal, socializing, games, or sometimes service projects. Most gatherings are hosted in a participant's home or backyard, and their children are welcome to join the fun. New friends are always welcome. 

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) assisting victims of Maui Wildfires

An initial response grant has been disbursed to address emergency needs, and PDA will be present through the long-term recovery phase. You can give to FPC (memo Maui Wildfires). We will send our funds to PDA at the end of September. To help now, you can give via phone by calling 1-800-872-3283. To send a check directly to PDA, please designate where you want your gift to go on the memo line (DR000165 - Maui) and mail to:

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

P.O. Box 643700

Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.