"Downtown by history and by choice"

FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter

February 7, 2023 Issue 3


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

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for worship

Letter from Pastor/Head of Staff

1) This Sunday is Youth Sunday! I hope you will make a special effort to join us. The youth wrote the liturgy and will lead the entire service. Worship will include two preachers, many liturgists, and special musicians. On this day, we have the opportunity to learn from and celebrate the gifts of our faithful and talented youth. If you can’t join us in person, tune in online through our website! God is at work in these young people (a big thanks to John Weicher and the youth leaders who have been working with them this year!). Thanks be to God for these church leaders.


2) Today, Esther Hethcox, the newest addition to our pastoral staff, met with a small committee of New Hope Presbytery called the “Exams and Transfers Committee.” This was indeed an examination, as she spent over an hour answering in-depth questions related to the Bible, Reformed theology, and Presbyterian polity. Following this examination, the committee then talked with members of the search committee (Gordon Campbell, Debbie Hamlin-Aggrey, and Eric Wiebe) to learn more about their search process and why they believed Esther was the right match for FPC following their search this fall. I joined in this conversation as well, noting the significant ways Esther has already contributed to the life and ministry of this congregation. Her gifts for ministry have been evident through her pastoral care, her worship leadership and preaching, her work with young adults, and her work with the deacons and their committees. I am happy to report that she passed with flying colors.


The next step in this process happens on this Sunday, February 12, at the beginning of worship (don’t be late!). In a congregational meeting called by the Session, the search committee will present Esther as their candidate for the position of Designated Associate Pastor (an uninstalled 2-year position). You will have the chance to ask questions and we will vote on this action.


Should Esther be elected to this position at the congregational meeting, she will then be examined by the Presbytery of New Hope on Saturday, February 25, in Greenville, NC (FPC members and friends are welcome to join us for this day of celebration!). 


Then, following her presbytery examination, we will make plans for a service of ordination for her! This will likely happen in March, though a date has not been set yet. What a day of celebration that will be!


Later, around 15-18 months from now, we will elect an associate pastor nominating committee (APNC) to search for an associate pastor to be installed in a permanent called position at FPC. Esther will be eligible to apply for this position.


This is not a quick or easy process, to be sure, but we are working with the presbytery to make sure that all things are done “decently and in order.” We also trust that the Holy Spirit continues to move in spite of long and difficult processes. If you have gotten to know Esther at all, I feel certain you are starting to see all the reasons why God has called her to be with us for such a time as this. I am grateful for the intentional work of the search committee, for the patience of this congregation, and for the many and beautiful gifts God has already brought us through Esther Hethcox.


I look forward to seeing you at the beginning of worship on Sunday, as we have our congregational meeting, and during worship as our youth lead, inspire, comfort, and challenge us to be faithful disciples in the world.


See you then, if not before!


In our thoughts and prayers.jpg

CONDOLENCES: The love and concern of the congregation is extended to Fred and Jo Anne Moore on the death of their dear friend, Michelle Goette Greenberg.



  • Kay Spilker, sister of BJ Morton
  • Joe Harvard, recovering in the health center at The Forest at Duke
  • Parker Morton, at Hock Pavilion under hospice care (no visitors; cards welcome)
  • Patrick Dobson, son of Linda Dobson and brother of Nancy Kost, recovering from emergency open heart surgery at Duke Hospital

Paul Cornsweet

Susan Cyr

Kerry Holbrook    

Lee House

George Kafula      

Mitzi Lesher-Thomas

Franzi Rokoske

Andy Widmark

Carol Wills


Care Communities:

Croasdaile Pavilion: Dub Gulley

Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark

Durham Ridge Assisted Living: Phillip Herndon

Hillcrest Convalescent: Julian Boswell, Maxie Honeycutt, Jim Wolfe


Family and Friends of the Congregation:

Blaine Ballantyne, friend of Jane Brown

Brooke, roommate of Heidi Biermann

Father of Andre, friend of the congregation                        

Grace, Chris James’ great-niece                                            

Pam Hanson, mother of Laura Hanson    

Bob Lucas, friend of Fred and Jo Ann Moore     

Jim Vacca, father of Jamie Chambliss                              

John Wakefield, cousin of Vernon Neece 

Sheri Watson, mother of Kathy Conner   


We had another successful blood drive, collecting 23 units of blood, This was our sixth blood collection totaling 162 units of blood. Remember our next blood drive is May fourth. Thanks for all the help.

Dear FPC community,

This note is long overdue. You all in your own ways have been helping me on this long physical and emotional journey. I’ve so appreciated the prayers, cards, calls, food, rides to treatment, understanding, love, straight-so to speak-talk, financial help, encouragement, scooping the kitty poop, and a strong ongoing belief in bringing about the Kingdom/Queendom here on earth, fighting for truth and equity and justice. All while living into God’s grace. Many of you know that I have had multiple surgeries from mastectomies to back surgeries over the years. Hopefully, the last one was the last one. Some of you know and some of you don’t, you may not even know me given COVID, but I also struggle with PTSD and Binge Eating Disorder. I face housing and food insecurity (though some of that is close to being solved!!) I am telling you this not for pity or sympathy, but rather to help any of you who might struggle with mental illness or eating disorders in silence. You don’t have to. I am open and willing to share any of my stories. I have lots and lots of resources. May all of you know the power of God’s love that I have in this place, among all of you, and in our bubble Durham. Please reach out if you want to or need to. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes and the top of my head!!!! God Bless all of you.

 Kerry Holbrook, Zoey Azalea, and Merlin King-Rex We all use they/them pronouns!


The Session has called a congregational meeting for Sunday, February 12. At the February 12 meeting, the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee will present Esther Hethcox as their candidate for the Designated Associate Pastor position. The Designated Associate Pastor position will be for two years. Esther will be ordained to the Designated Associate pastor role and will be eligible to apply for the future permanent Associate Pastor position.

On Sunday, February 19, the Session has called a congregational meeting to elect officers (Class of 2026)and at-large persons to the Nominating Committee for 2024-2025.

As of February 7, 2023


Pledges: 144

Amount: 917,653.50

Percentage of Goal: 82.64

Pledge Goal: $1,110,476.98

Needed: $192, 823.48


Capital Campaign

154 pledges



Faith Formation Classes

 for all ages

9:45-10:45 a.m.

Youth-led Worship at 11:00 a.m.

Worship in-person in the sanctuary

or watch live stream via FPC's YouTube channel

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Transfiguration of the Lord Sunday

Faith Formation Classes for all ages

9:45-10:45 a.m.

Worship and Communion at 11:00 a.m.

Mindy Douglas, preaching

Worship in-person in the sanctuary

or watch live stream via FPC's YouTube channel


Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

Faith Formation classes for children are held Sundays on the second floor of the education building from 9:45-10:45 a.m. (except on 5th Sundays). All children are welcome.


For parents of kids who will have completed 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, we are introducing a summer trip! The trip is called Passport kids, and more information is available here. Last summer, Lucy Weicher attended this camp, and loved it. The dates that we will be going are July 3-6, and the location is Montreat Conference Center. If you have questions about this camp, please ask Lenore, and particularly, Lucy Weicher! Lenore will be chaperoning this trip. Please email Lenore ( with questions.

Here is the link to the Passport Kids website:




 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. (year-round)

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45.


On February 12: How can we live up to the high standard of Jesus' teachings, in which anger is as bad as murder? How can we read the writings of Paul, when he says that our jealousy means we are still just infants in our understanding? It may be a matter of life and death, but it seems too hard.


On February 19: Have you ever had a mountaintop experience? What made it memorable and meaningful? Were there any eyewitnesses? Was their experience the same as yours?


To join remotely via Zoom:


For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.) If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith []


If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith


Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Wilson Parlor

This Sunday, February 12, Journeys will discuss a sermon by Charles Campbell, Duke Divinity School, on Good Friday in 2012. Please watch the sermon in advance of class – YouTube: John 19 is read in the video from 27:20 to 30:30, and the sermon is 30:45 to 50:10. 

The schedule for the final two weeks of our John study are:

  • February 19: John 19 (review John 16.29-32) and Walter Brueggemann, “Reading from the Day ‘In Between” sections I, III, IV (and quote from Buber at the end). [Reading to be supplied]
  • February 26: John 20 – 21.

Remember that class begins at 9:45 a.m. sharp, and let us know if you want to join calls via Zoom before Sunday.  Contact Andy Henry (919-599-9405) if you have questions about class content.


MnMs Fellowship will hold a Sunday Potluck on March 5 at 4:30 p.m. at the home of Lucie and Wayne House (615 Churchill Dr, Chapel Hill), Please bring a side dish to share. They will provide the main dish. Let them know you plan to attend. RSVP.

And--very important!--we are trying to collect information about a May MnM retreat at Camp New Hope. We'd love to know your interest/availability/etc. Please respond here. (And thanks to Emily for making the survey!)


As the Fellowship Committee plans future events, we are seeking your feedback about your interests and preferred times to meet. This is just an exploration, and we look forward to hearing your preferences as we make plans to cultivate our life together as a community. Many thanks!

Please complete the Fellowship Survey as soon as possible.

Take Survey Here


FPC's Fellowship Committee has scheduled three POPUP activities for the month of February.  

  • February 11 - Cris Rivera and Beth Stringfield will lead a hike at Brumley North in Hillsborough
  • February 18 - Brent Curtis will lead a tour at Nasher Museum in Durham ($5 admission fee)
  • February 25 - Ellie Meade will lead a tour of the historic woodlands (estate) of Montrose Gardens in Hillsborough.

Please SIGNUP if you and your household wish to participate.

More details can be found in the Location section of the signup. 

Activities are kid-friendly but may not be appropriate for the very young.

For more information contact Jancy Johnstone: 919-824-6489 or

First Friends February Potluck

Saturday, February 11 at 6:00 p.m.

hosted at the home of Barbara Buckley and Scott Randall

3019 Annandale Rd, Durham

Click here to respond to the evite.

Kerry Holbrook, Cris Rivera, and Beth Stringfield are hosting a LGBTQ+ gathering to welcome Esther to the FPC Community, on Sunday, February 19, from 3:00-5:00 p.m.  Address: Cris and Beth: 4001 Inwood Drive, Durham, N.C. 27705.

Please RSVP to either Cris ( or Kerry ( so we know how many to plan for, we hope all of you!! Light refreshments will be served.



FEBRUARY 22, 2023

12 Noon Imposition of Ashes Service in the memorial Garden

6:00 PM Evening worship with message by Amy Heit, imposition of ashed and communion

Light Supper follows the evening worship

Entire Congregation is invited (all ages) - childcare will not be provided.

Light meal of veggies and bean soup (vegetarian and GF) along with bread and beverages. The meal is self-serve.

Please use this EVITE to RSVP the number of people attending in your party (adults and children).

COST:  For those over age 12, a $7.00 donation is encouraged to help cover the cost of the meal. Cash, check, or credit card accepted at the event.

If you would like to help with setup before the meal or cleanup after the meal, click here

For more information contact Ashley Swavely or Jane Wettach..


Led by Mindy Douglas

Tuesdays at 6:15 P.M. via Zoom

Wednesdays at 11:00 A.M. via Zoom


Discussion Schedule

  February 7/8 – chapters 10-12

February 14/15 – chapters 13-15


Join the Zoom Meeting


COMMUNION - Opportunity to Serve!

Would you like to serve communion during worship? We have space for volunteers (serving communion is not limited to elders and deacons!).  You are welcome to sign up for future serving opportunities using this link.

The up-coming dates include: 

February 19, 22

March 5

April 6, 9

May 7, 28

June 4.

You are welcome to sign up for future serving opportunities using this link.

If you are interested, but would like to have more information or instruction before volunteering, please contact Mary Ann Compton.  


Thanks to all that attended our First Men of Faith post pandemic renewal. Thanks to Mindy, Andy and Eric for assisting with this push to begin anew. The response was outstanding. 18 in total. We shared our names in a go around. Many of us are retired and others still at work.  There were so many new faces. 


We decided to go with First Fridays for our gathering at Mad Hatter’s Café. Next meeting is at 8:00 a.m. on March 3rd.

New Programs from Growing thru Grief

Growing thru Grief offers continuing education and support to those grieving the loss of a loved one. We meet at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 1200 West Cornwallis in Durham. Meetings are held each Tuesday, with registration starting at 4:00 p.m. First time attendees must show proof of Covid vaccination and booster(s). Currently, masking is encouraged. We ask people to come at 4:00 p.m.; the program begins at 4:30 p.m., and all will end by 6:00 p.m.


Here is the schedule for February:

February 7 “The Four Tasks of Mourning” with Lindsay Gallo

February 14 To be announced.

February 21 “Complicated Grief” with Darryl Owens

February 28 “Beyond Getting Over It: On the Myth of Grief Recovery” with Aaron Klink


Please contact if you have any questions.


The Food Pantry at Iglesia Emanuel is still going strong! We continue to serve an average of 600 families a week with abundant amounts of nutritious food. As we approach our 3rd anniversary of addressing the food security needs of our community, we give thanks for all the amazing support from our generous and energetic church family. Together, we have eased the financial burden for countless numbers of families, while providing them with lots of healthy food. We always welcome new volunteers and supporters! We guarantee that you will find this work to be rewarding, and that you will have fun interacting with new and old friends as you give your muscles a bit of a workout. Here is how to sign up to be part of this wonderful ministry:

  • To volunteer in person for a 2-hour shift, click
  • To bag rice and beans from home, or donate shelf-stable food, click here.
  • To make a financial donation, go to and click on Donate. Be sure to indicate that your donation is for the Food Pantry.
  • Mail a check to Iglesia Emanuel, 2504 N Roxboro, Durham 27704. Indicate “Food Pantry” on the memo line of the check.

Questions? Contact Margaret Rubiera.

Want to Serve on an FPC Care Team? 

Care teams are being formed for three of our members. Members of a care team do a variety of things for their recipient to support them or help them find support. Care team members work together and support each other as well. Contact Susan Dunlap if you are interested in being on a care team in general, or on a team for a particular person, or if you have questions. 


THANK YOU to those who have been volunteering. If you haven't volunteered in a while, be sure to know you're always welcome!

 Click here for other UMD opportunities:


 For more information contact Jen McGonigle at 202-421-5870.

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