Prayer Concerns & Celebrations
For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.
• Prayers of comfort for Shane Klugh and all the Klugh family as they grieve the death of Shane’s father, Fred Klugh. A funeral service is planned for this weekend.
• Continued prayers of healing for Carol Griffin as she faces complications from her previous surgery.
• Prayers of healing for Mary Burkhart as navigates health issues.
• Continued prayers of healing for Bill Combs as receives treatment for cancer.
• Prayers for Tripp Hinkle’s mother as she learns more about a recent cancer diagnosis—the family is hopeful that the cancer has been detected early.
• Prayers of healing for the White’s family friend, Emmie Zwack, who is in the ICU in Chapel Hill. Prayers for Emmie and all of her family as they surround her with love.
• We continue to pray for healing and wholeness for those dealing with issues related to Covid-19. We also continue to pray for all the health care workers as they tend to everyone’s well being.
• Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness or significant health issues, but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name.
• Prayers of joy as we celebrate the ordination and installation of new elders at FPC. We celebrate the commitment of leadership and gifts of Karen Cochran, Debbie Duin, Katie Forster, Steve Hickok, Carlie Kaeppler, Dave Lindahl, Lila Wright, Donna Yeager, and Ellen Sherling (Trustee).
• Prayers of healing for a family member of Myrna Walker. Myrna’s relative is now recovering from hip replacement surgery. This is her fifth surgery in the last year. Prayers she will be able to walk again
• Prayers for Amy Kilner and her family (daughter in law of Dorothy Moran). Amy is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently looking for a donor.
• Prayers of healing for Belinda (friend of Karen Herring), as she continues treatment and learns the progress of her treatment for cancer. Prayers for her spouse Pooie as she cares for Belinda.
• Prayers of healing for Jason Banks (Margaret Brinkley’s neighbor). Jason is recovering at home after a long stay at EAMC.