Organized on New Year’s Eve 1871, First Presbyterian Church has been a beacon of Christian faith and hope where “cross the crowded ways of life” in downtown Durham for 150 years. Thanks for helping to shape who we are and will become. |
"Downtown by history and by choice"
FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter
April 5, 2022 - Issue 7
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Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email. | |
In this issue you will find the following:
- Pastoral Letter
In Our Thoughts & Prayers
Worship info
Faith Formation for Children
Youth Corner
- Faith Formation for Adults
Congregational Life/Fellowship Events
·Service & Mission Opportunities·
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From the Pastor/Head of Staff
Dear friends,
So many wonderful ministries are occurring at First Presbyterian Church! Many people have no idea the ways we are working in the city. Some of our ministries focus on emergency needs, particularly food and housing, while others address structural and systemic change. Here are some of the things we are doing – and ways you might be able to get involved!
Feeding the hungry:
Iglesia Emanuel food program – We support this ministry, which feeds over 600 families a week, the majority who are Latinx, with volunteers and funding.
Volunteer opportunities are mostly during the day, Monday-Wednesday, and there are many hands needed to make sure those who are deeply affected by pandemic losses and inflation might have food to feed their families.
Interested in volunteering Mon-Fri? Sign up here.
Can’t volunteer during the week? Join us for a beans and rice packing party on Saturday, April 23 at 9 a.m. Sign up here to reserve your spot.
Want to know more? Contact Margaret Rubiera.
Urban Ministries of Durham – We support (financially and with volunteers) this neighborhood non-profit, which houses, feeds, and provides support for those who need these services.
Weekday options available to serve meals and pack lunches – contact Jen MJen McGonigle to learn more about volunteering.
To learn more about the work of Urban Ministries of Durham, click here: or contact FPC member and UMD board member Walt Barron.
In addition to our support of Urban Ministries of Durham for emergency housing, we also have a team that works with Durham CAN (Congregations, Associations, Neighborhoods) to work for more affordable housing in Durham. We successfully organized to convince Durham County Commissioners to approve 100% affordable housing as a part of the parking deck going up next door, as well as a significant number of affordable units in two other locations in Durham. We continue to work for affordable housing on other sites. Want to know more? Contact Susan Dunlap or Sharon Hirsch.
We also have a team working on eviction reform. Eviction is at crisis levels in Durham and we work with Durham CAN and Legal Aid to understand the issues and to encourage reforms that keep people in their homes as long as possible. Want to know more? Contact Jane Williams.
Our Walk-in Ministry program helps people stay in their homes by assisting with emergency needs such as rental assistance and help when utilities are cut off. They also help our neighbors find housing through programs like Housing for New Hope, and job training through Step-up Ministry.
Welcoming the Stranger:
We currently have two Afghan refugee teams working with CWS ( One team supports an adult male. The second team supports a 10-year-old boy and his aunt. Stay tuned for a minute for mission this Sunday about the work of the second team is doing. Interested in learning more? Contact Wendy McCorkle.
FPC Day School ( – FPC started this important ministry in 1970. The school, which serves a broad socio-economic and racial community, is now its own non-profit, but we continue to support it financially and with board members. Interested in serving on the board? Contact Carolyn Merritt or Amy Sanchez for more information.
Iglesia Emanuel – We also support with volunteers and donations, the weekly tutoring program at Iglesia Emanuel. On Thursdays at 6 p.m., volunteers work one-on-one with children from the community. Want to know more? Contact Margaret Rubiera or Andy Henry.
And if you think this is a lot, I have barely scratched the surface.
We also have a Racial Equity Team working to dismantle structural racism. See news below from the team or contact Kathy Krahenbuhl.
We have two support teams trained by the Criminal Justice Resource Center to work with returning citizens.
We have pastoral care teams, a calling ministry, knitting and quilting teams, a flower ministry, a card ministry, and deacons that care for those in our congregation going through a health or life crisis.
Click here to see the list of organizations we support through our annual budget.
If you want to know about any of these things, check out our website: or contact me or the chair of our Service and Mission Committee, Alec Bethune.
If you have not already, I hope you can find the right place where your gifts of time, resource, and talent respond to the deepest needs of the world.
What ministry is God calling you to today?
I would love to talk with you and explore this question further.
Grace and peace to you all,
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Condolences: The love and concern of the congregation are extended to:
Dawn and John Shelton on the death of Dawn’s father (Simon and Jane Carsey’s grandfather), Robert (Bob) Warren. Bob died Sunday, March 27 and his service was held Wednesday, March 30, in Nebraska. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to Dawn and John at:
Dawn and John Shelton
1010 Pondfield Way
Durham NC 27713.
Tom and Ellen Bacon on the death of Tom's brother-in-law, John Rist, who died last week. A memorial service will be held for John on April 11 in Naples, Florida. Expressions of sympathy can be sent to Tom and Ellen at:
Tom and Ellen Bacon
4201 Swarthmore Road
Durham NC 27707.
Wes Carson is recovering at The Forest at Duke health center.
Roger Kalthoff, husband of Jane Williams, home, in hospice care
Chris Wood, stepfather of Sharon Hirsch
Paul Cornsweet Harold Dunlap Kerry Holbrook
Maxie Honeycutt Jancy Johnstone George Kafula
Charlotte Nelson Mitzi Lesher-Thomas Katy Loebrich
Care Communities:
Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark
Durham Ridge Assisted Living: Phillip Herndon
Hillcrest Convalescent Center:
Julian Boswell,
Maxie Honeycutt
Jim Wolfe
Walter Chambliss (Will Chambliss’ dad)
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I want to give my First Presbyterian Church friends deep thanks for the many blessings showered upon me these past many weeks. Your prayers, cards, calls, emails, visits, flowers, and abundant love and care have been a source of strength and assurance. I am in uncharted waters at present, but God as always is lighting the way. This church has been my home for over six decades and has enriched my life in countless ways. With much love and gratitude - Maxie Honeycutt
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New Members Sundays
On March 28, 2022, Heidi Biermann and Mary Ashley Rose were received into membership by the FPC Session. Heidi Biermann joined FPC as an affiliate member. She is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary and a ThD student at Duke who came to Durham in 2020. Mary Ashley Rose joined FPC by letter of transfer from First Presbyterian Church in Rocky Mount. She moved to the Durham area in 2021 and is a school counselor at Trinity School of Durham and Chapel Hill.
On April 10th, as part of our service of worship, we will welcoming new members into the life and ministry of FPC. If you’ve been thinking about membership but wanted the comfort of ‘making it official’ at the same time as others we invite you to contact pastor Mindy Douglas or associate pastor Mitzi Lesher-Thomas to learn more about membership at FPC.
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~ Palm/Passion Sunday, April 10 ~
**9:15-10:15 a.m. – Faith Formation classes
(**Note change in start time.)
9:45 a.m. Egg hunt for younger children and hot cross buns for all!
10:15 a.m. Palm Parade around downtown Durham
We will join with our neighbors in parading around the block and waving palms. Afterwards, we will return to our sanctuary for worship.
11:00 a.m. Worship using Scriptures and songs about Christ’s passion.
~ Stations of the Cross Art Display ~
Throughout Holy Week, April 11 - April 15
First Presbyterian will have designated times to come and pray at the church at the Stations of the Cross art display as depicted by artist Mary Button. As you pray at these stations, you travel across the world twice over in images. Surrounding each station is a border which depicts the movement of Jesus toward the cross.
~ Maundy Thursday, April 14 ~
6:00 p.m. Joint Worship - Covenant Presbyterian Church sanctuary
First Presbyterian Church will worship with (at) Covenant Presbyterian Church (2620 Weaver Street, Durham). The service will include Holy Communion to commemorate Jesus’ last supper. FPC’s John Weicher is preaching.
~ Good Friday, April 15 ~
7:00 p.m. The Tenebrae in the FPC sanctuary
An ancient service that makes use of gradually diminishing light through the extinguishing of candles. This increasing darkness symbolizes the approaching darkness of Jesus' death and of hopelessness in the world without God.
~ Easter Sunday, April 17 ~
9:45 a.m. Outdoor Easter morning re-enactment
10:30 a.m. Fellowship time with light refreshments
11:00 a.m. Worship with Holy Communion
PC(USA) Special Offering: The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be received on Easter Sunday to provide relief to the hungry, poor, and oppressed, and those affected by natural disasters and war. Online giving is now available via the church’s website.
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EASTER LILIES will grace our sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Remember/honor someone on Easter Sunday by donating toward the lilies’ cost. To participate, complete and return a donor card with your donation by Palm Sunday, April 10.
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The One Great Hour of Sharing Offering will be received on Easter Sunday to provide relief to the hungry, poor, and oppressed, and those affected by natural disasters and war.
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Signup to receive
Children's Weekly news
Children's classes now meet 9:45-10:15 a.m. in-person on the playground (weather permitting) or on the second floor of the Christian education building. For those not yet ready for in-person classes, join us via Zoom from 9:45-10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Zoom Link
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Palm Sunday, April 10
9:45 a.m.
Inside each egg, we will have pretend money. At the end of the egg hunt, children will be able to choose (out of 3 choices) which charity they would like their 'cash' to go to. The 3 choices will be:
Families Moving Forward;
Book Harvest.
The Christian Education committee has agreed to provide donations to each of these in the amount that the kids donate. After they choose their charities, they will get a goodie bag with candy and a book!! Adults can add real money to each jar if they want!
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If you loved your FPC socks or mask last year, wait until you see these t-shirts and hats. Designed by FPC youth, these hats and shirts are being sold by the Youth Ministry Committee, with funds from sales will go to help First Presbyterian Church sponsor refugee families resettling here in Durham.
Shirts (Love in the Heart of Durham FPC Shirts Custom Ink Fundraising) and hats Fabulous FPC Hats Custom Ink Fundraising) are $25 each. (Note that there are separate links for each.) Unlike last year, hats and shirts will be available for pick up at the church. The fundraiser closes on Tuesday, April 26, so order ASAP.
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This class meets in the youth classroom (lower level) Sundays beginning at 9:45 a.m.
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Sunday, April 10
9:15 - 10:15 a.m. in Watts-Hill Hall
(in-person only, no Zoom option)
followed by the Palm Parade
Continuing our two-week series on our support for Afghan refugee families, Anne Louise Pass, Community Support Coordinator, Immigration and Refugee Program, Church World Service Durham, will speak on the role of congregations in addressing the critical needs of refugees arriving from Afghanistan. It will also be an opportunity to hear an update on the work of the two First Pres teams who are supporting Afghan families in our area.
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Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor.
On April 10: The one who entered the city in triumph, with public honor and acclamation, is humiliated, betrayed, and executed just a few days later. How can this happen? Who would allow this to happen? (The April 10 class will begin at 9:15, preceded at 9:05 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:15, so that we can join the Palm Parade.)
On April 17, Easter Day, the Lectionary Class will not meet. All are invited to the outdoor Easter re-enactment at 9:45.
To join remotely via Zoom on April 10:
(For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.) If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith [].
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Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m.
Art & Christianity
Journeys will meet in-person and continue a study of art and Christianity. We had a great class this past week as Robert Elliot treated us to a restoration project of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper.
Class participants are asked to provide an electronic copy to Andy of any artwork they will be prepared to discuss. We will have a projector and screen to view the art as a class. Class members are also encouraged to view Sister Wendy art history episodes on YouTube as background for the discussion.
We will be back to using our regular ZOOM LINK this week.
Contact Andy Henry for more info on this class.
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Meaning in the Middle (MnM)
Sundays at 8:00 p.m.
On Sunday evenings, we are discussing sermons in Preaching the Luminous Word. We meet at 8 PM. ZOOM LINK.
If you want to sign up to lead an upcoming week, the Google doc is here.
New faces are ALWAYS welcome, and you're always welcome whether you've had time to read or not.
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You are cordially invited . . .
Sunday, May 1, 2022
150th Anniversary Worship & Celebration
11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary
Mindy Douglas, preaching
Following worship, we will celebrate with a meal in the church courtyard and in Watts-Hill Hall. Complete and return the meal reservation card found in the worship bulletin, or RSVP to, or call the church: 919-682-5511 by Monday, April 25. Please respond only once with one total for your household.
Women’s Voices Chorus Spring Concert
“Through the Storm”
Sunday, May 1 4:00 p.m. in the sanctuary
This concert illuminates the inevitability of life challenges while celebrating overcoming fear with courage, adversity with resilience, and uncertainty with action. Texts by Susan B. Anthony, Audre Lorde, Charlotte Tall Mountain and others affirm the strength and grace of the human spirit, with music by composers Joan Szymko, Andrea Ramsey, Sarah Quartel, Kathleen Allen, Gwyneth Walker, and Grace Brigham. A ticket is required for admission.
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Opportunities to
Donate Flowers for Worship
There are open dates for worship flower donors during the next few months. The process is simple and easy, and the cost is $55. To sign up, click here or on the link in the bi-weekly newsletter, or on the homepage of the FPC web site.
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Coordinator and Office Volunteers Needed
The church is beginning to open up as pandemic numbers trend in a positive direction. As a result, we would like to allow our community support groups (Al-ANON, Overeaters Anonymous and AA) to return in the weekday. We now need morning office volunteers to monitor entry into the building and answer the phone. We are also in need of someone to coordinate our pool of office volunteers.
Please contact Valerie in the church office if you would like to serve a morning shift, (9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) one or more mornings of the week, or the Friday afternoon shift (1:004:30 p.m.). Orientation to duties is available.
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First Presbyterian has a terrific group who will be walking in this year’s CROP Hunger Walk to raise money to provide more meals for hungry people in Durham, and greater food security in communities around the world. This year’s walk is Sunday afternoon, April 10, and we have set a goal for FPC to raise $4,000 toward Durham’s goal of $150,000. We still have a way to go to reach our goal, so please consider donating to support those who are participating. FPC CROP walkers include Emily Wilkins, Jody Maxwell, Kerry Holbrook, Shirley Frederick, Tim O'Brien, Mindy Douglas, Karolyn Mangeot, Andy Henry, Jane Williams, Margaret and Miguel Rubiera, Teddie and Tony Brown, Laura Hanson, Judy and David Smith, and Ellen and Tom Bacon.
Click on the link below to either join the FPC Team or make a donation in support of those who are walking.
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Don't worry this is just the first of spring pop-up opportunities.
Art or birding not your thing, keep your eyes out for upcoming opportunities around music, and trivia!
Have a hobby or interest you'd like to share? Willing to 'host' a hike on your favorite trail? Have the best backyard for s'more's or a campfire? Looking for some company to wander Duke Gardens? Contact Mitzi Lesher-Thomas about creating a spring pop-up!
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Upcoming (and on-going!)
Fellowship Opportunity
Next gathering is April 21
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Each third Thursday of the month we'll gather for a relaxed time of fellowship. No RSVP needed, all ages welcome, light munchies provided and more food available from J. Lights Market & Cafe if you want to make it your dinner or enjoy Two Roosters Ice Cream for dessert!
Someone from FPC will always be there so come when you can, leave when you must.
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Thursday, May 5, 2022
from 1:00-6:00 p.m.
at FPC - Watts-Hill Hall
Go online to and use code firstpres to schedule your appointment.
If you are healthy and it has been over 50 days since your last blood donation, please come out to donate. Most donations take about an hour, so book your appointment, roll up your sleeve, and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross.
For more information, contact Julie Whiddon (919-730-6673), FPC's organizer and Red Cross volunteer.
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From FPC's Creation Care Team
April 26. 2022
7:00-8:15 PM on Zoom
Register here
Worldwide about 33% of soil is degraded. U.S. soil is disappearing 10 times faster than it’s being replenished naturally. Can a city-dweller do anything to help?
Join our speakers Frank Franciosi (US Composting Council), Muriel Williman (NC Composting Council) and Rev. Susannah Tuttle (NC Interfaith Power & Light) in a webinar on building healthy soil, protecting water resources, increasing food productivity while increasing the ability of soils to store carbon and help combat global warming. Learn how you can help right on the spot during the webinar to support composting legislation in Congress.
Hosted by ICCT, cosponsored by NC Council of Churches, Orange-Chatham Interfaith Care for Creation, the Episcopal Diocese of NC, the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association, and Pachamama RTP.
More information and registration here
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Upcoming Speakers for Growing thru Grief
Growing thru Grief offers small group support to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Here is our schedule for April:
April 5 Where do I go from here? Finding Meaning, by Heidi Gessner
April 12 The Plan Ahead, by William Holloman and Bill Dahl
April 19 A Guide to Accessing your Inner Resources through Grief, by Suzanne Allen
April 26 How to Survive Early Grief—Eight Simple Steps for an Unbearable Time, by Artie Hendricks
Our 4 pm meetings begin with a presentation about a part of the grief process and then we break into small groups for conversation and sharing. With the pandemic, we are meeting on zoom, though we hope to return to in-person meetings. To register, contact by 8 am on the Monday before the meeting.
Growing thru Grief is sponsored by a coalition of religious and civic organizations; there is no charge to attend.
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The North Carolina Presbyterian Historical Society’s Spring Tour will be in one of the first areas of Presbyterian settlement in North Carolina, just below the Virginia line in Granville and Vance counties on Saturday, April 23. The Nutbush and Grassy Creek congregations date from 1755-1756, Old St. John’s Episcopal was built in 1773, and in Oxford the group will learn the histories of two Presbyterian churches and a very important school. Registration is $20 including lunch. The schedule, registration form, and address are on the website at, or contact 919-455-1493 for a copy. | |
From the Afghan Refugee Sponsorship Team
On March 20, a 10 year old boy and his aunt moved into a two BR rental duplex that FPC's Afghan Refugee Team two identified, furnished and stocked with food and other essential household items. While maintaining privacy for this family is essential, we can tell you that Church World Services says this is an unusual case because it requires reunification of the boy with his parents from whom he was separated during the airlift from Kabul.
For now, this little family is incredibly happy to be in their own home. Many of you contributed and moved furniture, lamps, kitchen equipment, household supplies, towels, sheets, blankets, rugs, a TV, clothes, food, and other staples. The boy, now in school, has a constant smile on his face and is overjoyed by his new used bike, also contributed by a member of our Church. Thank you! You have made a world of difference for this family.
We have committed to paying rent and utilities for 6 months. With rent at $1,500/month, gas and electricity estimated at $200/month, security deposit and other miscellaneous expenses, we believe we need a total of $11-$12,000 to help this family get their bearings and gain self-sufficiency in the US.
The Church already had about $4,700 reserved for refugee work. Some of that has been used by Team 1 to help an Afghan man earn professional certification in his area of expertise so that he can work in the US. Bottom line, we need to raise $7-$8,000 to support our family for 6 months as they move to self-sufficiency. If more money is given than needed, we will reserve it for refugee work in the future.
We will be assisted in our fundraising by the youth of FPC -- please buy their tt-shirts and hats! We also ask that you send a check to FPC or donate on-line to the "Afghan Refugee Project". We'll let you know how the fundraising goes and send news as we can about the family.
With gratitude,
Lesley Curtis and Wendy McCorkle on behalf of the FPC team
(Tom Bacon, Teddie Brown, Jean Cary, Brent Curtis, Sandy Roberts, Karen Sindelar, and others still working on their background checks.)
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Day of Service
Saturday, April 23
9:30 a.m. – 12 noon
Here it comes! Another fun-filled Day of Service at the Iglesia Emanuel Food Pantry! Let's celebrate spring and our bountiful blessings by gathering together on Saturday morning, April 23, in the parking lot of Iglesia Emanuel, 2504 N Roxboro, to bag an abundant amount of rice and beans. This is a great opportunity to combine visiting with old and new friends with lending a hand in a practical way to the ministry of the Food Pantry. Sign up here to reserve your spot. Monetary and food donations are highly encouraged! Most needed food items: canned protein (tuna or chicken) and cereal. Let's stock the pantry to the brim! For more information, contact Margaret Rubiera.
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June 18, 2022 - Washington DC
We are taking a bus to the Poor People's Campaign March on Washington on June 18, 2022. It will leave from the FPC parking lot , and we want to fill it up. Jane Williams is the contact person to get your name on the list (who knows, maybe we'll need two buses). We hope you'll join us.
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