Could You Not Stay Awake With Me One Hour?

We are only one (1) volunteer away from achieving the goal of the Easter Prayer Vigil -- to have at least one person praying in the Chapel every hour from 8pm Good Friday to 7am Easter Sunday. If you have not yet signed up for the prayer vigil, please prayerfully consider volunteering for the remaining time slot - 3 a.m. Sunday. Security will be present from 8:30 pm to 5:30 am. Read below for more information.

Please join us for the PRAYER VIGIL - Prayer without ceasing!

The vigil starts directly after the Good Friday service on March 29 and continues until sunrise, 7 a.m. Easter Sunday, March 31. All are encouraged to join in prayer throughout the weekend anywhere – anytime you can, (no sign-up is needed if outside the chapel). A variety of materials will be available to help guide your prayer hour in the Chapel and online.  

Sign-up: You can sign up for the chapel hours online at this link, or on a paper signup sheet in the Narthex before and after church.

Share your celebrations, concerns, and thanksgivings! Prayer request cards can be found in various locations around the church building. Fill in and drop them in the Sunday offering plate or in appropriately marked boxes. 

For more information or help in signing up contact: Shane Klugh 334-707-0626

One Great Hour of Sharing

Each year leading up to Easter Sunday, our congregation partners with Presbyterians worldwide in sharing God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world by providing relief from natural disasters, food for the hungry, and support for the poor and oppressed through the One Great Hour of Sharing special offering. 

Please make your donation today either online: (please be sure to designate your gift under "special offering") or by writing a check and including "OGHS" in the memo line.

Lay Readers Needed for Spring and Summer

Sign up to serve as a lay reader at our 11am worship service during the months of April - August. Members and friends of FPC of all ages are encouraged to volunteer. A pastor will provide all of the prayers and liturgy. Please reach out to Nick or Kathy Reed if you have any questions about this. Sign up here!

The Personnel Committee is now accepting applications for a part-time position as Program Director for our UKirk Campus Ministry program. If you know someone who:

  • loves working with college students
  • has excellent organizational & communication skills
  • and would enjoy working as a member of the FPC church staff

please share the above job description and encourage them to contact Personnel Committee Chair, Holly Mitchell at

This Week at FPC

Mar. 31 - April 6, 2024


9:00 a.m. - Worship Service with Weekly Communion (Chapel)

9:45 a.m. - Refreshments in Baird Hall, w/Egg Hunt in Courtyard

11:00 a.m. - Worship Service w/Communion (Sanctuary)

Bulletin for March 31 worship

Sunday Parking Map


Office Closed

10:00 a.m. - Sowers & Knitters (Project Room)


7:00 p.m. - First Wednesday Youth Fellowship

Children and Youth News

Children Pre-K through 5th grade

  • Parents of 1st through 5th graders! Click this link to sign your child up for a liturgy part during the Children's Sunday worship service.
  • Acolytes! 3rd – 5th grade parents, click the link to sign your child up!
  • Children's Church during 11 a.m. worship
  • Worship bags are available for all children during worship.
  • Godly Play: After the Word to Grow By (at 11 a.m. worship), children ages 4 to 2nd grade will go to the Godly Play room to worship together for the remainder of the worship service.
  • Children's Fellowship/Choir: No meeting this Sunday - enjoy Easter with your family! Next Sunday (4/7) from 4-5 p.m. the children will have a brief time of recreation in Baird Hall and then head down to Conway Hall for choir rehearsal in preparation for Children's Sunday, and then dinner from 5-5:30.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth

  • Jr/Sr High Youth should be at the church by 9:30 this Sunday to hide Easter eggs in the courtyard. Easter egg hunt this Sunday will begin around 10am
  • Jr. and Sr. High Youth will not meet Sunday - have a great Easter!
  • 1st Wednesday Fellowship: Jr./Sr. High Youth will meet April 3, 7 p.m., in the sanctuary to rehearse for Youth Sunday.
  • Youth Group Dinner Sign Up
  • MONTREAT DEADLINE! Registration deadline for both Youth and Middle School Conferences is March 31!!

Coming Soon

Youth Sunday - April 7

Children's Sunday - April 14

Summer Mission Trip and Conference Dates for Jr. and Sr. High Youth

Charleston Youth Mission (Registration is closed) - June 2-7, 2024

Montreat Youth Conference - July 7-13, 2024

Montreat Middle School Conference - July 17-21, 2024 


Mar. 31 - Nick Backscheider

Apr. 1 - Evan Klugh, Gaynell Parks, Shani White

Apr. 2 - Mark Fisher

Apr. 4 - Bill Blakney

Apr. 5 - Donna Yeager

Apr. 6 - Ruth Brock, Kirstin Yost


Apr. 4 - Nick & Kathy Reed

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

• Prayers of comfort for Evert Duin and all the Duin family as they grieve the death of Evert’s mother. Prayers for Evert as he travels to the Netherlands for his mother’s funeral.

• Prayers of healing for Terry Ley as he navigates health issues at home. Prayers for Mari and all those who are caring for Terry.

• Continued prayers of healing for Henry Helmke as he navigates health issues at home. Prayers for Shirley and all of the caring for Henry.

• Prayers of healing for Don Ball’s son, Kelly Ball, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for recurrence of cancer.

• Prayers of healing for Daniel and Amanda Johnson’s nephew James Ivey as he receives critical care. Prayers for the doctors and caregivers who are caring for him, especially his parents and family.

• Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are dealing with illness, significant health issues, grief, and difficult circumstances but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name. Prayers of healing, wholeness, and comfort for many in our congregation.

• Prayers for former Ukirk student Shannon Smith as she recovers at home after having a stroke.

• Prayers of healing for Mary Baird’s brother-in-law Bill as he recovers at home from successful double-bypass surgery. Prayers for Mary’s sister Carol and niece and nephew as they care for Bill.  

• Prayers of healing and wholeness for Becky Buchanan’s family friend Hughes Allen who has been diagnosed with cancer.

• Prayers of healing for Kay Recknor as she continues to improve from a significant leg injury.

• Prayers of healing for Clay Price’s father as recovers from a fall. Prayers for Clay as he cares for his father.

• Prayers for Amy Kilner (daughter-in-law of Dorothy Moran) as she recovers from a kidney transplant.

• Prayers of healing for Donine Cooper as she continues to recover at home from surgery. Prayers for Doug as he cares for her.

• Prayers for Jim Foil and his family as they continue to manage Jim’s health.

• Prayers of healing for Todd Jolly’s brother Robby as he awaits test for a cancer diagnosis. Prayers for Todd as he cares for his brother from a far.

• Prayers for Catherine Wolfe Riley’s father, Ned. Ned has a recurrence of cancer and will be undergoing treatment over the next few months. Prayers for Catherine as she cares for her father..

• Prayers of healing and rest for Donna Yeager’s mother, Patsy Yeager, as she navigates health issues.

• Prayers healing and comfort for Sarah Wolak’s mother, Susan French. Prayers of comfort and strength for Sarah and all her family as they care for her mother.

• Continued prayers of healing for Chris Greer. We especially pray for good healing and rest as Chris recovers from successful treatments. We continue to rejoice with Chris because the latest scans show no sign of cancer. We are so grateful the chemotherapy treatments have been successful.

• Prayers for Brooke Myers as she cares for her father, Charlie Myers. Charlie is recovering from a fall and has moved to Morningside.

• Prayers of healing for Debbie Duin’s friend Ann Suttles who is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.

• Prayers of healing for Carolyn William’s sister Beverly Huey as she navigates health issues. Prayers for Carolyn as she cares for her sister.

First Presbyterian Church | | (334)887-5571 |
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