We are thrilled that our new sidewalk to the FPC Pavilion is complete! This walkway gives better access for all to enjoy the FPC grounds, taking you past the labyrinth and through the arboretum before reaching the pavilion and firepit area. A big thank you to all who made this project possible- especially to the church staff, Ron Crutcher, and friend of FPC Tom Lamb for generously sharing their time & talents!
Join us tomorrow night at 6:00 PM! The whole church is invited to attend a special dinner fundraiser all about our Youth Group's summer adventures. Our students and Adult Participants will share about their experiences at Montreat, Appalachia Service Project, and Asheville Youth Mission, and we'll partake in a delicious southern meal together.
The money raised from this fundraiser dinner will go toward our Youth's trips NEXT summer, in 2024. It'll be here before we know it! Sign up today!
This Friday is the deadline to sign up for our Lebanon mission trip- three spots are left in the group! Contact Mary Sellers Shaw to register or to request a scholarship.
Sisters in Spirit small group will begin the fall season with a meeting for fellowship and prayer on Friday, September 1, from 10-11:15 AM in the church parlor. The following Friday, September 8, we will begin our study of a new book titled Belonging: 5 Keys to Unlock Your Potential as a Disciple by Karoline Lewis. This book discusses discipleship by focusing on John 4: 4-30, the story of the woman at the well. We welcome newcomers to the group! Contact Martha Johnson for more information.
WNL returns September 6!
Dinner signups are now open, and menus will be updated monthly. The deadline for reserving meals is the Sunday prior (i.e. 9/3 for the 9/6 meal). You can sign up by week or all at once. Suggested pricing is $10 per adult/youth and $5 per child with a $25 family max. We can't wait to gather around the table together this fall!
Saturday, September 9th, FPC Franklin will partner with Downtown Presbyterian for our 2NDSAT service project. Sign up here!
Join us on Thursday, Sept. 14 as we prepare dinner and worship with the UKirk Nashville college students! We'll meet at St. Augustine's Chapel on Vanderbilt's campus at 5:45, with dinner starting at 6:30. All ages are welcome to join in! Reach out to Mary Sellers Shaw or Ryan Fox for more information.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study returns!
Join us for a study of Amy-Jill Levine's The Gospel of Mark, led each week by Pastor Chris. The study will run on Wednesday mornings from Sept. 27- Nov. 8 from 10-11 AM in Room 211. Order your book and plan to join us this fall!
FPC Franklin is sponsoring a table at this year's Hard Bargain Association Celebration Dinner on Thursday, September 28, 2023. Church members are invited to attend for free. Contact Mary Sellers Shaw to reserve your seat at the table!
Staff Update: Dymin Cannon is no longer serving as our Communications Associate. We are grateful for her time on our team. Please contact Catherine Olson for any communications needs, and she will refer them to the correct team member. Thank you for your patience during this transition.