First Presbyterian Church

Bi-Weekly Newsletter

October 31, 2023 - Issue 22


Pastoral Letter

Joys / Concerns


Faith Formation

Fellowship Events

Service and Mission Opportunities

November Birthdays


Online Giving

Online Calendar

Phishing & Spoofing

Ways to Give

Flowers for Worship 2023

Sign up to deliver worship flowers

Office volunteers - open dates

Pastoral Letter

Dear friends,


When I first started ministry, I had the incredible blessing of working with a saint named Jim McKinnon. He was a big man with a big, deep voice and an even bigger heart. He was loved by everyone who knew him. He was incredibly humble and equally wise. I miss him very much.


As I started in this first call so many years ago, I learned a great deal from him. One thing I learned from him related to the pre-marital counseling I did in the months before a couple married. When it came to talking about finances, Jim told me that he advised couples to save 10% and give 10% away. Now not everyone could do that at a young age, and some could never do that, but it was a good goal to have and I still advise couples to consider this.


The invitation to save 10% invited couples to remember that there would be times in their lives when they would need savings - in the event of job loss or transition, to pay for college for themselves or their children (if they had them), to handle emergencies or unexpected expenses that would come along, and to have a nest egg for their retirement.


The invitation to give away 10% of their income invited couples to remember that everything they have comes from God and that there are always people in greater need than they are in this world. That 10% is often known as a “tithe” (from the Old English word for tenth). In Deuteronomy 26, the people of God are invited to give a tithe, 10% of their harvests, the “first fruits,” back to God in gratitude and acknowledgement that what they had was a gift from God.


In Genesis 28:16-22, Jacob, having received a blessing from God after his dream of a ladder leading to heaven, promises (in his gratitude) to give back at tenth, a tithe, of his possessions.


The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order reminds us that:


"Giving has always been a mark of Christian commitment and discipleship. The ways in which a believer uses God's gifts of material goods, personal abilities, and time should reflect a faithful response to God's self-giving in Jesus Christ and Christ's call to minister to and share with others in the world. Tithing is a primary expression of the Christian discipline of stewardship.”


Not everyone can tithe to the church or give away 10% of their income. Not everyone can save 10% a month or a year. All of us, however, are called to remember that everything we have comes from God and we are to be good stewards of what we have been given.


Thank you for your tithes and offerings to First Presbyterian and to other helping organizations locally, nationally, and internationally. In giving, we receive – abundant joy, peace, and hope for the future. Thank you to those who have already turned in their pledge for 2023 and for those who plan to do so. Your support allows the life-transforming missions and ministries of First Presbyterian Church to continue and to grow. We have a message of love to share with the world. We have a message of love to live out in the world. Thank you for being a part of that.


With love and gratitude,



Daylight Saving Time ends at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 5.

Remember to set your manual clocks BACK ONE HOUR before going to bed on Saturday evening, November 4.

Sunday, November 5

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

11:00 a.m.

Worship & Communion

Mindy Douglas, preaching

All Saints Roll Call

During worship, the names of members and loved ones who died in the past 12 months will be called.

The Racial Equity Task Force will hold their November meeting following worship in the Wilson Parlor.

For those worshipping via live stream, remember to assemble your elements for communion before worship begins so you can partake with us at the appropriate time during worship.

Sunday, November 12

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

11:00 a.m. - Worship

John Weicher, preaching

Everyone is invited to Watts-Hill Hall following worship on November 12 for a potluck lunch. Bring a favorite dish, enough to share, and join us for a time of fellowship.




Flourishing In Faith.  

Age-graded classes for children are now being offered. Children meet at 9:45 on the second floor of the Christian education building.

Faith & Community Class

FPC University is something new. Members of the FPC community, who do not work in professional ministry, will talk about their vocations and how it is informed by their faith. It’s such an important thing, and we don’t talk about it enough. On Sunday, November 5 we welcome Andrew Whiteman, Lesley Curtis, and Carlo Diy.

Lectionary Class

(meets year-round)

Join us each Sunday at 9:45 in the Robert Daye (East) Parlor for discussion of the lectionary readings.

November 5 (All Saints): What makes someone saintly? Is there an aura of goodness and holiness surrounding them? Have they chosen a lifestyle of piety and good works? Have they somehow endured difficult trials and circumstances? Are you a saint?

November 12: “The day of the Lord” – a joyous day to greet the returning bridegroom, or a day of perilous judgment? How do you know? How do you prepare?

Journeys Class

We are beginning a new series. Watch for an email, check the Friday Weekend Reminders email, or contact Andy Henry or Eric Wiebe for more info.

MnMs (Meaning in the Middle) Fellowship

Saturday, November 4

Join us at Hi Wire/Two Roosters for a fellowship event from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Interested in hosting? Contact Mary Berry.

We meet via Zoom at 8:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings. The Zoom link is sent each week to those on the listserve. To learn more about this group, contact Mary Berry or Emily Diy.


Thriving Congregations Committee presents . . .

Congratulations to Taylor King and Mary Ashley Rose who are now engaged to marry.


Congratulations to Jane Carsey and Kevin Talbot who were married October 21st in Cincinnati. Jane is the daughter of Dawn Shelton and grew up in FPC.

Congratulations to Valerie McMillian on the birth of a great-niece. Eva Lynn was born to Valerie's nephew David Edwards and his wife Ivorie on October 26th. Eva joins big brother Davidson who is two years old.


Condolences: The love and concern of the congregation are extended to:

  • Mary-Jo Keenan and Larry Reed on the death of Mary-Jo’s nephew. Dennis Tiede died October 20th in Boston.


  • the Widmark family on the death of longtime member Andy Widmark. Andy died on October 28th at the ages of 81. He is survived by his wife Ginny and daughters Leann Jocius, Sara Loeblein, Rachel Buchanan, Christina Widmark, and Kathy Markowitz and their families. A service to celebrate his life will be held at 10:00 a.m. at FPC on Monday, November 13. A reception of pastries and coffee follows in Watts-Hill Hall.


  • Tony Brown, recovering from hand and elbow surgery
  • Emily Wilson has received a diagnosis of breast cancer

Click HERE to see additional concerns.

2024 Stewardship Campaign

We wish to thank all of those who submitted their pledges by Dedication Sunday. For those who haven’t yet done so, please submit you pledge as soon possible so we can finalize our Needs Budget for 2024. You can pledge online, by mail, or drop it off at the church. We are the church and together we Sing the New World into Being.

2024 Pledge Update

At a Glance

As of 10/30/2023

# Pledges---------------------108

Amount--------- $ 658,230.00

Percentage of Goal------ 61.42

Pledge Goal ----$1,071,766.00

Needed----------$ 413.536.00

  • Thank you to Matthew Eggleston for hosting The Somethings at his home on October 14th.
  • Thank you to the Fellowship Committee for sponsoring another All-Church Awesome Autumn potluck event at Forest Hills park on October 15th.
  • Thank you to Wendy and Mac McCorkle for hosting the Chancel Choir's potluck at their home on October 25th.
  • Thank you to Barbara Fish and Mickey Velkey for organizing a Day Timers' Luncheon at Neo China on October 26th.
  • Thank you to Barbara Buckley for organizing seasonal workdays that greatly improve the esthetics of the church grounds.

Thursday, November 2

1:00-6:00 p.m.

in Watts-Hill Hall


Reserve a spot today! Go online to and use code firstpres to schedule your appointment. 

Sometimes there are

"no shows,"

so walk-ins are welcome!


For more information, contact Julie Whiddon  (919-730-6673), our organizer and a Red Cross volunteer. 

Men of Faith Breakfast

Friday, November 3

8:00 a.m. at

Mad Hatter’s Café

1802 W. Main Street

Circle and Bible Study

Monday, November 6

10:30 a.m.

Robert Daye Meeting Room

Susan Dunlap leads

the Bible study.

First Friends

November Potluck

Link to EVITE

Joy and Mike Kerner are hosting a First Friends potluck on Saturday, November 11, at 6:00 p.m. at their home.

Please bring a dish to share.

Call or email Joy with questions. 919-308-4051 or



112 North Riverdale Drive

Durham, NC 27712

The Things That Matter Book Group will meet on Tuesday, November 14 at 3:00 p.m. at the home of Barbara Buckley (3019 Annandale Road) to discuss The Personal Librarian by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murphy. Dale Gaddis will lead the discussion. New readers welcome!

Pauli Murray

Video Showings

Pauli Murray is the unofficial saint of Durham, and we all now have the special opportunity to view the award-winning film “My Name is Pauli Murray” at the homes of FPC members on dates in November. Please sign up to reserve a seat for a showing at this link.  


Shop at Bull City Fair Trade and support FPC's Walk-in Ministry

Bull City Fair Trade Market, located at 811 9th Street, is partnering with FPC - offering an incentive day to shop there on November 19 from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Ten percent (10%) of the proceeds that day will go to FPC's walk-in ministry fund. For more information contact Teddie Brown.

Opportunities Galore for Serving our Community!

We have multiple options for you at Iglesia Emanuel, so read on, and respond with joy!

The Emanuel Learning Center offers one-on-one tutoring two evenings a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:45 - 7:00 p.m. Contact Mimi Dunn for more information.

The Emanuel Food Pantry always has room for more volunteers and supporters. Sign up at this link to find a spot for yourself on one of our shifts.

English as a Second Language classes for adults! Classes are scheduled to begin November 2nd. Classes for women will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., and for men on Tuesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Lead teachers and assistant teachers are needed. To learn more, contact Alicia Baucom at, or 910 545-2640.