Pastoral Letter
Joys / Concerns
Winter Faith Formation
Winter Fellowship Events
Service and Mission Opportunities
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Dear friends,
Click here to read Pastor Mindy’s letter about how we are called to stand together in faith, love, and action—supporting the marginalized, welcoming the stranger, and resisting oppression. Let us rise to this challenge and be the hands and feet of Christ.
With love and gratitude,
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2025 Pledges Update
As of 2/11/25
Pledges: 178
Amount: $1,036,795.07
Percentage of 92.6
Pledge Goal: $1,119,655.01
Needed: $82,859.94
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We gather in faith and remembrance to honor those who have passed.
Orville Powell on February 19th at 11:00 a.m.
Maxie Honeycutt on March 1st at 11:00 a.m.
Bill Hendrickson on March 15th at 3:00 p.m.
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Birth Announcement
A son, Elliot Matthew Erney was born to Catie Brockman and Nate Erney on Monday morning. Mom and baby are both doing well!
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Our Condolences to:
Christy Gudaitis upon the death of her husband Jim Gudaitis on Saturday, February 8, 2025.
Dianne Powell and Sandy Powell upon the death of their husband and father Orville Powell.
We remember in prayer:
Mac McCorkle, recovering from pneumonia at home.
Logan Tice, friend of the congregation, recovering from a surgery.
Carol Wills, has an upcoming surgery on Thursday.
Additional concerns can be found here.
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The churchlife app can be used to locate address information for sending cards to individuals and families. You may also contact the church office if you do not have access to the app. | |
Tuesday, February 11th at 6:00pm
Watts-Hill Hall
Join us for Poems, during Things That Matter Book Group. Laura McNab will host and would appreciate helpers. We will discuss the poetry of Nikki Giovanni. Please bring a favorite poem to share.
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led by Jane Wettach
Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. (2/12/2025 only)
Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
Meet at the church.
Location to be determined based on class size.
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6th Sunday after Epiphany
Sunday, February 16, 2025 at 11:00 a.m.
Mindy Douglas, preaching
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One of the joys of being in church together is that together, we are all the generations. This week, we’re yet again celebrating that with Donuts & Dialogue.
(You might remember Toast & Talk or Cereal & Chat – donuts are a simpler food.)
We’ll spend the last 15 minutes of the faith formation hour (10:30-10:45 am) this Sunday, pairing up faith formation classes. Together, we’ll munch, connect and chat a little about compassion for our neighbors. Here are the pairings…
- Journeys visits the Middle School Class.
- Lectionary visits the Older Elementary Class.
- The Younger Elementary Class visits Faith & Community.
- Meaning in the Middle and The Somethings visit the 2s-4s.
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Children are welcome to join Lenore Champion and others on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:00 a.m. in the Godly Playroom to learn and sing songs.
After Worship . . .Children, aged kindergarten-6th grade, are invited to a time of music with Kathy Parkins in the choir room. We begin around 12:10 p.m.
If your child is interested in taking part in Worship leadership, please let Lenore know!
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Middle School
Faith Formation Classes
will meet Sunday at 9:45 a.m.
After a week off for Youth Sunday, our middle school faith formation returns to its series on Hope.
This week, teachers Ellie Dilworth and Bob Pleasants help our middlers to See Hope, which is so important these days. They’ll be in the left-side youth room, with donuts (as usual).
We meet on Sundays from
9:45-10:45 a.m.
in Watts-Hill Hall.
Faith & Community welcomes Ketty Thelemaque, the Lead Organizer for Durham CAN on Feb. 16. Durham CAN seeks to strengthen congregations & community institutions and to build relationships of trust across people of those institutions here in Durham. We are thrilled to welcome the leader of this longtime partner to share about their work. Join us in Watts-Hill Hall this Sunday at 9:45 am.
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High School
Faith formation
The high school class if off again this week because of their service trip to Western North Carolina. They’ll be back on Feb. 23.
Join us each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in the Robert Daye Meeting Room for discussion of the lectionary readings.
February 16: Life is good. We are financially comfortable, we have plenty to eat, and we enjoy the company of friends and family. So what are these harsh words from Jesus: "woe to you"? Surely he doesn't mean us, does he?
February 23: Joseph, in his position of power, could have easily taken revenge on his brothers, who in their jealousy sold him into slavery. He saw God’s hand in their actions, but sometimes we can’t perceive anything good in evil deeds. Do we have the faith to love our enemies, as Jesus commanded? “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”
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Sundays at 9:45 a.m. in the Wilson Parlor
We are currently reading and discussing the New Testament Book of Acts of the Apostles and will be using from time to time as a resource the Interpretation Series—ACTS: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by William H. Willimon.
All are welcome to join.
For more information please contact Andy Henry, Eric Wiebe, or Paul Baldasare.
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Sundays 8:00 p.m., via Zoom
(Link is sent in weekly email)
We are using the resource d365, a Presbyterian / mainline devotional to guide our discussion. There is no reading or prep required, and our topics vary from week to week, so you won't have missed anything.
We need leaders for our weekly Zoom discussions and our monthly in-person gatherings. The sign-up sheet for both is here. If you haven't already done so, please sign up for two weeks on the spreadsheet, and a giant THANK YOU to those who have already signed up.
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Sunday, March 2nd at 5:00pm
Watts-Hill Hall
Two friends – one Black, one white – travel South to their ancestral lands to explore what reparations means to them. From kitchen tables to porches, lost cemeteries to discovered diaries, their journeys lead to unexpected opportunities that transform their friendship, families and communities. Together they reclaim and reckon with their roots and find that small acts can lead to big change.
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Saturday, March 22nd
11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Join us for King Cake, Beignets, Café Au Lait, Beads, and great company. Costumes optional!
We'll come together at Cris and Beth’s House for a day party to remember. If you plan to attend RSVP to Cris by email at mcrisrivera@gmail.com.
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The annual Durham CROP Hunger Walk will be held on March 23. This event raises funds to alleviate hunger here in Durham and throughout the world. Many of the organizations we support as a church receive funds from the CROP Walk, including Iglesia Food Pantry, Urban Ministries of Durham, Meals on Wheels, and several others. First Pres will once again have a team of walkers participating in the walk, and we invite you to join us as one of the walkers. If you are unable to participate please consider sponsoring one of those who is walking. You can use the link below to sign up to walk or support a walker.
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New Members Are Always Welcome!
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First Friends is a fellowship group of folks that usually meet on weekend evenings, pretty much monthly. All are welcome! Most of the group is 50+. We have potlucks in homes, at church, or out on the trails and we have a famous (infamous?) annual beach trip in September.
We hope new members will feel free to come and join for good conversation, pretty good food, and building the community of Christ.
Feel free to reach out to Deborah or Christyn for more information.
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Deborah Momsen-Hudson
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Christyn Klinck
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March 29th
Join us for a hike at the Occoneechee Trail, in Hillsborough;
Hosted by Catherine Dumas. You may connect with Catherine here.
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April 12th
Join us for a Potluck at Jane Wettach & Paul Baldasare’s home.
You may connect with Jane here.
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May 17th
Coffee Klatch (am) at Cherrie & Andy Henry’s home.
You may connect with Cherrie here.
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