Sunday, April 11 - Youth Sunday

We look forward every year to Youth Sunday, and this year especially we are grateful for the leadership of our youth as they have put together both an in person and virtual service for our congregation to enjoy. Please join us in celebrating their gifts and the faithful commitment to our church each of them has shown throughout the last year.

✵ 11:00am: In-Person, Indoor Worship -  If you attend one of the indoor services in coming weeks you will notice many differences from our "normal" sanctuary worship. At this time, based on recommendations from our COVID Task Force and Session, we will have a very simple service without congregational singing, passing of the peace, and several other elements you might be looking forward to sharing with your church family. However, as local conditions and guidelines continue to improve it is our greatest hope that we will begin adding back in all these elements of worship we know and love. Thank you so much for your patience and grace as we try to maintain the greatest level of safety for our congregation, musicians, worship leaders, and our greater community.

At the sign-up link below (and the email containing the sign-up sent on Thursday), you will find detailed information on our current protocols for worship attendance. As always, masks and social distancing are required at all times.

✵ 11:00am: Virtual Worship - To view the service you can go directly to our church’s YouTube Channel via your computer, smartphone, or Smart TV app ( or you can access the worship service through our website or Facebook page. Knowing we are at the mercy of technology, we appreciate your patience and grace if all does not go according to plan. Attached you will find a bulletin for this Sunday’s service.
Sunday Worship now on 99.9FM

Co-Pastors' Sabbatical Update

We are so glad our Lilly Foundation Clergy Renewal Grant is allowing us to offer members of the congregation these two wonderful resources at no cost. These resources reflect our sabbatical theme, Reformed and Always Being Reformed: A Dual Sabbatical in Reformed Spirituality and History and are filled with rich reflections that we hope will be meaningful to members of all ages and stages of life.

Please sign up here to receive a free copy of:

An Iona Prayer Book by Peter Millar


Christian Prayer for Today by Martha Moore-Keish (our guest teacher and preacher June 5-6, 2021.)

Books will either be delivered to your home or made available for pick up at the church (please choose an option when signing up.)
Adult Christian Education Opportunities

Old Testament Walkabout Class
9:00am via Zoom
The Old Testament class has followed the story of Israel from its beginning as a people through the establishment of its nation to the downfall of that nation and the dispersion of its people. We are now in the period of the Exile. In this section of our study, we will explore exilic and post-exilic writings to try to gain a better idea of what exile was like and, also, attempt to see the impact of this new chapter in the history of Israel’s life and faith. To receive the zoom link for this class, please contact Gayle Andress .

Carryover Discussion - Be the Bridge
9:30am via Zoom
Six weeks was not enough for this wonderful discussion! At our last session, participants in the Be the Bridge study expressed a desire to meet for further debriefing of the study as well as an exploration of next steps. If you are interested but did not have a chance to participate in the Lenten study, you are still welcome to join us at 9:30. Here is the zoom link to participate.

Bible Journaling Small Group
Mondays, 12pm, Baird Hall OR Zoom
You do not have to be an artist to find a great deal of meaning in the practice of Bible journaling. Join us in Baird Hall (or, if you are more comfortable, via Zoom) every Monday as we reflect upon the previous Sunday's sermon and Scripture text and explore various kinds of drawing, painting, and journaling techniques. For more information, please contact Susan Fillippeli.

**Coming April 18: Coffee in the Courtyard for Parents/Pre-Retirees**
10am, Church Courtyard, Weather Permitting
As our children and youth begin to resume in person Sunday School gatherings, those in the pre-retirement phase of life are invited to bring your own chair and coffee for a visit in the courtyard while the children are having their lesson. For the time being the goal is catching up and enjoying fellowship, though we will be crowd sourcing for ideas on Adult Education offerings for this age/stage of life for the fall. (If you have a child or children who aren't scheduled for SS that particular week, they are welcome to come play/hang out in the courtyard while we visit!)

***Coming in May - Office Hours Bible Study, Psalms***
Day/Time/Format TBD
If you have not yet had a chance to participate in the Office Hours Bible Study, this May could be your chance! Watch each week's interview via Facebook or YouTube and then gather with FPC Auburn members for discussion. The specific day/time and format (in person or via Zoom) of this group will be decided by those interested in participating. Please contact Harriette Huggins if you are interested in joining.
CE News

Below is a lot of important info regarding our upcoming schedule. Now that we’re in Phase 4, we are going to start easing in to in-person Sunday school. We will take this summer as an opportunity to figure out what works best and is safest for our children and youth. This means there may be some schedule/location tweaks along the way. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

Children Pre-K through 5th grade
There will be no Zoom Sunday school this Sunday as previously scheduled. Instead, we will begin in-person Sunday school in Baird Hall next Sunday, April 18. Class will be from 10:15 – 10:45. If you are participating in an adult Sunday school class that begins at 10, we will be in Baird Hall a little before 10 and will be able to entertain your child/children either in Baird Hall or on the playground until class begins at 10:15. Class will meet every other Sunday through the rest of April and May. We will be alternating Sundays with Jr. and Sr. High Youth since Baird Hall is the only large space available as of now. As always, masks are required and social distancing will be observed.

There will also be a Zoom option at 9:15am on the days that class meets.

Children’s Sunday school class schedule
April 18
May 2
May 16
May 30

Pre-K through 5th graders will also continue meet from 2 – 2:30pm on Sunday afternoons in Baird Hall for fellowship and recreation. Masks are required. Please have your child bring a water bottle.

Jr. and Sr. High Youth
This Sunday is Youth Sunday. Since many of you could not attend the Saturday morning run-through, we will not meet Saturday morning. Instead, we will meet in the sanctuary at 10am to run through the worship service.

Jr. High youth will meet at 4pm on Sunday evenings in Baird Hall for youth group. Sr. Highs will meet at 5pm on Sunday evenings in Baird Hall for youth group.

We will begin Sunday morning in-person Sunday school from 10 – 10:45am in Baird Hall on Sunday, April 25. We will meet every other Sunday through April and May. We will be alternating Sundays with children since Baird Hall is the only large space available as of now. As always, masks are required.

Youth Sunday school class schedule
April 25
May 9
May 23

The online registration is open for the Spring Presbytery Youth campout at Living River.
Procedures for In-Person Meetings in Church Facilities

As you read the information below, please note that the church building is NOT yet open for general use. PLEASE do not enter the building without first contacting a staff member (preferably as outlined below, via email at least 48 hours in advance) so that we can continue to provide the greatest level of safety and sanitation.

If I am a part of a small group (circle, committee, bible study, etc.) that would like to meet on site, what steps should I take? 
  • PRIOR TO YOUR GATHERING - Contact your group’s designated staff member (please see below for a full list of staff resource persons for each ministry area). Work with your staff person to schedule a time and space for your group to meet. They will explain to you which entrance, exit, and restrooms your group should utilize for the time you are schedule to meet at the church. 
  • DURING YOUR GATHERING - Masks must be worn at all times, proper social distancing (6ft apart) should be observed, no food or drinks may be provided, and we ask that, before you leave, your group wipe down all surfaces with cleaning supplies provided by the church.
  • AT THE END OF YOUR GATHERING - Coordinate with your designated staff person to ensure that a list of all attendees is submitted to the church (for contact tracing purposes), the space is properly cleaned and the church doors are locked upon exiting.

Who is my designated staff person and how do I contact them?
Please send an email at least 48 hours before your group would like to gather so staff members have plenty of time to communicate and avoid overlapping groups.

Ministry Area | Staff Contact
Children and Youth | Chris Sarkowski
Music | Damion Womack
UKirk andUniversity Ministry | Caroline Barnett 
Worship | Nick Reed or Kathy Reed
Mission | Kathy Reed
Adult Education and Presbyterian Women | Kathy Reed
Congregational Life | Nick Reed 
Property | Nick Reed or Steve Hickok
General Office | Kathy Rushing
Generosity | Kathy Reed
Finance | Nick Reed 
Personnel | Nick Reed or Kathy Reed

We thank you in advance for your patience and grace as we do our best to transition into this next (exciting!) phase of our reopening. Please know that in the weeks ahead we may find need to institute a more formal scheduling system in order to facilitate groups that desire to meet in the building. We will use the weekly email newsletter as a place to share these updates.

With much gratitude, The FPC Staff

Apr. 11 - Chris Graves, Stephen Irwin
Apr. 12 - Owen White
Apr. 13 - Stewart Kaye, Laura Shevlin
Apr. 14 - Mary Burkhart
Apr. 17 - Kathy Rushing


Apr. 12 - James and Melissa Wheeles
Apr. 17 - Richard Guether and Anne Leader
Presbyterian Women Circles will meet on Tuesday April 13. Circle 1 will meet at 9:30 am at Lila Wright’s home at 3180 Lee Road 137, Auburn, Circle 2 will meet at 9:30 am via Zoom, and Circle 3 will meet at 2:30 pm via Zoom. Circle 2 & 3 members will receive a reminder email prior to the meeting including the Zoom link. If you are not already in a PW Circle and would like to join, you are most welcome. Circle leaders are Barbara Dunham #1 (229.881.2957), Marianne Cone #2 (404.375.3940), Barbara Fletcher #3 (334.203.1484).

Horizons Magazine
Horizons is the annual Bible study by and for Presbyterian Women. Whether you have joined a PW Circle or not, Horizons contains a wealth of information and insights for living in faith as a Presbyterian Woman. With mission stories, devotions, a short Bible study based on the theme of each issue, Horizons is a wonderful source of inspiration. A print subscription also includes a print version of the annual Bible study, and free access to the digital version, or a digital-only subscription may be purchased at a reduced price. We invite you to enjoy the annual Horizons Bible study as a part of your individual faith journey, or you will be most welcome to participate in the study as a member of a PW Circle here at FPC.

This semester, UKirk has multiple opportunities to gather and grow in faith, including a Bible Study and fellowship night over Zoom. If you are or know of a student interested in learning more about UKirk, fill out this form or email Caroline, and she will be happy to contact you with more info.
Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

For the time period in which our church family is worshiping virtually, our pastors have decided that prayer concerns will be shared via weekly email. These individuals will most certainly be prayed for during our Sunday worship service, but their names and specific concerns will not be shared via broadcast.

• Prayers for church members having surgery in the next few weeks, and those recovering from surgery.
• Continued prayers of healing and wholeness for many in our church family and their loved ones who are dealing with significant health and wellness issues but do not wish to be mentioned by name at the moment.
• Prayers of healing for Kevin Wells as prepares he prepares for a heart procedure in a few weeks.
• Prayers of healing for Mary Dalrymple’s brother-in-law Charles Otto. Charles suffered a serious stroke and is currently in a hospital in Rhode Island. Prayers for Mary’s sister Carol as she tends to her husband’s health.
• Prayers of healing for James Fukai’s father, Junichiro Fukai, who is now home and will continues rehab after significant surgery.
• Prayers of healing and wholeness for Kay Recknor’s sister Pat as she recovers from successful surgery.
• Prayers of healing for Amy Well’s friend Suzi Bonifay sash begins treatment for breast cancer.
• Prayers for Carolyn Williams’ family friends Carole and Mallory who are undergoing cancer treatment.
• Prayers of healing for Amanda Smith’s co-worker and friend, Susan Scales, as she begins cancer treatment.
• Prayers of rejoicing with Rev. Little (Amy Well’s former pastor), who learned he is now cancer free.
First Presbyterian Church | | (334)887-5571 |