Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:15 AM in person and Livestream. Sunday School and Wonder Hour for all ages at 9:00 AM, with Common Grounds at 9:45 AM.

You can find past sermons and the upcoming order of worship on our website.

This week's scripture for reflection: Luke 1:39-55

Preaching: Anne Keener

Join us in a peaceful candlelit sanctuary for a service with space for silence, scripture, and prayer. We will make space for the wide array of emotions that come with this season and reflect on how God’s light fills our lives. You will have the opportunity to write the names of people or situations in your life or the world for which you are in prayer and then place those prayers under a lit candle as a visible sign of lifting them into God’s light. Please make plans to join us. All are welcome.

The service will be livestreamed.

Poinsettias for the sanctuary may be given in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one. The cost is $20. Checks should be made payable to First Presbyterian Church or you may pay online.

Want to sing with the choir Christmas Eve? Join the Chancel Choir Tuesday, December 24 (5:15 PM Rehearsal).

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Holy Communion is December 24 at

4:00 & 6:00 PM. Come, celebrate the Birth in Bethlehem! Nursery and

livestream available at 4:00 PM.

Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 12 from 9 AM-1PM in Wilson Hall, and help save lives by donating blood! Blood donations are critical for patients in need, and you can make a difference. To schedule an appointment, visit and use Sponsor Code FPCF19. If you’d like to volunteer on the day of the drive or for part of it, please reach out to Randy Gottlieb at

This five-hour class consists of a 1.5 hour PowerPoint Presentation with a question and answer period. The remaining time will be spent practicing lifesaving skills and techniques which are easy to learn and require no additional training. Physical training includes learning various strikes, kicks and choke releases. Dynamic training gives students the opportunity to ”fight for their life” against a predator in a padded suit. Students should dress in comfortable, athletic clothes that allow for freedom of movement. Cost is $50. Click here to register.

This Wednesday is our last WNL of 2024, but signups are open for 2025 which will resume January 8. Whether you are a regular at WNL or have never attended, we hope you will join us. Sign up today!

Upcoming dates available include: February 9 & 16 and March 23 & 30.

This Week's Church Calendar


6:00 PM: Admin. Committee Mtg.


5:00 PM: Handbell Choir Rehearsal

6:00 PM: WNL Dinner and Program; Room In The Inn

6:45 PM: Chancel Choir Rehearsal


10:00 AM: Sisters in Spirit


7:30 AM: Men's Bible Study


9:00 AM: Sunday School and Wonder Hour

9:45 AM: Common Grounds; Chancel Choir Rehearsal

10:15 AM: Worship Service

5:30 PM: Service of Light

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