Elder Nominations

Our church Nominating Committee is beginning the process to develop a slate of nominees for Elder and Trustee, class of 2026. If you have a nominee in mind, please contact Nick Reed (nreed@fpcauburn.org) or fill out the Google form HERE.

Summer at FPC Auburn

It is that time of year when the "summer scatter" happens! Although our lovely village will have few people around this summer, there are still plenty of opportunities to engage in ministry here at First Presbyterian Church. Below you will find a comprehensive list of worship, education, fellowship, and service opportunities. There are also printed copies of this calendar available in the sanctuary narthex and chapel vestibule, or click here to download a copy that also includes important fall kickoff dates for August and September.

Please continue to check your email throughout the summer for additional opportunities that may arise. For specific updates on Youth and Children's activities, please contact Chris Sarkowski at csarkowski@fpcauburn.org to make sure you are receiving his weekly emails!


For more information about what each of our Adult Sunday School Classes will be studying this fall, please reach out to one of the following contacts for each class...

Old Testament Walkabout - Gayle Andress, (dongayle17@gmail.com) 

Modern Families - Kathy Reed (kreed@fpcauburn.org) 

Library Class - Harriette Huggins (harriette.huggins@gmail.com) or Bill Sherling (billsherling@yahoo.com) 


Our children and youth will meet in Baird Hall Sundays this summer at 10am for an intergenerational Bible exploration Sunday school class. Through Bible study, games, and fellowship they will dive deep into their favorite Bible stories and a few they may never have heard before. Don’t miss it!  

For more information, contact Chris Sarkowski at csarkowski@fpcauburn.org

Help Our Garden Grow

The FPC Community Garden is an important part of our church’s mission in “loving God and our fellow human beings.” We build community and relationships among each other and work to serve the community at large through our bountiful harvests - every bit of food we harvest is donated to the Community Market!


Sign Up for a Weekly Weeding Party Date

“Start at the Garden” - Gather friends or family to pull weeds at the garden. Bring gloves and tools. Then go do something fun together!  

Daily Morning Waterings

Volunteers are needed to water on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Watering needs to happen before 10:00 a.m. and can be skipped if it rains. (Contact Katie Forster forster306@charter.net

Weekly Harvest and Deliver to Community Market  

(Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday mornings) 

The Community Market is open for deliveries on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday mornings. Plastic bags or bins can be used to take in produce. It is helpful if this person has knowledge about what/when to harvest. (Contact Katie Forster forster306@charter.net)

For any other questions about volunteering in the garden, please contact Elder Katie Forster at 334-329-9672 or forster306@charter.net.

Punch on the Lawn! You may sign up to serve by clicking the Sign-up Genius link. Please contact Holly Mitchell with any questions.

This Week at FPC

June 25 - July 1, 2023


9:00 AM - Worship Service with Weekly Communion (Chapel)

9:45 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Bulletin for June 25 worship

Sunday Parking Map


9:00 AM-12:00 PM - Vacation Bible School

Looking Ahead

Holiday Weekend - July 2-4

No Fellowship in Baird Hall or Sunday School on July 2

Church Office closed July 3 & 4 

Children and Youth News

Decorating for VBS will be this Sunday beginning at 3pm. Jr. and Sr. High Youth will get everything ready for an amazing week ahead! 

VBS begins this Monday and continues through Thursday. Stay tuned for pictures from the week!

Children and Youth will meet in Baird Hall for intergenerational Sunday school beginning at 10 a.m.

Children Pre-K through 5th grade

  • Children's Church: After the Word to Grow By (at 11 a.m. worship), children ages 4 to 2nd grade will go to the Godly Play room to worship together for the remainder of the worship service.
  • Worship bags are also available for all children during worship.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth

  • No youth group for Jr. and Sr. High Youth, who will take a break until September.


June 25 - Nathan Stewart

June 26 - Harris White

June 27 - Derek Holman, Jean Peterson, Jessica Rouillard

June 28 - Steven Kranz, Becky Lauziere

June 29 - Leslie Carter, Lili Muljadi

July 1 - Pete Forster


June 27 - Jim and Ki Seroka

June 28 - Terry and Mari Ley

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

  • Prayers of healing for Frank Uhlig as he recovers at home from a successful surgical procedure.
  • Prayers of healing for Rusty Cooper as he recovers at home from a successful surgical procedure.
  • Prayers of healing and comfort for Shirley Helmke as she prepares for a surgical procedure next week. She is grateful to be receiving such great care. No need for phones calls at this time, but cards are welcome.
  • Prayers of comfort for Dorothy Moran as she grieves the sudden death of her sister Sandra.
  • Prayers of healing for Daniel Johnson and his mother as they recover at home after successful kidney donation. 
  • Prayers healing and comfort for Sarah Wolak’s mother, Susan French. Prayers of comfort and strength for Sarah and all her family as they care for her mother.
  • Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness, significant health issues, grief, and difficult circumstances but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name. Prayers of healing, wholeness, and comfort for many in our congregation.
  • Continued prayers of healing for Chris Greer. We especially pray for good healing and rest as Chris recovers from successful treatments. We continue to rejoice with Chris because the latest scans show no sign of cancer. We are so grateful the chemotherapy treatments have been successful. Chris will continue a plan of treatment for the upcoming months. 
  • Continued prayers of healing and rest for Beth Schwartz as she recovers from successful back surgery. 
  • Continued prayers for Jesse Joiner’s mother, Ann Joiner, after her hip surgery.  
  • Prayers of healing for Donna Yeager’s mother, Patsy Yeager. Patsy is now home after a brief stay at the hospital. Prayers for Donna as she cares for her mother.
  • Prayers of healing for Lane Sauser’s mother, Mary Davis, who is now receiving long term care at Arbor Springs.
  • Continued prayers of healing for Susan Stanley’s sister Ginger Hester. Ginger has been receiving treatments for health issues. Prayers for healing for Ginger and prayers of thanksgiving for all those who are caring for her. Prayers for Susan as she cares for her sister.
  • Prayers for Brooke Myers as she cares for her father, Charlie Myers. Charlie is recovering from a fall and has moved to Morningside.
  • Prayers of healing and comfort for Amy Wells’ family friend Hannah. Hannah has recently received some distressing news about her pregnancy and is currently waiting on more tests.
  • Prayers of healing for Todd White’s sister-in-law Patty who was recently paralyzed after a routine surgery. Patty is now home; continue to pray for stamina and endurance as she is determined to walk again.
  • Prayers of healing for Debbie Duin’s friend Ann Suttles who is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.
  • Prayers of healing for Carolyn William’s sister Beverly Huey as she navigates health issues. Prayers for Carolyn as she cares for her sister.
  • Prayers of healing for Kay Recknor’s friends the Rev. Mitzi Lesher-Thomas and her husband, the Rev. Troy Thomas. Mitzi has glioblastoma brain cancer and has been undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Prayers for Amy Kilner and her family (daughter-in-law of Dorothy Moran). Amy is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently looking for a donor.
  • Prayers of healing for Jason Banks (Margaret Brinkley’s neighbor). Jason is now back at work. However is recovering from successful shoulder surgery.
First Presbyterian Church |info@fpcauburn.org | (334)887-5571 | www.fpcauburn.org
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