Organized on New Year’s Eve 1871, First Presbyterian Church has been a beacon of Christian faith and hope where “cross the crowded ways of life” in downtown Durham for 150 years. Thanks for helping to shape who we are and will become. |
"Downtown by history and by choice"
FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter
March 22, 2022 - Issue 6
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Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email. | |
In this issue you will find the following:
- Pastoral Letter
In Our Thoughts & Prayers
Worship info
Faith Formation for Children
Youth Corner
- Faith Formation for Adults
Congregational Life/Fellowship Events
·Service & Mission Opportunities·
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From the Pastor/Head of Staff
Dear friends,
For many of us, Sunday’s service of the Psalms was cathartic, inviting us to name aloud the emotions of our hearts, the anger at war and disease, the grief at the loss we have experienced over the last two years, the frustration with the many unknowns of the pandemic, and our total dependence upon God and God’s grace and mercy. In her sermon, Nora Tubbs Tisdale opened up to us the height, breadth, width, and depth of the collection of Psalms and invited us into a more regular engagement with them in our lives. In their music, Kathy Parkins and the choir shared the range of emotions made known in the Psalms. As a congregation, we sang and prayed using words familiar and unfamiliar to us from this canon of liturgical poems and prayers. I pray that this service inspires you to a more regular interaction with these very human cries and songs connecting us with the divine.
This Sunday, with our McPherson lecture series speaker (documentarian and child of the church) Wallace McPherson Alston, III (known to all as Macky), we move to considering what outward responses might be required from those who have heard God’s call through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to be people of truth, repentance, healing, and justice. We will consider what racial reparation means for us as individuals, as a congregation, and as a denomination.
Macky, was a small boy when his father, Wallace Alston, served First Presbyterian Church as pastor from 1969 through 1974. Macky graduated from Columbia College in 1987 and has become well-known as a documentary filmmaker. Family Name, Love Free or Die, and Questioning Faith: Confessions of a Seminarian are available on Apple TV. There are links to these and other films on Macky's website.
Macky joined us virtually last year (click here to watch the class he taught in 2021: and we are excited to have him with us in person this year to explore our role in reparations in Durham and beyond.
Here is the link to Macky’s latest documentary work on reparations:
Macky is an important part of our 150th anniversary celebrations. We have had opportunities to look back at who we are and how God has led us to this place, and we have had opportunities to look ahead to discern where God is calling us in the future. The conversations we will have this weekend build on those we started in 2020 with the book study on reparations, From Here to Equality. They will be informed by our recent Faith and Community study of Dear White Christians. They guide our work in eviction reform, affordable housing work, tutoring with Iglesia Emanuel, the Poor People’s Campaign, and criminal justice reform. These conversations and actions continue to challenge us to examine our history and to look to the future justice work to which God is calling us. We also look ahead to an expanded campus that will be better set to serve the community around us – with sacred space in the heart of the city, and with an inclusive, accessible place for fellowship, service, reparations, and justice work that will serve those in deepest need.
I hope you will be able to join us on Sunday for Faith and Community at 9:45, Worship at 11, and a special discussion with denominational partners at 4 p.m. These are critical conversations that will help us determine how we are to move forward as a congregation in the years and decades to come.
Peace be with you, friends.
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Sympathies: The love and concern of the congregation are extended to:
Courtney Trutna Paley on the death of her grandmother, Jo Sivewright, on March 15. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to Courtney as follows:
Courtney Trutna Paley
3831 SW Durham Drive
Durham NC 27707.
Rob and Luke Everett and their families on the death of their mother, Lynn Everett, on March 19 at Duke Hospital. Her obituary can be found HERE. The family has requested a Service of Witness to the Resurrection be held at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary of FPC this Friday, March 25. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to Rob and Luke as follows:
Rob and Elizabeth Everett (Henry and Catherine)
8 Chancery Place
Durham NC 27707
Luke and Sherry Everett (and Ellie)
1014 Minerva Avenue
Durham NC 27701
Mary Ann and Will Compton and family on the death of Mary Ann's father, Webb McCracken, on March 19. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to Mary Ann as follows:
Mary Ann and Will Compton (James, Peter and Anna)
509 Lyndenbury Drive
Apex NC 27502.
Added this week:
Wes Carson is in the ICU at Duke Hospital
Emily Wilson is in Duke Hospital.
Bob Barton, father of Cheryl Barton Henry and father-in-law of Andy Henry
Paul Cornsweet
Harold Dunlap
Kerry Holbrook
Maxie Honeycutt
George Kafula
Jancy Johnstone
Mitzi Lesher-Thomas
Katy Loebrich
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Dear FPC,
Words are not adequate to thank you for the many ways you have shown appreciation to me for 20 years of service as your Parish Administrator. The cards, notes, flowers, and donations to FPC ministries in my honor mean so much to me. I feel loved and blessed as I serve alongside such a supportive and caring group of people. Thank you for allowing me to share my ministry gifts with you all these many years.
In joy and peace,
Valerie McMillian
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Opportunities to
Donate Flowers for Worship
There are open dates for worship flower donors during the next few months. The process is simple and easy, and the cost is $55. To sign up, click here or on the link in the bi-weekly newsletter, or on the homepage of the FPC web site.
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Coordinator and Office Volunteers Needed
The church is beginning to open up as pandemic numbers trend in a positive direction. As a result, we would like to allow our community support groups (Al-ANON, Overeaters Anonymous and AA) to return in the weekday. We now need morning office volunteers to monitor entry into the building and answer the phone. We are also in need of someone to coordinate our pool of office volunteers.
Please contact Valerie in the church office if you would like to serve a morning shift, (9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) one or more mornings of the week, or the Friday afternoon shift (1:004:30 p.m.). Orientation to duties is available.
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On Sunday, March 13, the following members were elected to serve in the Class of 2025 as ruling elders, deacons, and at-large on the Nominating Committee for 2022-2023. After a period of training, these new elders and deacons will be ordained and installed as appropriate. Click here to see their photos and profiles.
Ruling Elders
Art Baker
Deborah Hamlin-Aggrey
Keith Merritt
Lanny Pratt
Laurie Ray
Dawn Shelton
Brianna Bennett
Jane Brown
Wil James
Katy Loebrich
Ashley Swavely
At-Large Nominating Committee 2022-2023
Bert Clere
Brent Curtis
Marie Sappenfield
Jean Wilson
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New Members Sundays
On Sunday, March 13, the Session received four new members and they were introduced and welcomed during worship: Dan and Amy Mapel (reaffirmation of faith) , Madge McKeithan (reaffirmation of faith) and Carolyn Ragans (affiliate member). Click here to learn more about our new members and when you have an opportunity, welcome them to our church family.
On Sunday, April 3, as part of our service of worship, we’ll be welcoming more new members into the life and ministry of FPC.
If you’ve been thinking about membership but wanted the comfort of ‘making it official’ at the same time as others we invite you to contact pastor Mindy Douglas or associate pastor Mitzi Lesher-Thomas to learn more about membership at FPC.
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Click Lectureship Brochure for full details on planned events. All are welcome to join us. All events are being held at FPC. | |
Sunday, April 3
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Mindy Douglas, preaching
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Signup to receive
Children's Weekly news
Children's classes now meet 9:45-10:15 a.m. in-person on the playground (weather permitting) or on the second floor of the Christian education building. For those not yet ready for in-person classes, join us via Zoom from 9:45-10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Zoom Link
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This class meets in the youth classroom (lower level) Sundays beginning at 9:45 a.m.
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This class meets in the youth classroom (lower level) Sundays beginning at 9:45 a.m.
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Faith &Community Class hosts
the McPherson Lecturer, Macky Alston
This Sunday, March 27, all adult Sunday morning faith formation classes, along with our high schoolers, are invited to hear Macky Alston present on the theme: Acts of Reparations. His presentation at 9:45 a.m. will seek to answer the question: “What Does it Mean for Individuals to Live into Their Values?”
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Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
On Sunday, March 27, we will join the Faith & Community Class in Watts-Hill Hall at 9:45 a.m. to hear Macky Alston, our McPherson Lecturer.
We will resume our regular study of lectionary texts on Sunday, April 3. We will meet at 9:45 a.m. in the Robert Daye Meeting Room and via Zoom.
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Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Journeys will participate in the McPherson lecture series this Sunday, March 27.
The following Sunday, April 3, Sam Miglarese will present Caravaggio’s works of the New Testament. Sam worked in Rome and will bring an engaging perspective to our study of art and Christianity.
We will be back to using our regular ZOOM LINK next week.
Contact Andy Henry for more info on this class.
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Meaning in the Middle (MnM)
Sundays at 8:00 p.m.
On Sunday evenings, we are discussing sermons in Preaching the Luminous Word. We meet at 8 PM. ZOOM LINK.
If you want to sign up to lead an upcoming week, the Google doc is here.
New faces are ALWAYS welcome, and you're always welcome whether you've had time to read or not.
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FPC to tour Historic Stagville
On Saturday, April 2, First Presbyterian Church will be touring Historic Stagville in two different groups - one at 10:00 a.m. and the second at 2:00 p.m. This tour will be led by Vera Cecelski, Historic Stagville’s site manager. Vera grew up at FPC and is the daughter of Laura Hanson and David Cecelski. The tour lasts 75 minutes and involves walking on uneven ground as well as a short drive from one location to another (about a mile away). Each tour is limited to 30 people. Sign up now (call 919-682-5511) and invite friends and family to join you! Sign up Link
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First Friends Potluck (for real)
Saturday, April 2 at 5:30 p.m.
Hosted by Tyler & Deborah Momsen-Hudson at their home located at
1339 Holden Roberts Farm Road
Hillsborough NC 27278
RSVP to Tyler: 919-697-1898 or
email: Deborah Momsen-Hudson
Bring a dish to pass and lawn chairs.
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EASTER LILIES will grace our sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Remember/honor someone on Easter Sunday by donating toward the lilies’ cost. To participate, complete and return a donor card with your donation by Palm Sunday, April 10.
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~ Palm/Passion Sunday, April 10 ~
**9:15-10:15 a.m. – Faith Formation classes
(**Note change in start time.)
9:45 a.m. Egg hunt for younger children and hot cross buns for all!
10:15 a.m. Palm Parade around downtown Durham
We will join with our neighbors in parading around the block and waving palms. Afterwards, we will return to our sanctuary for worship.
11:00 a.m. Worship using Scriptures and songs about Christ’s passion.
~ Stations of the Cross Art Display ~
Throughout Holy Week, April 11 - April 15
First Presbyterian will have designated times to come and pray at the church at the Stations of the Cross art display as depicted by artist Mary Button. As you pray at these stations, you travel across the world twice over in images. Surrounding each station is a border which depicts the movement of Jesus toward the cross.
~ Maundy Thursday, April 14 ~
6:00 p.m. Joint Worship - Covenant Presbyterian Church sanctuary
First Presbyterian Church will worship with (at) Covenant Presbyterian Church (2620 Weaver Street, Durham). The service will include Holy Communion to commemorate Jesus’ last supper. FPC’s John Weicher is preaching.
~ Good Friday, April 15 ~
7:00 p.m. The Tenebrae in the FPC sanctuary
An ancient service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles. This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God.
~ Easter Sunday, April 17 ~
9:45 a.m. Outdoor Easter morning re-enactment
10:30 a.m. Fellowship time with light refreshments
11:00 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be received on Easter Sunday to provide relief to the hungry, poor, and oppressed, and those affected by natural disasters and war.
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Upcoming (and on-going!)
Fellowship Opportunity
Next gathering is April 21
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Each third Thursday of the month we'll gather for a relaxed time of fellowship. No RSVP needed, all ages welcome, light munchies provided and more food available from J. Lights Market & Cafe if you want to make it your dinner or enjoy Two Roosters Ice Cream for dessert!
Someone from FPC will always be there so come when you can, leave when you must.
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From FPC's Creation Care Team
April 26. 2022
7:00-8:15 PM on Zoom
Register here
Worldwide about 33% of soil is degraded. U.S. soil is disappearing 10 times faster than it’s being replenished naturally. Can a city-dweller do anything to help?
Join our speakers Frank Franciosi (US Composting Council), Muriel Williman (NC Composting Council) and Rev. Susannah Tuttle (NC Interfaith Power & Light) in a webinar on building healthy soil, protecting water resources, increasing food productivity while increasing the ability of soils to store carbon and help combat global warming. Learn how you can help right on the spot during the webinar to support composting legislation in Congress.
Hosted by ICCT, cosponsored by NC Council of Churches, Orange-Chatham Interfaith Care for Creation, the Episcopal Diocese of NC, the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, and Pachamama RTP.
More information and registration here
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March 1 began both a new month and the Growing thru Grief spring “Introduction to Grief” series titled “When Hearts Break: Navigating the Landscape of Loss.” Heidi Gessner will be leading this six-week series on zoom:
March 29: The Wisdom of My Torn Heart: Remembering through Writing
April 5: Where Do I Go from Here? Finding Meaning
Everyone who attends needs to register each week. Contact by 8:00 a.m. on the Monday before the meeting if you’d like to join us.
Heidi Gessner is an Ordained United Church of Christ Minister who served as the Palliative Care Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator for UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill for nearly 20 years. Heidi provided emotional and spiritual support to patients and their families, as well as the hospital staff. She’s facilitated grief support groups for many years – both talking and writing groups.
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News from Iglesia Emanuel
The rooms of Iglesia Emanuel are buzzing every Thursday evening from 6 - 7 with 18 students and their tutors happily at work! As a result of the pandemic and extended school interruptions, the students who come to our center are even more behind academically than they were 2 years ago. Although we may not be witnessing miracles, we are seeing considerable progress, renewed self-confidence, and an eagerness to learn. Their happiness when they leave each week is infectious! If you are interested in joining us as a weekly tutor, or a substitute, please reach out to Margaret Rubiera.
We also realize that, in order for this program to expand and reach more children, it is time for us to hire a part-time, bi-lingual director. There is great potential for the Iglesia Emanuel Learning Center to make a significant, positive impact on the lives of Hispanic children who want to succeed academically. Please see the job description here, and help us spread the word about this exciting new opportunity.
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Save the Date!!
It is time for another Day of Service
as we gather together to bag tons of rice and beans for the Food Pantry at Iglesia Emanuel.
Saturday, April 23
9:30 a.m. – 12 noon
2504 N Roxboro Street (parking lot)
This is a family friendly event, and a great opportunity to chat with old and new friends, while helping stock the shelves of our food pantry. You will also be invited to bring some food donations with you. Fun and fellowship are guaranteed!
More details and an opportunity to sign up coming soon.
Questions? Contact Margaret Rubiera.
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Monday, March 28, 5 p.m.
Bicentennial Plaza
16 West Jones Street, Raleigh
Join us alongside the Poor People's Campaign and several faith leaders, moral allies, and artists for this upcoming Moral Monday March on Raleigh. We are demanding this state and nation do more to live up to its constitutional promises.
The Moral Monday March on Raleigh is part of a 10-stop mobilization tour toward the Mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers’ Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls on June 18, 2022. We are joining low-income, directly impacted people, faith leaders, and moral advocates from across North Carolina to the steps of the state legislature on Jones Street. In North Carolina we know the power of bringing together a fusion coalition of people around a common set of demands. Speakers who are directly impacted by the policy violence of the NC General Assembly and the US Congress will headline the evening.
Bus Ride to Raleigh:
Click here to reserve a free seat on one of 10 buses coming from across the state. Buses are scheduled to stop in Sylva, Asheville, Greensboro, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Raeford, Sanford, Chapel Hill, and Durham. If you want to contribute so the buses can be free, click here.
COVID Vaccinations & Boosters:
There will also be Covid vaccinations and boosters at Bicentennial Plaza during the Moral March. Register Here to get the protection you need for yourself and others.
RSVP by clicking the button below.
June 18, 2022 - Washington DC
FPC's Racial Equity Task Force and the Service and Mission Committee are helping to fill a bus on June 18, 2022 to the Poor People’s Campaign March and Rally in Washington DC. You can sign up to go on the bus or you can support someone going on the bus who cannot afford to pay their full way (cost is typically $100). Click here for more information about the DC rally.
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