August 21, 2022
Scripture: Luke 13:10-17
Sermon: Sabbath Justice, Chris Joiner
Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty
Just as I Am, without One Plea
How Firm a Foundation 

We will have a "Blessing of the Backpacks" during both services for all students and school/university personnel.
Prayer Vigil Tonight at 6 PM for Jake Wilson
The Blair Family is hosting a Wilson Warrior Prayer Vigil tonight at the pavilion behind Epworth Church 4340 Arno Rd. 6:00 pm. We will pray together and write and record messages of love and encouragement to be shared with Jake. If you can't make it in person, there is a zoom option.

Jake loves listening to the words of encouragement. Power of prayer is exactly what we need!
This Sunday, we will have all ages together for a "Getting to Know You & Me & FPC" at 9:45 AM. We will start with an opening game in Wilson Hall and then a Scavenger Hunt to explore the new downstairs. We want your creative and meaningful ideas to make our space better! We'll also have a Hymn Sing at 10:10 in the Sanctuary. Families are welcome to choose to sing or remain downstairs for a bonus scavenger hunt.
Growth Group Update
We have made a change in one of the Growth Group options. We now have a daytime Zoom group on Tuesdays from 10-11 AM. Read more information and sign up HERE. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up!
Women's Connection 2022
These women were able to experience God’s wholehearted love, joy, beauty, community, and peace this past weekend. They left Montreat inspired by the preaching of Natarsha Sanders and Sarah Bessey along with the community of sisters in Christ.
August – Choir Rehearsals Resume
September 18 – Music Commissioning/Coffee Hour/Choir Room Open House/Organ Demonstration (12 noon)
September 21 - Chancel Choir "Open" Rehearsal
(Join us for a bit of music making and some goodies provided by the choir!)
Gain Musical Experience - Share Your Talent - Spiritual Development - Emotional Support - Fellowship and Fun - Reserved Seating - Uniform Provided :)
October 30 – Organ Dedication & Luncheon
December 11– Lessons & Carols
For the September 2NDSAT “PDA Gifts of the Heart”, we are attempting make 400 school kits. With that being said, we need 1,200 single subject spiral notebooks. These can be found for less than $1 in many stores. If everyone bought 5-10, we'd have this goal met! Notebooks can be dropped off in the Basic Essential Cart in Wilson Hall.
Thank you for showing love for your Neighbor through your congregation's recent contribution of $792.00 to GraceWorks Ministries. Jackie was a recent Neighbor helped by a gift such as yours. She was enjoying a long-term career when she had her fourth child. A joyous occasion, but her little son was born with extensive medical problems. Jackie had to leave her career to care for this precious newborn. She turned to GraceWorks, where she received help with her electric bill and mortgage payment, as well as a shopping cart full of food from our Food Pantry. Thank you for your contribution that enables GraceWorks to continue its mission of "Neighbor serving Neighbor, by the power of God's grace."
Please know that your gift blesses those who walk the hard road toward recovery, letting them know they are not alone, helping them to find hope in the midst of chaos, and making real the promise of Pentecost - the tangible demonstrations of the "mighty acts of God" in healing and the language each one needs most to hear.
This Week's Church Calendar
5 PM: Carillon Handbells
6:45 PM: Chancel Choir

7 PM: Facility Management Committee

10 AM: Sisters in Spirit

7:30 AM: Men's Bible Study
8:30 AM: Worship Service/Blessing of the Backpacks
9:45 AM: Sunday School
11 AM: Worship Service/Blessing of the Backpacks
12 PM: Stephen Ministry
4 PM: Session Meeting
5:30 PM: Youth Kickoff