First Presbyterian Church

Bi-Weekly Newsletter

October 3, 2023 - Issue 20


Pastoral Letter

Joys / Concerns


Faith Formation

Fellowship Events

Service and Mission




Online Calendar

Phishing & Spoofing

Ways to Give

Flowers for Worship

October Birthdays

Pastoral Letter

Dear friends,

For many in my neighborhood, October is the season for pumpkins, gourds, and hay bales. It is also the time when skeletons, ghosts, grave stones, and spider webs appear in people’s front yards. October is for cooler weather, bonfires, and festivals.

In the church, October is also many of these things (check out our Awesome Autumn Festival coming up on October 15 and Trunk or Treat on October 30), but, more importantly, it is a time to take a deep breath and remember who we are and whose we are. We are children of God, and we belong to a good and gracious God who has called us and who cares for us.

Letter continues here.

Thanks be to God for you all and for your ongoing witness to Christ in the world.

Gratefully yours,





Flourishing In Faith.  

Age-graded classes for children are now being offered. Children meet at 9:45 on the second floor of the Christian education building.


Sunday, October 8

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

Mindy Douglas, preaching

Following worship, join us for our 2024 Stewardship Season Kickoff Reception in Watts-Hill Hall. You will hear a brief presentation from the Stewardship Committee while enjoying heavy hors d'oeuvres prepared by Cris and Beth. Remember to RSVP to the EVITE. Click HERE.

Volunteers are also needed to setup Watts-Hill Hall for the reception and to help cleanup when it is over. If you are available and can help out, click here to sign up. All help is appreciated. Contact Ashley Swavely for more details.



Sunday, October 15

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

11:00 a.m. Worship

Presentation of Bibles

to 3rd graders


Fun Fellowship

Sunday, October 15

3:00-5:00 p.m.

at Forest Hills Park

Bring picnic-style food to share.

A Study of Philippians

Join us on Sunday mornings

from 9:45-10:45 a.m.

in the Basement Parlor

(across from Youth classrooms)

For more information, please contact Susan Dunlap,

Learn about FPC’s

CARE Team Ministry

For the first three Sundays of October, Faith and Community Class is focusing on refugees and asylum seekers in the U.S. 

On October 8, several young immigrants who attend Immaculate Conception will be sharing their experiences as immigrants to the U.S. from Central and South America. 

On October 15, we will be viewing a film from PCUSA, "Genesis of Exodus," which provides an intensive look at why people in Central and South America are leaving to make to perilous journey to the U.S. 

Lectionary Class

(meets year-round)

Lectionary Class: Join us each Sunday at 9:45 in the Robert Daye (East) Parlor for discussion of the lectionary readings.

October 8: Both Jesus and Isaiah tell parables of vineyards that, for different reasons, fail to produce the expected fruits. Do our lives show that we are fruitful vineyards?

October 15: The Lord prepares an extravagant feast, an overflowing table. Are you invited? Are you worthy?

Journeys Class

Sunday, October 8

For the third pairing, I would like to pair an album track with both a psalm and a passage from the New Testament. Please, others, if you have other biblical

inspirations for the track, please pass them along or bring them to class.


The track is titled: Your Forgiveness 14:40-20:11


The biblical pairing is: Psalm 51; Matthew 5:8, 18:35


For those just hearing about this unit, HERE is the introductory email I sent to the class.

- Eric Wiebe

MnMs (Meaning in the Middle) Fellowship

We will meet at Hi-Wire from 3:00-5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 7.

New faces welcome.

We meet via Zoom at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. The Zoom link is sent each week to those on the listserve. To learn more about this class, contact Mary Berry or Emily Diy.

Birth Announcement: Congratulations to Lanny Pratt on the birth of a grandchild. 

Eloise Mae Requena was born September 27th to Lanny’s youngest daughter, Lydia Marie White. 



The love and concern of the congregation is extended to Caroline Means on the  death of her grandfather, Tom Means

Caroline Means

515 S. Mangum St, Apt. 5264

Durham NC 27701



Joy Wintermute, friend of FPC, recently hospitalized

Click HERE to see our full list of concerns.

Thank you to Mickey Velkey for arranging the September Day Timers' Luncheon at Bullock's Barbecue.

Thank you to Kathy Conner and Deborah Momsen-Hudson for organizing the First Friends Annual Beach Retreat again this year.


Monday, October 9

Christian Education

6:00 p.m. via Zoom


6:00 p.m. Daye Meeting Room

Service & Mission

6:30 p.m. via Zoom

Worship & the Arts

7:00 p.m. via Zoom


Tyler Momsen-Hudson and Lanny Pratt, members of the Building Committee, will be available after worship on October 15 in Watts-Hill Hall for an informal question and answer session about the building expansion project. 

Click to read more from the Building Committee.

Pauli Murray

Video Showings

Pauli Murray is the unofficial saint of Durham, and we all now have the special opportunity to view the award-winning film “My Name is Pauli Murray” at the homes of FPC members on five different dates in October. You can sign up to attend a showing at this link.  


All Hallow's Time and Monasticism Practices 

Saturday, October 14

5:00 p.m.   

Matthew Eggleston is hosting The Somethings at his home (2210 Sparger Rd). This potluck during the Halloween season will explore Monasticism spiritual practices with us! Together we will learn the history of this discipline and we can explore together how to incorporate this strain of spirituality into our daily lives. 

Save the Date!

Day Timers’ Luncheon

Tuesday, October 24

11:30 a.m. at Neo China

4015 University Drive

Arranged by Barbara Fish



We need your help!

Last year, we had a blast with FPC’s first-ever Trunk or Treat as FPC children and some kiddos from the community trick-or-treated at some tricked-out trunks in our parking lot. We need lots more trunks to be decorated and candy to be given out. There will also be face-painting and hotdogs (to balance out all that candy).  All FPCers are invited to decorate a trunk. Contact Stephen Berry if you have questions and to sign up to decorate a trunk.

31st Annual Community Vigil Against Violence

Join us to honor and remember 50 lives taken from us by violence in Durham County during 2022. We will gather on Saturday, October 14 at 10:00 a.m. on the grounds of Elizabeth Street UMC (1209 N. Elizabeth Street) for a ritual of sacred attention to these 50 loved ones. All are welcome. Vigil is sponsored by Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham. For more information, contact Rev. Annette Love (919-746-6751or


Building Bridges with Asylum Seekers

Saturday, October 14

9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church

4900 Kaplan Dr, Raleigh


Learn how you and your congregation can become allies to asylum seekers, and imagine how communities can be prepared to welcome our neighbors.

Lunch served at 12:30 p.m.

RSVP by October 8.

Event sponsored by New Hope Presbytery Peacemaking Committee. To register and for more information contact

Libby Johnson at 865-789-8912 or Linda Rapuanon at 917-991-4138.

Durham CAN Candidates Assembly

Sunday, October 15

6:00-7:30 p.m.

Mt. Level Missionary

Baptist Church

316 Hebron Rd, Durham

Come hear “yes” or “no” answers from candidates for City Council and Mayor on issues affecting Durham CAN members, including affordable housing and services for victims of gun violence. Issues are developed through relational meetings, caucuses, and listening sessions throughout our member congregations, associations and neighborhoods and formed into actionable issues by our research action teams. For more information on supporting this event, contact Susan Dunlap at 919-801-5968 or

Opportunities Galore for Serving our Community!

This fall, why not set aside some time to serve our community, get to know other amazing people, and finish your days knowing that your efforts have made a significant difference in the lives of others! We have multiple options for you at Iglesia Emanuel, so read on, and respond with joy!

The Emanuel Learning Center offers one-on-one tutoring two evenings a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. We welcome new tutors who are willing to make a consistent commitment for one evening a week. You will not only help a young person with their academic skills, but also help them gain needed self-confidence in their ability to succeed. We provide the tools and training you might need. You bring the warm, caring heart. Contact Mimi Dunn for more information.

The Emanuel Food Pantry always has room for more volunteers and supporters. We continue to provide healthy food to over 600 families a week. Sign up at this link to find a spot for yourself on one of our shifts. You might work hard, but we promise you will enjoy the experience.

And now for our newest project — English as a Second Language classes for adults! Classes are scheduled to begin on November 2nd. Classes for women will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., and for men on Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Lead teachers and assistant teachers are needed. Please contact Alicia Baucom at, or 910 545-2640 to learn more.