"Downtown by history and by choice"

FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter

May 31, 2022 - Issue 11


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

Helpful Links







for worship

In this issue you will find the following:

  • Pastoral Letter
  •  In Our Thoughts & Prayers/Thank You
  • 2022 Capital Campaign  
  •  Worship info
  •  Faith Formation for Children
  •  Youth Corner
  • Faith Formation for Adults
  •  Congregational Life/Fellowship Events
  • Service & Mission Opportunities·       

From the Pastor/Head of Staff

Dear family of faith,

How much can we bear, truly? The mass shootings of innocent children in Texas and innocent shoppers in Buffalo. The shooting of a man in church in southern California as he protected others. Our dear Mitzi Lesher-Thomas taking temporary disability leave. Our hearts are heavy with the grief of it all.

The Book of Common Prayer includes a prayer at compline:

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love's sake. Amen.


On Sunday morning, we gathered as a community to weep for those lost to gun violence and those walking a difficult road of illness, treatment, and pain. We gathered also to watch for the signs of grace and hope in our midst, to watch for the light within the darkness, to watch for God to restore creation and repair the breaches of the world. We gathered, too, to prepare for the work of justice ahead of us. Wilson Gunn called us to recognize and work against idolatry in our midst. Our ultimate allegiance belongs to God. There is kingdom work to be done.


Prayer is a part of this work. Sadly, prayer has gotten a bad reputation this week as too many promise “thoughts and prayers” and do nothing to change unjust and idolatrous policies and belief systems. This is an important critique on the difference between false prayer and true prayer. As Christians, however, we follow Jesus in weaving work and prayer together, recognizing the deep connection our prayer has with our work. “Prayer itself is a kind of work and it sends us into our work in the world. . . [O]ur prayer and our work transform each other.”[1] 


When we pray together for comfort, we also hear the call upon our lives to give and receive comfort. When we pray for justice, we are inspired to follow Jesus in working for against injustice and oppression in the world. When we pray for peace, we are strengthened to act as peacemakers. Our prayer awakens our senses to God’s presence in the world and calls us to action. Prayer and work are interconnected. Prayer without resulting action is shallow and empty. Work without prayer lacks the intimate connection with the divine that fills our hearts, minds, and spirits, gives us meaning and purpose, and fills our souls with peace so that we might work together with God for the flourishing of all creation.


Friends, we have work to do. We have prayers to pray. Thanks be to God we are not alone, but follow the One who weeps, watches, and works for us and with us. 


“The Lord is our light and our salvation; whom shall I fear. The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1


Grace and peace, hope and courage for the journey be with you all.


With love,


[1] Tish Harrison Warren, Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work or Watch or Weep (Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2021), 72.

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New Pastoral Associate

Amy Bowers Heit


Mobile: 720-648-2858

Amy grew up in Raleigh and has been living in Durham for the past 10 years. After graduating from Princeton Seminary, she and her husband, Jamey, moved to Glasgow Scotland for several years where she served as Assistant Minister at Netherlee Church of Scotland. Their first daughter, Isla, was born in Scotland and shortly after moving to Durham, a second daughter, Annie made her arrival. While the girls were young, Amy stayed home parenting and spent some time volunteering with the children’s ministry at Trinity Avenue Presbyterian, where they are currently members. For the last few years, she has worked as a Chaplain CPE Resident at both UNC Rex Hospital in Raleigh and the Durham VA, providing spiritual care and support to patients, families, and hospital staff. Amy loves connecting with new people and believes deeply that our combined experiences and interactions with one another deepen our understanding and hope in God. Some of her favorite ways to connect include long walks with friends, traveling with her family, conversations over all kinds of food, and the occasional dance party. She is grateful for this season with the First Presbyterian community and hopes to meet you all in the coming months.  

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·Gladys Arrowood, mother of Al Arrowood

·Bill Estes, cousin of Judy Arrowood

 Bea Martin, sister-in-law of Margaret Rubiera

Wes Carson is at The Forest at Duke health center.


Paul Cornsweet       Susan Cyr                      Kerry Holbrook       Jancy Johnstone         

George Kafula         Mitzi Lesher-Thomas    Katy Loebrich                

Phyllis Verhey         Carol Wills


The Arrowood family wishes to thank you all for your kind expressions of sympathy at the passing of Al's brother, Gerald. Your prayers, comforting thoughts, and cards were very much appreciated. Al and July

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Special thanks to Mickey Velkey for arranging a lunch gathering for the Day Timers group on May 24 at Bennett Point Grill. If you wish your name to be added to the mailing list, contact Valerie in the church office: 919-682-5511 x 215.

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The following members of the 2022 Confirmation Class were received into membership on Sunday, May 15 by the Session and welcomed as new members on May 22, 2022:

Giselle Cowden

Seth Cowden

Isa Cummings

Thilo Fullenkamp

Ruby Gentithes

Lawrence Mbugua

Mary Ellis Merritt

Gretchen Sims

Evelyn Walters

We are grateful to those who led this year's class and served as Friends in Faith:

Roxana Boyd, Amy Cummings, Brent Curtis, Amy Dillon, Ginny Horne, Charlie Kelley, Christyn Klinck, Julie Maxwell: Courtney Paley, Laurie Ray, Cris Rivera, Keith Rokoske, Dawn Shelton, John Weicher, Katharine Whitmore, Amy Wilson.


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First Presbyterian Church has been blessed by the faithfulness and generosity of our members, past and present. Throughout the years, we have remained focused on our mission: Worshipping God in community and bearing witness to God’s love and justice in the world. Our Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign is our opportunity to advance our mission as we set our sights on our building expansion and renovation plans.

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A member of our Campaign Team, Sharon Hirsch, shared the following words of support for our Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign to fund our building expansion and renovation plans.


Why is First Presbyterian Church an important part of your life? How has the congregation helped you and your family grow in faith?     


FPC has been an integral part of my family's life for more than 25 years. From the support and inspiration for social, economic and racial justice work, personal support through multiple surgeries for our daughter, and the deep friendships that have grown through years of fellowship and learning together, I cannot imagine not having this anchor of faith at the corner of Roxboro and Main. We have raised our children, marched for justice in Durham, Raleigh, and DC, built Habitat homes, fed our neighbors, held Durham CAN Assemblies, and planted seeds of faith in Sunday School classes together.  We support one another -- and the Durham community - in times of celebration and sorrow.


Why is the building project important for the church’s mission and ministry? What excites you the most?


Our building is an important tool for doing God's work in our community. Being a welcoming space for so many within the congregation and across Durham allows us to grow in fellowship, in service to the community, and to share God's love in the heart of Durham. Having a warm, welcoming space with enough room for us to gather, with technology to support our new hybrid ways of gathering, with a focus on environmental stewardship through energy efficiencies and attention to our green space, sends a message of hospitality, growth and vitality not only to our congregation, but to all we welcome and hope to have join our community. I'm especially excited for new space that will allow us to break bread together with an updated kitchen and for the environmental stewardship planned for energy efficiency and green spaces. Our expansion promises to be a place of light and welcome for all God's children, allowing us to serve more, be together more, and be good stewards of our gifts.


Why will you be generous in your financial support of our Building Fund Campaign?


Assuring we have spaces and places to gather that are warm, safe, and welcoming allows us to build on the foundation that our 150-year legacy has done for us. It's a promise for our children and their children to continue FPC's legacy of love, inclusion and welcome, justice, worship, community building, and service in the heart of Durham. 

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A member of our Campaign Team, Bob Pleasants, shared the following words of support for our Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign to fund our building expansion and renovation plans.


Why is First Presbyterian Church an important part of your life? How has the congregation helped you and your family grow in faith?     


Our congregation has provided solace for our family in a time when our world has offered us all challenge after challenge. The community at FPC has been welcoming and has helped us focus on the important things in life in a way that affirms our core beliefs while also challenging us to dig deeper and grow spiritually. It's also been a safe place for our children to learn and grow.


Why is the building project important for the church’s mission and ministry? What excites you the most?


I'm excited to have more space in the fellowship hall for our church to spend more social time together, and I'm happy to see us take much-needed steps to increase accessibility and energy efficiency. I'm also so glad to see a significant portion of the campaign designated to fund a tutoring program at Iglesia Emanuel.


Why will you be generous in your financial support of our Building Fund Campaign?


It's important for me to invest in this church community that has invested in the spiritual and overall well-being of my family and so many others.

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Sunday, June 5, 2022


Commitment Sunday for the Capital Campaign

9:45 a.m. Faith Formation for Lectionary and Journeys classes

11:00 a.m. Worship & Communion

Ordination and Installation of New Officers

Mindy Douglas, preaching

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 Sunday, June 12, 2022

Trinity Sunday

 Recognition of Graduates

9:45 a.m. Faith Formation

for Lectionary and Journeys classes

11:00 a.m. Worship in the sanctuary


Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

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Children's Faith Formation needs volunteers: one and done! Please sign up for one Sunday to read a book and help with a prepared activity with children ages rising 1st to 6th grades during the Faith Formation hour.

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Sundays, 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45. 

On June 5: On Pentecost we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, but what exactly does that mean? Does the Spirit bring fluency in languages, or insight into the Gospel message, or even the breath of life itself?

On June 12: What does it mean to hold a belief in an abstract doctrine like the Trinity? Where did that doctrine come from, and why has it been so important in the history of the church? Are there any clues in the Bible?


To join remotely via Zoom: (For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.) 

f you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith [].

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 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. 

We will discuss chapter 8 of John Cleghorn’s “Resurrecting Church: Where Justice and Diversity Meet Radical Welcome and Healing Hope” this Sunday, June 5. We will also prepare some questions for the author, John Cleghorn’s, participation in our June 12 Journeys class. You won’t want to miss the opportunity to meet John Cleghorn and discuss his experiences. Reading the book helps but is not necessary to participate and benefit in the discussion. These classes will be available via Zoom.

 If you have questions, please feel free to contact Eric WiebeAndy Henry, or Paul Baldasare

Join Zoom Meeting (through August 21)

Meeting ID: 817 7653 3450

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Meaning in the Middle (MnM)

Sundays at 8:00 p.m.


On Sunday evenings, we are discussing sermons in Preaching the Luminous Word. We meet at 8:00 p.m. using this ZOOM LINK

June plan:

- Sunday, June 5 - looking for a leader for our fun fellowship

- And then we'll continue to meet the rest of June - 12, 19, and 26. At that point, we'll re-group and see what we want to do for the rest of the summer.

If you'd like to lead, you can email Mary Berry with that info and the name of the sermon you want to discuss or add it to our spreadsheet here.


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Spring Book Study ends June 14

Join Mindy Douglas via Zoom on Tuesday evenings at 6:15 p.m. or Wednesday mornings at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome to join the discussions online.


Check out the discussion 




FIRST FRIENDS (A fellowship group for adults of all ages)

Saturday, June 4 at 5:30 p.m.

POTLUCK hosted by Eric Wiebe and Cynthia Shimer at their home at 1507 Hermitage Ct, Durham, NC 27707



We'd appreciate an RSVP so we can plan for enough food, but if you decide at the last- minute you are still welcome to join us!  We will provide the main dish if folks will bring sides and desserts. Bring a beverage of your choice.

Please park on only one side of Hermitage Ct (it's a narrow street).


Calling all 2022 Graduates!

FPC will be acknowledging Class of 2022 graduates during worship on Sunday, June 12. If you or someone in your family or household is graduating from college or high school this spring, help us share the good news with the congregation. Please submit your graduate’s information to Valerie McMillian  ( by June 5.

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Exploring FPC’s Racial History

Are you interested in doing a deep dive into FPC’s history, specifically through the lens of race, race relations, Jim Crow, and civil rights? At our March Session meeting, the Session approved a team that would investigate this history. Join Amy Dillon and Kerry Holbrook in this important investigation. Contact Mindy Douglas for more information!


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June 18, 2022 - Washington DC

Let’s get on the bus!

The Poor Peoples Campaign March on Washington (PPC) is on June 18, 2022, and we want to get as many people from FPC to come with us.

The Racial Equity Taskforce has made arrangements with for a bus to depart from FPC’s parking lot and travel up and back on June 18th. It will be a full day and an opportunity to meet and march with Bishop Barber and thousands of others from across the US who come to Washington DC to highlight the poverty, racism, inequity, and injustice people face every day in the US and the systems that enforce and perpetuate it, and we want to demand a change. We have a core group who have committed to going, and we hope that you will join us in person and in prayer.

To reserve your seat, you’ll need to go online to book it and pay $95 for the roundtrip fare. We can’t hold seats so when you sign up you will see the number of seats available on the bus. When we fill this bus, we understand that the will add another bus to depart from FPC. We hope to fill several. We don’t want the cost to be a barrier for anyone who wants to attend.

If you need financial assistance, please contact our pastor Mindy Douglas.  Given our pre-dawn departure, we’ll need to prepare a breakfast bag for each rider and ask for people to volunteer to do that and donate food/drinks for snacks and sandwiches. If you would like to be a part of that activity, please contact Jane Williams, Jon Abels, or Kathy Krahenbuhl. More details will follow.

We also welcome contributions to sponsor other riders, including those from other congregations in Durham who wish to join us. To make a financial contribution you can go online at FPC to see various ways to donate to the “PPC Bus Support” or send a text at (919) 373-3254 and write the dollar amount you wish to give (e.g. $95 PPCBus) and send it. You can also leave a check in the mailbox at church for business manager Tom Bloom with “PPC Bus Support” written in the memo line. Thank you for your support and participation.

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Thanks to everyone who is comfortable volunteering! COVID prevention/spread guidelines remain in place. If you are fully vaccinated, contact Jen McGonigle to sign up for one of FPC's regular time slots each month, or call Jen at 202-421-5870.

Announcing FPC's support of the Faith and Farmer Program

of the Rural Advancement Foundation Inc

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Members of First Pres have an exciting opportunity for obtaining a steady supply of fresh vegetables this summer while supporting farmers of color. FPC’s Creation Care Committee has been working for several months with the Faith and Farmer Program of the Rural Advancement Foundation, Inc. (RAFI) in Pittsboro to create a community-supported agriculture program (CSA) with local black farmers. We are delighted to announce that we have found a farmer, Kamal Bell of Sankofa Farms, in Efland,, to partner with us, and the CSA will begin the week of June 6. Sankofa Farms follows sustainable practices, using no pesticides. We have two other congregations joining us for the CSA, Eno River UU Fellowship and Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. 

The CSA will start the week of June 6 and run for eight weeks. The weekly cost will be $30, and the full cost of $240 for the season will have to be paid up front. Half shares will also be available. Weekly deliveries will be made to the church on either Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. 

More details about the program will be available in the coming week, and we will have forms available for families to sign up to participate in the CSA. If you have questions, please contact Tom Bacon (919-219-4826) or Larry Brockman (919-824-1579) for more information. We hope you will join us. 

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Durham Technical Community College is a growing institution in North Carolina, serving more than 18,000 students annually across seven campuses in Durham and Orange counties while also providing various online courses. The college is accredited and offers more than 100 associate degrees and certificates for students seeking university transfer or immediate employment. The College has opportunities for eligible North Carolina high school students, international students, veterans, and adults looking to complete their high school educations.

More information is available on the College’s website, 


Tuition-Free Initiative


Back-to-Work Initiative


Guided Career Pathways

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