Sunday Morning Worship

Join us for worship this Sunday: Wonder Hour at 9:00 AM and Worship at 10:15 AM in person or on livestream.

You can find past sermons and the upcoming order of worship on our website.

This week's scripture for reflection: 1 Corinthians 1:1-9.
Register here for each week's dinner!

Spring Primetimers Events

Mark your calendars for the January Primetimers lunch: Thursday, Jan. 19 at 11:00 at Chop House. Sign up here for the lunch and see all the other Primetimers offerings for this spring!
Sisters in Spirit

Join Sisters in Spirit each Friday morning at 10:00 AM in the Parlor for fellowship and conversation. This spring, they will be reading Lysa Terkeurst's book The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands. Newcomers are welcome! They look forward to fellowship and prayer, as well as lively discussions of this biblical approach to decision making. Contact Martha Johnson with any questions about the group.
Exploration Sunday School Class

Join in Barr Conference Room or on Zoom for the study of Elusive Grace: Loving Your Enemies While Striving for God's Justice by Scott Black Johnston.
The United States is suffering through a season of social and political division. How can we as people of faith reconcile the call to participate in God's ongoing struggle for justice while not losing our souls to hatred? How can we love our enemies in this time? Scott Black Johnston believes that there is a way to pursue this difficult work and that people of faith can light the way. He encourages us to recommit to our highest principles―our virtues―and to turn hearts poisoned by cynicism into instruments of love.
For more information about this class, contact Doug Halleen. Read about all our Sunday School and Wonder Hour offerings here.
This Week's Church Calendar
6:00 PM: WNL Dinner
6:45 PM: WNL Program & Choir Rehearsal

10:00 AM Sisters in Spirit
MLK Mission Trip

7:30 AM: Men's Bible Study
MLK Mission Trip
9:00 AM: Wonder Hour
9:45 AM: Common Grounds
10:15 AM: Worship Service & Livestream
MLK Mission Trip

Church Office Closed (holiday)
MLK Mission Trip