On Sunday, November 14, our church family will join together for an intergenerational mission project with Rise Against Hunger. Rise Against Hunger focuses on finding long-term solutions for global hunger issues, while addressing short-term needs of communities. We will prepare prepackaged meals that will be sent out to those facing immediate hunger needs. Sponsored by Children and Youth, University Ministry, and Congregational Life committees, this is an intergenerational event where all church members, families, and friends are invited to serve others together.

To participate, you may register in advance here. When registering you will notice an option to donate - the sponsoring committees of the session have covered the full cost of our church’s participation so there is no need to make an additional donation at this time.
"Rooted and Grounded in Love"
2021 Stewardship Season
"that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,
as you are being rooted and grounded in love.” - Ephesians 3:17

Make both your financial and time and talent pledge for 2022 TODAY at:

To learn more about the session's vision for ministry at FPC in 2022, click here to access a PDF version of the campaign brochure.
Presbyterian Women Circles Meet Tuesday, November 9

  • Circle 1 will meet at 9:30 a.m. at Linda Stark’s home at 1600 E. Samford, Unit 901, Auburn. 
  • Circle 2 will meet at 9:30 a.m. at Marianne Cone’s home at 105 Laurel Drive, Auburn. 
  • Circle 3 will meet at 2:30 p.m. in the church library. 

If you are not already in a PW Circle and would like to join, you are most welcome. Circle leaders are Barbara Dunham #1 (229.881.2957), Susan Stanley #2 (334.203.1951), and Barbara Fletcher #3 (334.203.1484).
In lieu of our traditional Christmas Mission Dinner the Mission Committee will be hosting a soup and chili lunch following the 11am worship service on Sunday, November 21.

Make your Christmas Mission donation to benefit the Lee County Salvation Army and DHR either online (under "Special Offerings") or by check (please include "Christmas Mission" in the memo).
Sunday, November 7

✵ 9:00 & 11:00 a.m.: In-Person, Indoor Worship -  If you attend one of the indoor services you will notice many differences from our "normal" sanctuary worship. At this time, based on recommendations from our COVID Task Force and Session, we will have a very simple service without congregational singing, passing of the peace, and several other elements you might be looking forward to sharing with your church family. However, as local conditions and guidelines continue to improve it is our greatest hope that we will begin adding back in all these elements of worship we know and love. Thank you so much for your patience and grace as we try to maintain the greatest level of safety for our congregation, musicians, worship leaders, and our greater community.

At the sign-up link below (and the email containing the sign-up sent on Thursday), you will find detailed information on our current protocols for worship attendance.

✵ 11:00 a.m.: Virtual Worship - We are pleased to announce that we are live-streaming our worship service at 11 a.m. What this means is that those worshiping from home will be able to watch the service live as it is happening in the sanctuary. To view the service you can go directly to our church’s YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app ( or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page.

If you are unable to watch live at 11 a.m., a recorded version of the service will be available at these same links later in the day.
9 AM In-person including weekly communion
11 AM In-person and virtual via YouTube/broadcast on 99.9FM

ALL Ages meet at 9:45 AM
(contact Chris Sarkowski for information on classes ages preK-12th grade
and Rev. Kathy Reed for information on adult classes)
Worship Reminders: 
  • for Families of Nursery Aged Children - The nursery will continue to be available at the 11 a.m. service each Sunday and by request for the 9 a.m. service. If you would like to have the nursery available at the 9 a.m. service, please contact Chris Sarkowski at (no later than 5 p.m. Friday) so that arrangements may be made.
  • for Families of Children and Youth  - At this time, there will be no children’s church during the 9 a.m. service and Worship Readiness will only be held during the 11 a.m. service. However, should attendance patterns suggest that a children’s option needs to be added to the 9 a.m. service this will be reevaluated as soon as possible.
  • for those attending Adult Sunday School - Our hope is that the 9 a.m. service will last no more than 30 minutes, allowing you plenty of time to begin your Sunday School class at 9:45 a.m.
  • for all attending worship, Sunday School, and Punch on the Lawn - Please continue to be mindful of varying comfort levels in our congregation regarding hugs, handshakes, and proper distancing. With more opportunities to interact comes an increased responsibility to keep our church family safe and healthy.

Regular Worship Reminders: 
How many people can sign up per pew?
In order to maintain six feet of social distance, one family unit may sign up per pew. A family unit of four or five can comfortably sit in a pew together, depending on your own preference for personal space. Those attending in the high-risk category are encouraged to sit in the back (higher numbered pews) for better ventilation and the ability to exit first. 
Can I sit with someone who does not live in my household? 
We recognize many church members, especially those who are now fully vaccinated, may wish to share a pew with church “family” who do not live in their household. Individuals are encouraged to communicate ahead of time and sign up together. Please be respectful and do not sign up to sit in someone else’s pew unless you have communicated with them beforehand.
How will I know which pew to sit in? 
Pay attention to which pew number you sign up for. Each pew will be numbered along the side and center aisles. An usher will be happy to to help direct you to your pew. (Ushers will have a copy of this sign up.) 
Do I need to wear a mask? 
Masks are once again required for all people at all gatherings inside the building, including worship. This change was based on the recommendation of the FPC COVID Reopening Task Force and approved by the Session at a called session meeting on July 26. 
Children and Youth News

Parents of Children and Youth - please see the update in Adult Christian Education Opportunities about the new “Modern Families” class that will begin this Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Reed.

Children Pre-K through 5th grade
•   First Sunday Fellowship will meet this Sunday from 3-4pm in Baird Hall
•   The nursery is available from 9:30 until noon on Sunday mornings for children birth to age 3.
•   Godly Play: After the Word to Grow By (at 11 a.m. worship), children ages 4 to 1st grade will go to the Godly Play room to worship together for the remainder of the worship service.
•   Worship bags are also available for all children during worship.
•   Children’s Sunday school will meet this Sunday from 9:45 – 10:45 upstairs in the children’s classrooms. There will be two classes, Pre-K through 1st grade and 2nd through 5th grade.
•   Masks are required indoors for children 3 & over and youth, as well as all adults working with them.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth
•   Jr. and Sr. High Sunday school meets weekly from 9:45 – 10:45am upstairs in the Sr. High room.
•   Jr. and Sr. Highs are going to the Escape Rooms!!! Meet at the church at 4pm and we will ride together over to Auburn Escape Zones. Bring $10.
•   Mark your calendars, the Charleston Youth Mission Trip for Jr. and Sr. High Youth will be June 5-10, 2022 (this is a new retreat, more info to come)
•   The Living River Presbytery Retreat will be November 13 and 14. Click here to register.
•   Mark your calendars, the Montreat Youth Conference for rising 9th graders through graduated seniors will be July 10-16, 2022
•   Mark your calendars, the Montreat Middle School Conference for rising 6th through rising 8th graders will be July 20-24, 2022 (this is a new conference, more info to come)
Session Notes
During its Zoom on-line meeting on October 18, the Session…

·        learned that the church’s income for September 2021 was $47,795; expenses, $54,037; and net income, minus $6,242; and, for January through September 2021, income was $546,314; expenses, $539,875; and net income, $6,439;

·        learned that on November 21 a congregational chili lunch fundraiser, to be held in the courtyard following the decorating of the sanctuary for Advent, will substitute for the annual Christmas mission dinner this year;

·        approved replacing the current Phase-in-Plan for Reopening with these guidelines:

(a) continue current protocols for contact tracing, social distancing, and masking as guided by the CDC and modeled by Auburn City Schools;

(b) designate the COVID Task Force to make any needed guideline adjustments for small group meetings and make recommendations to the Session for church-wide gatherings;

·        approved contributing $1,500 from the Perry Endowment for Student Mission to the cost of the congregation-wide Rise Against Hunger project on November 14;

·        approved contributing the retained portion of the Peace and Global Witness Offering to the Domestic Violence Intervention Center;

·        elected Katie Cooper as commissioner to the presbytery meeting on November 18;

·        learned that fourteen UKirk students have registered for the Montreat College Conference, January 2-5, 2022;

·        learned that Caroline Barnett contributed a chapter to Hipster Culture: Transnational and Intersectional Perspectives; and

·        learned that the city’s civil engineers have begun the process of reconfiguring the streetscape from Hamilton’s to Thach Avenue.

Church members may read the complete, approved minutes for this meeting in the church office.
Church Office Hours

The church is now open from 9 a.m.-12 p.m., M-F, for any members needing to drop in on church business. If the door is locked when you arrive, please ring the bell.

Masks are still required, and for contact tracing purposes a sign-in sheet will be placed on the small table outside the kitchenette where you will be asked to provide your name and the date/time/purpose of your visit. Small group gatherings must still be arranged with your designated staff person. Thank you for your patience and understanding as the staff continues to operate without designated volunteers to answer the door and phones.
Session Approves Covid-Task Force Recommended Updates

Our Session continues to monitor the latest data and information in regards to Covid. At their stated October meeting, the FPC Auburn Session approved the following guidelines and processes for navigating the Covid-19 pandemic -

The current Phase-in-Plan for Reopening to be replaced with the following guidelines:

  • Continue current protocols for contact tracing, social distancing, and masking as guided by the CDC and modeled by Auburn City Schools.

  • Designate the COVID Task Force to make any needed guideline adjustments for small group gatherings and recommendations to Session for church-wide gatherings for First Presbyterian Church of Auburn.

We are grateful to have a Covid-19 Task Force that assess the ways we can continue to do ministry in safe and effective ways. The Covid Task Force members are Jennifer Stewart, Kirstin Yost, Emmett Winn, Jessica Barnes, Jim Wright, and Erin Brown. The church will continue to communicate any adjustments to current protocols for church-wide gatherings.
Procedures for In-Person Meetings in Church Facilities

As you read the information below, please note that the church building is NOT yet open for general use. PLEASE do not enter the building without first contacting a staff member (preferably as outlined below, via email at least 48 hours in advance) so that we can continue to provide the greatest level of safety and sanitation.

If I am a part of a small group (circle, committee, bible study, etc.) that would like to meet on site, what steps should I take? 
  • PRIOR TO YOUR GATHERING - Contact your group’s designated staff member (please see below for a full list of staff resource persons for each ministry area). Work with your staff person to schedule a time and space for your group to meet. They will explain to you which entrance, exit, and restrooms your group should utilize for the time you are schedule to meet at the church. 
  • DURING YOUR GATHERING - Masks are now optional (unless children are present), although please be respectful of the level of comfort within your group. Proper social distancing should be observed and no food or drinks may be provided.
  • AT THE END OF YOUR GATHERING - Coordinate with your designated staff person to ensure that a list of all attendees is submitted to the church (for contact tracing purposes), the space is properly cleaned and the church doors are locked upon exiting.

Who is my designated staff person and how do I contact them?
Please send an email at least 48 hours before your group would like to gather so staff members have plenty of time to communicate and avoid overlapping groups.

Please contact the following staff members with any questions or concerns in the
following areas:
Ministry Area | Staff Contact
Children and Youth | Chris Sarkowski
Music | Damion Womack
UKirk and University Ministry | Caroline Barnett 
Worship | Nick Reed or Kathy Reed
Mission | Kathy Reed
Adult Education and Presbyterian Women | Kathy Reed
Congregational Life | Nick Reed 
Property | Nick Reed or Steve Hickok
General Office | Kathy Rushing
Generosity | Kathy Reed
Finance | Nick Reed 
Personnel | Nick Reed or Kathy Reed

We thank you in advance for your patience and grace as we do our best to transition into this next (exciting!) phase of our reopening. Please know that in the weeks ahead we may find need to institute a more formal scheduling system in order to facilitate groups that desire to meet in the building. We will use the weekly email newsletter as a place to share these updates.

With much gratitude, The FPC Staff

Nov. 7 - Luann McQueen
Nov. 10 - Joan Foil, Steve Reeves
Nov. 12 - Susan McChesney


Nov. 10 - Mike and Carolyn Williams
Nov. 13 - Spence and Kim Spencer
Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.

• Prayers of comfort for Chris Greer and her family (Rodney, Rory, Emma, and Grace) as they grieve the death of Chris’ mother, Rosalie Watt. Prayers for Chris and all of her family as they travel to Illinois to make arrangements for her mother’s funeral.
• Prayers of healing for Bill Combs as he receives treatment for cancer.
• Prayers of healing for Jason Banks (Margaret Brinkley’s neighbor). Jason is recovering at home after a car accident.
• Prayers for Carolyn Crinkley (cousin of the Barnes family), who is dealing with the news that her cancer has progressed.
• Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness or significant health issues, but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name.
• We continue to pray for healing and wholeness for those dealing with issues related to Covid-19. We also continue to pray for all the health care workers as they tend to everyone’s well being.
First Presbyterian Church | | (334)887-5571 |