Stewardship Season is upon us and we are grateful to all of those who have contributed to making the following reflections available, which we highly encourage you to take a few moments to watch: 

By now should have received a mailing with a proposed budget for 2021 and a paper pledge form, or you may submit both your Time and Talent and Financial Pledge today on our church website, (a popup window will appear, or you may go straight to the "giving" tab).

Also mailed to you recently was your quarterly stewardship statement. Please take a moment to review this document and verify that you are up-to-date on your pledged giving. The church continues to operate during this time - meeting our outreach/mission obligations, paying bills required for the upkeep of our campus, etc. However, our pledge giving is down approximately 13% year to date. If financial restrictions in this trying time have not impeded your ability to honor your pledge, please consider making certain your giving is current, if not completed as soon as possible. 
The church staff remains available to receive your 2020 pledge payments, whether you elect to mail a check to the church office, process a payment directly from your bank, or use online giving. We do need to inform you that a flat rate of two percent is deducted from each contribution made through online giving. If you choose to provide your pledge payment online, please prayerfully consider whether you are able to add an amount to help off-set the processing fee.
Drive Thru Food Drive

Join the University Ministry Committee and the Mission Committee on Sunday, October 25, 2-4 pm for a Fall Food Drive benefiting the East Alabama Food Bank.

As a “drive-thru” event (like last month’s flu clinic), you can drop off a donation anytime between 2 and 4 pm in the church parking lot without getting out of your car. Just place your donation in your trunk and drive up to the awning next to the sanctuary (enter on Thach Ave. and exit on Gay St.), and a UKirk student will retrieve your donation from your car.

East Alabama Food Bank’s most needed items include: canned meats, vegetables, and fruits, peanut butter, dried/canned beans, pasta, rice, cereal, and fruit juice.

Thank you for your support!
Virtual Lay Reader Sign Ups for November and December

Lay Readers are needed for the months of November and December. This commitment requires recording a video of yourself doing the prayer and/or Scripture reading that will be provided for you by a pastor and submitting it no later than the Friday before your assigned Sunday. We love seeing the faces of our church family members of ALL ages and are happy to offer technical help if needed!
We've Moved to Phase 2A!

The latest information from the Alabama Department of Public Health over the last few weeks shows a downward trend in both Covid-19 cases and positivity rate, and as of this week they have listed Lee County as “Low Risk.” Based on this data, our session has voted to move to Phase 2A of our Reopening Plan (see chart for details.) Included in Phase 2A are two opportunities for in person worship and prayer, outlined here.

Check out this great video by Nick Reed explaining the process.

**For worship sign-up, please sign each family member up on an individual line so we can monitor the number of participants. This will also serve as a resource if contact tracing is required later on.**

Parents of youth and children should wait to hear more information from Chris Sarkowski regarding approved gatherings for our youngest members.
Session Notes

During its Zoom on-line meeting on September 21 the Session…

• learned that income for January-August was $482,465; expenses, $487,795; and net, minus $6,330; and that pledge income was down about $40,000;
• learned that at a meeting with developers, city officials, and our city councilman our Parking Task Force was informed that the layout of the development behind our church cannot be altered to avoid its parking lot to be next to our church property but that there will be screening of some sort between the properties;
• approved changes to our reopening policy recommended by the COVID Task Force, including to Phase 2A, which will provide for outdoor worship services and gatherings for youth and children, access to Baird Hall restrooms, and limited access to the chapel, all with social distancing protocols;
• approved a Service of Ordination and Installation for Caroline Barnett on Nov. 1 during regular worship;
• learned that the Property Committee is making provisions for better internet connection at the church and for live-streamed services from the sanctuary;
• learned that Nick has delivered to church members who do not have access to virtual worship opportunities packets that include Present Day and These Days;
• learned that Kathy and Nick have assumed responsibility for moderating session meetings and congregational meetings at Westminster Presbyterian in Tuskegee; and
• learned that Kathy is serving on the presbytery’s Task Force for Strategic Planning.

Church members may read the complete, approved minutes for this meeting after the church office has reopened.
How to Cast an Absentee Ballot in Alabama 

John Calvin, a father in the Reformed tradition, referred to civic participation as “the most sacred and honorable” calling. Because many will choose to honor this calling via absentee ballot this year, we have included the following helpful article from the Montgomery Advertiser. Please note that if you are mailing in your ballot, it is recommended that you use three first class stamps to do so!
Christian Education Opportunities for Adults

Study at Home:
If you or someone in your family would like to receive hard copy Sunday School materials that can be utilized at home (without a virtual component), please contact Rev. Kathy Reed. We will be doing another delivery of copies of The Present Word (winter quarter) and These Days (Oct-Dec) when we have both of these materials available.

Virtual Classes for Adults:
If you'd like to receive a zoom invitation to one of the following classes, please email the class contact person:
Old Testament Walkabout Class
Day/Time: Sundays at 8:45am
Contact: Gayle Andress,
This class will combine the historical setting material
in 2 Kings with the prophetic material in First Isaiah.

The Library Class (UPDATED)
Day/Time: Sundays at 9:30am
Contact: Harriette Huggins,
Beginning October 11, Mary Beth and Bob Webeler will begin leading the next study -
Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation by Latasha Morrison.

Office Hours Bible Study
***NEW Day/Time***: Tuesdays at 12:00pm
Contact: Kathy Reed,
This class has begun a NEW series on the book of Ruth.

Bible Journaling Class
Day/Time: Thursdays at 12:00pm
Contact: Susan Fillippeli,
This class explores the practice of bible journaling while reflecting on Scripture passages recently used in our church's worship services.
UKirk is excited to welcome back college students for the new school year! Though this year’s format may look different than past ones, UKirk is still providing opportunities for fellowship with a faith community and would love to get new students involved. If you know any students attending Auburn, or another college in the area, you can refer them to UKirk with this form or email Caroline Barnett.
Opportunities to Worship 

It is our hope to worship together via our church’s YouTube Channel.  To view the service you can go directly to our church’s YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app ( or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page. Knowing we are at the mercy of technology, we appreciate your patience and grace if all does not go according to plan. Attached you will find a bulletin for this Sunday’s service.

Sunday Worship now on 99.9FM
We wanted to let everyone know that we found out that the radio station for our Sunday worship service is being moved to station 99.9 FM. If you all know of anyone who listens to our worship service on the radio please reach out to them and let them know of this change.
CE News

Children Pre-K through 5th grade
Two Sundays a month we will have Zoom Sunday school classes taught by our fabulous Sunday school teachers.

Pre-K through 1st grade will be from 9:45 – 10 am
2nd through 5th grade will be from 10:15 – 10:30 am
October 25
November 8 and 22
December 6 and 20

Also, once a month all Pre-K through 5th graders will gather for a Zoom Fellowship time.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth
We have moved into Phase 2A!
Jr. Highs will meet this Sunday in the church courtyard from 5 until 5:45pm. Please enter through the gate entrance on Thach. Bring a chair. Masks are required.

Sr. Highs will meet in the Sarkowski's backyard from 6 until 7pm. Please come down the driveway to the backyard. Bring a chair. Masks are required.

Zoom Youth Group options are available for Jr. Highs at 3pm and Sr. Highs at 7:15pm. Zoom invites will be sent out via Remind.

Meetings are all weather permitting. Keep an eye on your email for updates.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth and Parents, follow us on Instagram @fpc_auyouth

Oct. 18 - Catherine Moore
Oct. 20 - Emma Pope
Oct. 21 - Liz Greenleaf
Oct. 23 - Carson Barnes, Ruth Spencer, Clyde Stanley,
Susan Stanley
Oct. 24 - Jack Wisdom


Oct. 22 - Ralf and Missy DuToit
Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.

• Jean Talmage is doing really well in her rehab at home.
• Prayers for many in our church dealing with significant health issues who do not wish to be named specifically. Prayers of healing, wholeness, and strength as they seek treatment and medical care.
• Continued prayers for our community leaders, educators, and healthcare workers as they are tend to all our well being as we navigate this health pandemic.
First Presbyterian Church | | (334)887-5571 |