Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10:15 AM in person and Livestream. Sunday School and Wonder Hour for all ages at 9:00 AM, with Common Grounds at 9:45 AM.

You can find past sermons and the upcoming order of worship on our website.

This week's scripture for reflection: Luke 1:57-66, 80

Preaching: Warner Durnell

🎄 The Manger Tree is Here! 🎄

Support GraceWorks’ Manger this Christmas by taking a tag from the tree in Wilson Hall. Each tag includes a child’s age group and gift ideas, with a suggested price of $40–$60. You can shop using the QR code on the tag to select an item from GraceWorks’ Amazon Wish List, which will be delivered directly to them, or purchase a gift yourself and return it unwrapped to the tree by Sunday, December 8. Let’s make this Christmas special for local children! 

For questions, contact Verna Rydlund.

Poinsettias for the sanctuary may be given in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one. The cost is $20. Checks should be made payable to First Presbyterian Church or you may pay online.

Join us on December 15 at 10:15 AM for the Annual Service of Lessons & Carols, a musical retelling of the birth in Bethlehem. Enjoy seasonal songs and carols from the choir, soloists, congregation, handbells, guitar, percussion, and organ. Celebrate the season with us!

Join us in a peaceful candlelit sanctuary for a service with space for silence, scripture, and prayer. We will make space for the wide array of emotions that come with this season and reflect on how God’s light fills our lives. You will have the opportunity to write the names of people or situations in your life or the world for which you are in prayer and then place those prayers under a lit candle as a visible sign of lifting them into God’s light. Please make plans to join us. All are welcome.

The service will be livestreamed.

Join us each Wednesday for dinner at 6 PM, followed by programs for all ages at 6:45 PM.

December 4

Randy Gottlieb, Hannukah Traditions

December 11

Matt Coleman, TN Dept of Health, Built Health Environment

December 18

Meal and Fellowship

This Week's Church Calendar


6:00 PM: Admin. Committee Mtg.; Worship Committee Mtg. via Zoom

6:30 PM: Congregational Care Mtg.

7:30 PM: Directory Mtg.


5:00 PM: Handbell Choir Rehearsal

6:00 PM: WNL Dinner and Program

6:45 PM: Chancel Choir Rehearsal


10:00 AM: Sisters in Spirit

11:00 AM: Meals on Wheels


7:30 AM: Men's Bible Study

11:00 AM: 55+ Adults Christmas Brunch


9:00 AM: Sunday School and Wonder Hour; Inquirer Gathering

9:45 AM: Common Grounds; Chancel Choir Rehearsal

10:15 AM: Worship Service

5:00 PM: Youth Live Nativity and Chili Cook Off

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