One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
The prophet wrote in Isaiah 58:12, “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age old foundations; you will be called repairer of broken walls, restorer of streets with dwellings.” In our time, as in the time of Isaiah’s writing, there is great need in our world. We can help provide relief from disaster, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed. The One Great Hour of Sharing special offering responds directly to the needs God has called us to fulfill, through Presbyterian Disaster Relief, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Self Development of People program. When we are obedient to the urgings from deep within our hearts from the Holy Spirit, we share in the ministries of compassion through our support of One Great Hour of Sharing. We invite you to give in your traditional way, or you may give online on our website. If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.
Bulletins for Online Worship
To view the services you can go directly to our church’s YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app ( or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page, or listen on 99.9FM
In Person Good Friday Vespers Service Sign Up
Among our opportunities for worship this Holy Week is an evening service of Scripture and prayer on Good Friday, April 2, at 5:30pm. It will be held in the sanctuary, with the same protocols for Sunday morning worship in place.
Online Easter Prayer Vigil Sign Up
We will soon celebrate the Easter Vigil with hope and reverence in the time before Easter. It will be online again due to the complications of the pandemic. Please consider committing an hour to prayer through our online sign up sheet. We would like someone in our church community to commit to every hour between Good Friday evening until sunrise Easter morning.
You may also submit your prayer concerns and joys for participants of the vigil to pray over HERE.
If you do not have online access or you have questions, you may call Dorothy Hinkle-Uhlig (334 332 5809). She can sign you up online and fill out prayer request cards. May Christ live again in each of us for all of us.
Easter Services at Town Creek Park
The City of Auburn has allowed us to increase attendance at our in-person worship on Easter morning to 125 each service. Please see the guidelines at the sign-up link (and the graphic at the top of the newsletter!)
Confirmation Class Faith Statements, 2021
We are incredibly proud of our 2021 Confirmands. This group began their confirmation studies in the fall of 2019 and persevered through an incredible amount of uncertainty in the last year and a half. Throughout it all they remained thoughtful and dedicated to the process of becoming adult members of our church. Their faith statements, below, reflect the depth of their faith and understanding of God's work in their lives. Thank you for the amazing gifts you bring to our church family, Confirmation Class of 2021!
Duncan Whatley
I believe in God as the Creator and Father. I believe in Jesus Christ as his only Son who showed us how to live in connection with others. I believe in the Holy Spirit as an everyday presence. I believe that together God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit help guide me through my everyday life, “To do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with my God” (Micah 6:8).
Ben Stewart
I believe in God, the Father, the Creator. I believe that God loves me and hears my prayers. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He was resurrected and then rose to heaven. This past year has shown me that church isn’t just a place, it’s the people you worship with. I know that my church family looks out for others, and they teach me that we should take care of our community and people in need.
Stella Stewart
I believe in God the Creator, His son Jesus who died on the cross for our sins, and the Holy Spirit. I believe that we are God’s children, and His power can bring us together no matter what stands in the way. I know that He has eternal love for every person in this world, and He will forever forgive us for our sins. I believe that God has a plan for each and every one of us, and He will help guide us throughout our life.
Myla Ragan
I believe in a God whose love cannot be taken away. Who loves all his children unconditionally. I believe that Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins and that the Holy Spirit is here with us now and always. I believe in a faith that changes and grows, that has setbacks and breakthroughs and that Jesus Christ, my Lord, is with me every step of the way.
Alex Forster
I believe that God the Father loves all of us, no matter what. I believe that God created us in his image, and that he has forgiven me when I have sinned. I believe that God cares about everyone, and that he is with us and will always be with us. I believe that Jesus Christ the Son died on the cross for our sins, so that we could live in heaven. I believe in all of this, and am thankful for it.
Hallie Herring
I believe in God, the creator or the world and everything in it. I believe that God is forgiving and loving of us even when we mess things up. I believe humans ae imperfect but God loves us anyway because his love is forever and always. I believe Jesus is the savior that sacrificed his life so we could be saved from sin. I believe the people you surround yourself with and the events that happen in your own life is what shapes your faith. Everyone loves God differently due to things that they have experienced and I believe over this past year I have grown closer to God. Finally I believe in predestination because God knows what is best for everyone and I believe you should put your trust in God.
Procedures for In-Person Meetings in Church Facilities
As you read the information below, please note that the church building is NOT yet open for general use. PLEASE do not enter the building without first contacting a staff member (preferably as outlined below, via email at least 48 hours in advance) so that we can continue to provide the greatest level of safety and sanitation.
If I am a part of a small group (circle, committee, bible study, etc.) that would like to meet on site, what steps should I take?
PRIOR TO YOUR GATHERING - Contact your group’s designated staff member (please see below for a full list of staff resource persons for each ministry area). Work with your staff person to schedule a time and space for your group to meet. They will explain to you which entrance, exit, and restrooms your group should utilize for the time you are schedule to meet at the church.
DURING YOUR GATHERING - Masks must be worn at all times, proper social distancing (6ft apart) should be observed, no food or drinks may be provided, and we ask that, before you leave, your group wipe down all surfaces with cleaning supplies provided by the church.
AT THE END OF YOUR GATHERING - Coordinate with your designated staff person to ensure that a list of all attendees is submitted to the church (for contact tracing purposes), the space is properly cleaned and the church doors are locked upon exiting.
Who is my designated staff person and how do I contact them?
Please send an email at least 48 hours before your group would like to gather so staff members have plenty of time to communicate and avoid overlapping groups.
Ministry Area | Staff Contact
Adult Education and Presbyterian Women | Kathy Reed
We thank you in advance for your patience and grace as we do our best to transition into this next (exciting!) phase of our reopening. Please know that in the weeks ahead we may find need to institute a more formal scheduling system in order to facilitate groups that desire to meet in the building. We will use the weekly email newsletter as a place to share these updates.
With much gratitude, The FPC Staff
Apr. 4 - Bill Blakney
Apr. 5 - Donna Yeager
Apr. 6 - Ruth Brock, Kirstin Yost
Apr. 7 - Bill Sherling
Apr. 8 - Emily Lauziere, Jeffrey Stewart
Apr. 10 - Jesse Joiner, Brooke Myers
Apr. 4 - Michael and Becky Lauziere
Apr. 4 - Nick and Kathy Reed
Apr. 7 - Jim and Barbara Dunham
CE News
Pre-K through 5th Grade
Parents of Pre-K through 5th graders, please note the Zoom Sunday school schedule change: April 11 and 25
Pre-K through 1st Grade Zoom Sunday school classes will meet at 9:45am
2nd through 5th Grade Zoom Sunday school classes will meet at 10:15am
All Zoom invites will be sent at 9 am the day of class.
Jr. High and Sr. High Youth
No meeting this week - Happy Easter and enjoy time with your family!
Mark your calendars! Youth Sunday will be April 11. Our Youth are looking forward to leading our congregation in worship!
This semester, UKirk has multiple opportunities to gather and grow in faith, including a Bible Study and fellowship night over Zoom. If you are or know of a student interested in learning more about UKirk, fill out this form or email Caroline, and she will be happy to contact you with more info.
Prayer Concerns & Celebrations
For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.
- We rejoice with our 6 confirmands (Ben Stewart, Stella Stewart, Alex Forster, Duncan Whatley, Myla Ragan, and Hallie Herring) who will profess their faith and be confirmed members of the church this Sunday. Hallie will be baptized this Sunday before she professes her faith.
- We rejoice with Doug and Laura Booth as they celebrate the birth of their grandson, Nicholas Douglas (Nicco), born on 19 March 2021 in California.
- Prayers of healing for Kevin Wells as prepares he prepares for a heart procedure in a few weeks.
- Prayers of healing for Mary Dalrymple’s brother-in-law Charles Otto. Charles suffered a serious stroke and is currently in a hospital in Rhode Island. Prayers for Mary’s sister Carol as she tends to her husband’s health.
- Continued prayers of healing and wholeness for many in our church family and their loved ones who are dealing with significant health and wellness issues but do not wish to be mentioned by name at the moment.
- Prayers of healing for James Fukai’s father, Junichiro Fukai, who is now home and will continues rehab after significant surgery.
- Prayers of healing and wholeness for Kay Recknor’s sister Pat as she recovers from successful surgery.
- Prayers of healing for Amy Well’s friend Suzi Bonifay as she begins treatment for breast cancer.
- Prayers for Carolyn Williams’ family friends Carole and Mallory who are undergoing cancer treatment.
- Prayers for Kathy Rushing’s cousin Amy and her husband Jung Sik and their children.
- Prayers of healing for Amanda Smith’s co-worker and friend, Susan Scales, as she begins cancer treatment.
- Prayers of rejoicing with Rev. Little (Amy Well’s former pastor), who learned he is now cancer free.
- We continue to pray for healing and wholeness of so many in our community facing health issues, especially those dealing with issues related to Covid-19. We also continue to pray for all the health care workers as they tend to everyone’s well being, and we rejoice for the good news that more and more people are able to receive the vaccine.
- Bob and Kay Recknor want to thank everyone at First Presbyterian Church for making their 60th Anniversary an unforgettable and memorable event. The drive-by event, your cards and gifts made their 60th an event possible as they recall their memories. Blessings and thank you to all.