
With Gratitude to the International Peacemaking Program of the PC(USA)

It was an incredible gift to have Rev. Julie Kandema of the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda as our guest preacher and teacher for World Communion Sunday. Rev. Kandema helped us understand the church's call to acts of reconciliation she also guest lectured for an Auburn University class of journalism students. 

We are grateful to all of those who made sure Rev. Kandema received a warm FPC Auburn welcome, and most especially to Mission Committee Chair Marianne Cone, who hosted Julie in her home. Opportunities like this are made possible by FPC's Mary Elizabeth Cain Peacemaking Fund.

Rev. Kandema asked us to share her contact info for those who would like to keep up with her - 

Mailing address:

Julie Kandema, PO Box 56, Kigali Rwanda




Rev Julie Kandema

Congregational Meeting - Sunday, October 9 

The session has called a congregational meeting to take place on Sunday, October 9, following the 11 a.m. worship service. At this service we will elect elders to the session class of 2025, trustee class of 2025, and the 2023 Nominating Committee. 

Trustee Class of 2025

Jim Disque 

2023 Nominating Committee

Jeffrey Stewart, Harriette Huggins, Carol Griffin, Don Andress, and two representatives of the session to be determined (by the session) in 2023 

Elder Nominees for the Class of 2025

Susan Bannon has been a member at First Presbyterian for almost 30 years. She is involved with the choir, and she has previously served as an active elder. She is married to Jim Bannon; Laura Bannon is their daughter. In her free time, she enjoys reading and cooking.  

Ruth Brock has been a part of the FPC family since starting graduate school in 2004. She has been a youth director, traveled with UKirk to the College Conference on several occasions, and can often be seen chasing her children around the church. She is married to John, pastor at FPC Eufaula, and they have four children. In her free time, Ruth enjoys reading, gardening, watching Wesley's soccer games and attending Henry's cub scout campouts. 

Karen Herring has been a member of First Presbyterian Church since 2008; she has been participating for many years in handbells and choir, and she currently serves on the worship committee. She is married to Leslie Carter and they have 6 "children" in their modern-day Brady Bunch family. The four oldest have launched into adult life and college, while the youngest two girls still live at home and attend AHS. Karen works from home as a Service Delivery Manager for Intuit and enjoys working, playing the piano, reading, and watching the marching band half-time show on Friday nights.

Sarah Hill moved to Auburn in 2017.  She is married and her husband, Tom, sings in the AUMC choir.  She has a daughter who lives in Durham, one in Roanoke and a son who just graduated from Auburn. She is an early bird who loves the 9am chapel service but is aware it has limited her in meeting people. She is on the mission committee.  Sarah runs the Yarbrough Tennis Center and loves to read (and visit her family).

Shane Klugh was raised in Montgomery, Alabama and is a graduate of Auburn University. Shane has been a member of First Presbyterian Church Auburn since 2004, when he and his wife, Laura, moved to Auburn and transferred their memberships from FPC of Columbus, Georgia. Shane has served on the Worship Committee, Outreach Committee and Resurrection Vigil Committee. He was a 3rd through 5th grade Sunday School teacher for several years and previously served on the Session. He has also served on the Church Nominating Committee. Laura and Shane have two sons, Evan (23) and Tyler (18), who have grown up in this church. In his spare time, Shane enjoys tailgating at Auburn football games and trying new recipes on his wood pellet grill. He does not enjoy gardening/yard work.

Daniel Parsons has been a member of First Presbyterian since 2015 and was active in UKirk long ago during his college days. He is a lifelong Presbyterian and happily attends First with his family who have all found their way back to Auburn (or never left). He is active in UKirk and youth Sunday school. He is married to Tracy and they are currently down to a single dog, Flash the dachshund. When he's not working as an electrical engineer he enjoys playing golf, watching Auburn sporting events and traveling.

Susan Stanley joined FPC of Auburn shortly after retiring to Opelika in 2012. She is involved in PW, coordinator of memorial receptions, and enjoys the fellowship of FPC members at various events. Susan and Clyde have one child, Matthew, who with his wife Laura, have recently made the Stanleys very proud grandparents of Eliza.

As you consider the ways the First Presbyterian community has impacted your faith journey, we invite you to prayerfully consider a pledge of time, talent, and treasure this year. Those on our mailing list will soon receive a paper copy of the Time & Talent and Financial Pledge. All are welcome to visit www.fpcauburn.org/give, where you can enter your financial pledge online and download a PDF of the Time and Talent form.

Dedication Sunday will be on October 16 - we are grateful for pledges big and small that demonstrate the abundance of blessings God bestows upon each of us and puts to use faithfully through the ministries of FPC!

Second Saturday Volunteering at the Community Market

Come have as much fun as last month's crew did, volunteering your time and talents at the Community Market of East Alabama! Join us from 9-12 or any amount of time in-between to help sort, stack, clean - however we can be of help! All ages are welcome, children 12 and under please bring an adult with you. 


We Welcome Brian Bourne

to the FPC Staff!

We are so excited Brian Bourne has joined the church staff as the Facilities Coordinator. He will be working 15 hours a week, and brings a wide range of skills in regards to building maintenance and repair. Brian will fill this role on our staff for at least the next three months. We hope you will join us in welcoming him to FPC Auburn!

A Successful Flu Shot Clinic

I am delighted to report that we had another successful Flu Clinic this year. We gave 52 vaccines that will keep people protected from this year's version of the flu (not COVID). Thank you to all who participated. I can see that it is worthwhile!! Thank you also to Janie Fisher and The Drug Store and Janie's assistant Austin for making this event possible. I also heard from several others that they were planning to get the vaccine soon. Here's to a healthy congregation!!

Jan Widell, Parish Nurse

Sanctuary Flower Sign-up

There are many available Sundays beginning in July for sponsoring flowers for our Sanctuary! The sign-up sheet is located outside of the receptionist’s office in the main church office building.

If you are unable to sign up in person, you may also contact Sarah Wolak at 334-728-7853 to sign up for a date. You are welcome to split the cost with another family-- just be sure to write both names on the line. The cost of the flowers has been increased to $50 per arrangement, not including tax and delivery fee. As before, you are welcome to bring the arrangements home after the service, or to leave them to be delivered to other members of the congregation.

Session Notes

During its in-person and Zoom online meeting on September 19, the Session…

• learned that the church’s income for August 2022 was $58,784; expenses, $86,138; and net loss, $27,354; for January-August, 2022, income was $513,251; expenses, $493,679; and net income, $19,573;

• received into membership Jesse and Kristine Michael and their children Fritz and Willow, by transfer of membership from Auburn United Methodist Church; Katelyn Finch, by transfer of membership from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Fairhope, Ala.; Sara Lovelady, by transfer of membership from First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Scottsboro, Ala.; and Scott Bagwell, by transfer of membership from Auburn United Methodist Church;

• learned that the Youth Committee has approved using up to $5,000 from the Christian Education Scholarship Fund to complete renovation of rooms on the first floor in the Education Building;

• approved scheduling a congregational meeting to follow the 11:00 a.m. worship service on October 9 for the purpose of electing elders to the Session’s Class of 2025, one trustee, and the 2023 Nominating Committee;

• approved applying for one of the Presbytery’s $2,000 technology grants;

• learned that Brian Bourne has begun a three-month trial as facilities coordinator;

• learned that Nick Reed will begin serving on the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry in January;

• learned that Kathy Reed is on track to earn her doctoral degree from Columbia Theological Seminary in 2023; and

• learned worship attendance for recent Sundays: August 21, 147; August 28, 147;

September 4, 115; September 11, 140; and September 18, 130.

Church members may read the complete, approved minutes for this meeting in the church office. The Session’s next stated meeting will be Monday, Oct. 17, 6:15 p.m., either in person or via Zoom.

This Week at FPC

Sunday, October 9

9 a.m. - Worship with communion in the chapel

9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for all ages

11 a.m. - Worship in the sanctuary

Bulletin for October 9 worship

Sunday Parking Map

Children and Youth News

♢ 1st through 5th grade parents, mark your calendars. Nov. 10-12 is the Living River Children’s Retreat. Stay tuned for more information!

Children Pre-K through 5th grade

• Children’s Sunday school will meet Sunday, 10–10:45 in their new classrooms on the 1st floor.

• Children’s Church: After the Word to Grow By (at 11 a.m. worship), children ages 4 to 1st grade will go to the Preschool Room to worship together for the remainder of the worship service.

• Worship bags are also available for all children during worship.

• 3rd through 5th grade parents – use the link below to sign your child up to be an acolyte


Jr. and Sr. High Youth

• Jr. and Sr. High Sunday school will meet in the Youth Lounge on the third floor this Sunday.

• Jr. and Sr. High Youth will meet in Baird Hall at 5pm for dinner and then from 5:30 – 6:30 for Youth Group. Parents – use the link below to volunteer to prepare youth group dinner. https://tinyurl.com/FPCYouthDinners

• Parents of Jr. and Sr. High Youth, if you haven’t already, click the link below to sign up for an AU Football Parking volunteer slot. Money raised helps to offset the cost of all summer retreats and conferences! https://tinyurl.com/FPCAUParking

• Registration is now open for the Living River Presbytery Retreat. Click the link below to for more information and to register!


It’s Trunk or Treat Time!!!

Join us Sunday, Oct. 23, at 5pm for our second annual FPC Trunk or Treat. Come dressed in your Halloween costumes ready to fill up your buckets with candy!

If you’d like to reserve a parking spot to decorate your car and hand out candy, click HERE. The parking lot will open at 4pm to give you enough time to decorate your car and be ready to hand out candy when the children arrive. Hurry, space is limited!


Oct. 9 - Todd Jolly

Oct. 11 - Kristina Lane

Oct. 13 - Evert Duin

Oct. 14 - Ralf DuToit, Dorothy Hinkle-Uhlig, Kim Spencer

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

  • Prayers of comfort for Liz Lindahl as she receives hospice care. We pray for strength and peace for her family as they surround Liz with love and care. 
  • Prayers of healing for Hap Reeves who is now home continuing his rehabilitation treatment.
  • Prayers of healing for Jan Reppert she receives rehab treatment at Phoenix City Rehabilitation Hospital.
  • Continued prayers of healing for Jim Foil as he navigates health issues.
  • Continued prayers of healing for Olyne Fischer as recovers from health issues at home.
  • Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness, significant health issues, and grief, but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name. Prayers of healing and comfort for many in our congregation. 
  • Prayers for Steve Schmidt’s sister Janelle Schmidt Vargas as she grieves her husband’s death and navigates the best living situation for her. Prayers for Steve and his brother as they care for their sister. 
  • We continue to pray for Marianne Cone’s brother David who is now in hospice care. Prayers of peace for David and prayers of understanding for all those caring for him.
  • Prayers of healing for Steve Hickok as he recovers at home after successful surgery. 
  • Prayers of healing for Thomas Pope’s mother as she continues to recover from successful surgery. 
  • Prayers of healing for Jo and Raymond Cooper as they both recover from health issues.
  • Prayers of healing for Stephen Tillman as he receives care in ICU. Prayers for Peggy Tillman (daughter of Arvle and Esther Marshall) as she cares for her husband. 
  • Prayers for Evert Duin’s mother, Nel Landzaad, after some recent health issues. Nel lives in the Netherlands, so we pray for the Duin family who care for and love her from afar. 
  • Prayers of healing and comfort for Catherine Wolfe’s father, Ned Wolfe as he begins a period of chemotherapy treatment. 
  • Prayers of healing for Mary Burkhart as she recovers from successful heart surgery. 
  • Prayers for Tripp Hinkle’s mother as she receives treatment for cancer.
  • Prayers of healing for Kay Recknor’s friends the Rev. Mitzi Lesher-Thomas and her husband the Rev. Troy Thomas. Mitzi has glioblastoma brain cancer and has been undergoing chemotherapy.
  • Prayers for Amy Kilner and her family (daughter in law of Dorothy Moran). Amy is in need of a kidney transplant and is currently looking for a donor.
  • Prayers of healing for Jason Banks (Margaret Brinkley’s neighbor). Jason is now back at work. However is recovering from successful shoulder surgery.
First Presbyterian Church |info@fpcauburn.org | (334)887-5571 | www.fpcauburn.org
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