Session Notes
During its in-person and Zoom online meeting on August 15, the Session…
• learned that the church’s income for July 2022 was $43,090; expenses, $58.465; and net loss, $15,376; for January through July 2022, income was $454,468; expenses, $407,541; and net income, $46,927;
• approved Susan Fillippeli and Marianne Cone as commissioners to the Presbytery meeting on November 17 at South Highland Presbyterian Church, Birmingham;
• approved replacement of the sound system in the sanctuary, with the Worship and Finance Committees working together on financing;
• approved using up to $5,000 from the Capital Replacement Fund to replace the HVAC system in the church office;
• approved a request for the Hickoks’ use of the sanctuary for recitals on November 13, 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.;
• approved the University Mission Commission’s request to use the chapel on August 25, at 5:00 p.m., to host the Auburn – Opelika Korean Presbyterian Back-to-School worship service;
• approved a $1,000 expenditure from the Theological Education Grant Fund to support the screening of At the River at Pebble Hill on August 27;
• approved Steve Hickok’s request to be released from service as an elder on the Session;
• learned that Kathy and Nick Reed will lead a pastors’ workshop for Kaleidoscope, September 25 – 28, in Savannah, Georgia, and an endowment fund workshop in LaGrange, Georgia, on August 25; and
• learned worship attendance for several recent Sundays: July 3, 106; July 10, 89; July 17, n/a; July 24, 89; July 31, 105; August 7, 148; and August 14, 136.
Church members may read the complete, approved minutes for this meeting in the church office. The Session’s next stated meeting will be on Monday, September 19, at 6:15 p.m., either in person or via Zoom.