"Downtown by history and by choice"

FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter

June 14, 2022 - Issue 12


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

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for worship

In this issue you will find the following:

  • Pastoral Letter
  •  In Our Thoughts & Prayers/Thank You
  • 2022 Capital Campaign  
  •  Worship info
  •  Faith Formation for Children
  •  Youth Corner
  • Faith Formation for Adults
  •  Congregational Life/Fellowship Events
  • Service & Mission Opportunities·       

From Associate Pastor John Weicher

I am writing this note to you poolside. I know. What a life of leisure. The waiter should be by with my drink any moment now. 

Except, not really. It’s our local pool. It’s 9 am on a weekday. Lucy has swim practice this morning. And my only drink is the large coffee I brought from home, because somehow there is no waitstaff in sight. This is a part of the new rhythm of my life, as spring has turned to summer. I imagine you might have your own new routines and locations in these warm months, especially as we’re in the endemic-y phase of the pandemic (or is it the pandemic-y phase of the endemic?).  While we continue to pray for and provide for those who cannot emerge from COVID quite yet, many of us are beginning to, or continuing to, get out there into God’s big, wide world again. Thanks be to God.

My invitation to you in these warm summer months of new rhythms and routines is to seek our new relationships. We humans, made in the very image of the Triune God, are built for community. God’s very essence is loving relationship – Creator to Christ to Holy Spirit and back again. When we drill down into our souls, we find that ours is as well. We have learned that lesson in the pandemic – life (and faith) are team sports. We can play neither by ourselves. So what do new human relationships look like this summer? I’m glad you asked…

  • Our friends at Urban Ministries and the food pantry of Iglesia Emanuel have lots of opportunities to love and serve our neighbors in need. So many of their regular volunteers (you may be one already!) have new rhythms of their own this summer, and they are in need of folks to help out. 
  • Join us July 17 for Midsummer Serendipity, an evening for all ages of outdoor recreation (and re-creation), fellowship and dinner. This just the kind of event at which to renew old friendships and plant the seeds of new ones. 
  • Summer is a time when folks often visit new congregations, so be on the look out in worship for folks you don’t recognize. Have the courage to welcome the stranger, and if they turn out to be a long-time FPCer who you don’t happen to know already, you can laugh about it together with your new friend. Either way, you’ve entertained angels. 
  • Our new Pastoral Associate, the Rev. Amy Bowers Heit, has begun doing some pastoral visitations for us this summer. Reach out to her for a visit or let her know of someone you know who might benefit from one. 
  • Try out a faith formation class you might not have been to before – the Lectionary Class, the Journeys Class (both on Sundays at 9:45 a.m.) or Meaning in the Middle (Sundays at 8:00 p.m.). Or try out a week teaching our one room schoolhouse children’s faith formation – 45 minutes with a good book and great kiddos, followed by 15 minutes of outdoor play that is good for anyone’s soul. (Contact Lenore Champion or Katharine Whitmore.)

These last two opportunities point to the new rhythm at FPC this summer, as we sort through staff transition. Amy Heit’s presence and the Faith & Community Class’s absence remind us that this is a summer of staff transitions, and we are all doing our best to get through. (Fear not, Faith & Community resumes on Sept. 11 with a series on enacting reparations.) 

Let this be a summer of new and renewed relationships for us – with our neighbors, with each other, with visitors, with Rev. Amy, with good books and the Good Book, and indeed with God’s own self. It is who we are and who we are made to be. And if you have time for a drink by the pool, all the better. 

God with us in the hard,


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CONDOLENCES: The love and concern of the congregation are extended to Tim O'Brien and Mindy Douglas on the death of Tim's mother, Ellen O'Brien. Ellen died at UNC Hospital on June 11. A Service of Witness to the Resurrection will be held at FPC on Thursday, June 16 at 11:00 a.m. The family will greet friends at a reception in Watts-Hill Hall following the service. 

Expressions of sympathy may be sent to:

Tim O'Brien and Mindy Douglas

1502 Oakland Avenue

Durham NC 27705.

RECEPTION:  If you would like to assist with the reception (serve and/or bring finger food), you can sign up at this LINK FOR ELLEN O'BRIEN SERVICE.

PARKING:  FPC'S parking lot is being reserved for the family and for persons with mobility issues.  We have permission to use the parking lot at St. Philip's Episcopal Church at 403 E. Main St for this service.


BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations to Stacey and Ben Neece on the birth of Georgia Maude Neece on June 7, 2022. Vernon and Beth Neece are the proud grandparents.


MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT: Congratulations to Alex Buck and Eugene Ostrowsky who were married June 4, 2022. Alex is son of Susan Buck and Lenore Champion.



Paul Cornsweet        Kerry Holbrook              Jancy Johnstone         

George Kafula          Mitzi Lesher-Thomas    Katy Loebrich      

Phyllis Verhey         Carol Wills


Care Communities

Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark

Durham Ridge Assisted Living: Phillip Herndon

Hillcrest: Julian Boswell, Walter Chambliss (Will’s dad), Maxie Honeycutt, Roger KalthoffJim Wolfe

The Forest at Duke Health Center: Wes Carson

Family and Friends of the Congregation

Gladys Arrowood, mother of Al Arrowood

Bob Barton, father-in-law of Andy Henry

Greer & Jenn Brown, friends of Logan Tice

Nicky Clegg, granddaughter of Jeanne Hervey

Tom Cotton, friend of Michael Honeycutt

Mimi Cummings, mother of Drew Cummings

Susan Cyr, friend of FPC

Bill Estes, cousin of Judy Arrowood

Grace, Chris James’ great-niece

Doc & Theresa Huntley, parents of Lesley Curtis

Bea Martin, sister-in-law of Margaret Rubiera

Vivian Mast, friend of Josh Walters

Rosalind Mbugua, sister of Mercy Ndambiri-Curlett

Aaron Pritchard, friend of Kathy Parkins

Richard Smith, husband of Laura Casteel’s co-worker

Jim Vacca, father of Jamie Chambliss

John Wakefield, cousin of Vernon Neece

Deb Walsh, friend of Celia Dickerson

Alice Weicher, mother of John Weicher

Janice Faye West, mother of Randy Lang Howard

Chris Wood, stepfather of Sharon Hirsch 

Your prayers, cards, notes of encouragement, and other acts of caring have been much appreciated. Thank you. 

                                    - Wes and Carol Carson

Roger “graduated” from Hospice today and has been transferred to Hillcrest for skilled nursing and rehab. He has made an amazing turnaround and we are so grateful for all the cards, meals, visits, and texts from FPC members.

                                                                               - Jane Williams and Roger Kalthoff

Thanks to Eric Wiebe and Cynthia Shimer for hosting the First Friends adult fellowship group at their home for a potluck on Saturday, June 4.


FPC blessed its Class of 2022 high school graduates during worship on Sunday, June 12. Click here to see all who were recognized in the Class of 2022.

The church office will be closed on Monday, June 20, 2022 in observance of the  Juneteenth holiday.


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Message from the Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign Committee 


Among the most exciting components in First Presbyterian Church’s capital campaign will be the funding of two mission projects:  $50,000 to support a part-time tutoring coordinator for three years with our sister congregation at Iglesia Emanuel Presbyterian Church; and $50,000 for the RIP Medical Debt nonprofit corporation that remarkably will relieve $5 Million of medical debt of our low-income neighbors in Durham and eight other NC counties.  To learn more about these two mission components, please view committee member Sharon Hirsch describe these projects in this video link.  Thanks to everyone who has already made a pledge to the campaign and to those who are faithfully considering joining the campaign in the weeks ahead.   

 A member of our Campaign Team, Kristin Meade (pictured with son Dayton) shared the following words of support for our Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign to fund our building expansion and renovation plans. 

Why is First Presbyterian Church an important part of your life? How has the congregation helped you and your family grow in faith?

In this church, I have found inspiration, God's love in action and a community -- inspiration from our staff and fellow congregants to live out God's call to bring hope and do justice in the world; a love that is expansive, kind, and generous; and community that is welcoming, empowering and full of grace. These are the reasons I keep coming back, and the reasons I leave each visit feeling hopeful.

Why is the building project important for the church’s mission and ministry? What excites you the most?

The potential of this space, especially the fellowship hall, to open up opportunities for building beloved community, both inside and outside of the church congregation, is most exciting for me.

Why will you be generous in your financial support of our Building Fund Campaign?

I love that this project is forward-looking, building a space that will help our church's mission to bring God's amazing love into downtown Durham for generations to come.

The FPC Session has called

a Congregational Meeting

for Sunday, June 19 at the end of worship to elect youth ruling elders and deacons.

Click here to see who is being nominated.

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Father's Day

 9:45 a.m. Faith Formation Classes for

Children's, Lectionary, and Journeys  

11:00 a.m. Worship  

John Weicher, preaching

Congregational Meeting following worship

Sunday, June 26, 2022

11:00 a.m. Worship   

Mission Commissioning

Laurie Taylor Weicher, preaching

The Hunger for Change Offering will be received during worship or you can give through FPC's website.

9:45 a.m. Faith Formation for children's, Lectionary, and Journeys classes


Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

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Please sign up to help with ONE week this summer to lead Children's Faith Formation: please sign up for one Sunday to read a book and help with a prepared activity with children ages rising 1st grade to rising 6th grade during the Faith

Formation hour:

  • 9:45-10:30, Faith Formation
  • 10:30-10:45, outside play time on the playground

FPC Book Reviews! Lenore will send a copy of a children's picture book for you and your family to read and review. You would video a short review of the book and send it to Lenore. What's in it for you? You get to keep the book!! What's in it for us? We get to know about a new book! Sign up genius here!


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 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. 

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45.

Lent and Eastertide have passed, so we return this week to Ordinary Time in the church year. For the rest of the summer we will be visiting a series of Hebrew prophets, reading of Jesus’ healings and teachings from the gospel of Luke, and exploring the books of Galatians, Colossians, and Hebrews.

On June 19: What has God done for you? Has God healed you, or given you an important task to do, or included you in the family through baptism? As Jesus said to a man he healed, "Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you." 

On June 26: Do you feel that you have been called for some mission? Do you understand the consequences? Do you have the tools? Are you ready to pick up the mantle, or to put your hand to the plow and not look back?


To join remotely via Zoom:

 (For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.) If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith.


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 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. 

We will discuss chapter 9, Lessons Learned this Sunday, June 19. We will also debrief from our class with the author on June 12 by discussing what an intersectional means to us and First Presbyterian Church. 

The classes will be available via Zoom.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Eric WiebeAndy Henry, or Paul Baldasare

Join Zoom Meeting (through August 21)

Meeting ID: 817 7653 3450

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Meaning in the Middle (MnM)

Sundays at 8:00 p.m.


On Sunday evenings, we are discussing sermons in Preaching the Luminous Word. We meet at 8:00 p.m. using this ZOOM LINK

If you'd like to lead, you can email Mary Berry with that info and the name of the sermon you want to discuss or add it to our spreadsheet here.


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The spring study of Will Willimon's book, Aging, ends this week. Our summer study break begins June 16. Have a good summer!


Jane Austin Returns for One-on-One Sessions



With an overwhelming positive response to her earlier workshops and one-on-one sessions with members and friends of FPC, Jane Austin has agreed to return during the month of June each Tuesday for 45-minute coaching sessions on dealing with stress and trauma.  (Click here to read Jane's bio.)

You are invited to sign up here for a 45- minute, one-on-one session with Jane.  Sessions will be held in the Wilson Parlor. 

No charge for the sessions. Love offerings accepted.

If additional sessions are needed, contact Jane at 520-465-4612 or email Jane at

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Save the Date: July 17

Midsummer Serendipity 

Fun, Food, and Fellowship for the whole church.

Location: Forest Hills Park-shelter.

Time: Afternoon/evening (4 p.m. - 8 p.m.)

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Exploring FPC’s Racial History

Are you interested in doing a deep dive into FPC’s history, specifically through the lens of race, race relations, Jim Crow, and civil rights? At our March Session meeting, the Session approved a team that would investigate this history. Join Amy Dillon and Kerry Holbrook in this important investigation. Contact Mindy Douglas for more information!

In honor of World Refugee Day, Church World Service invites us to–Unraveling the untold Black refugee narrativea special virtual event hosted by CWS and Refugee Council USA on Thursday, June 16 at 8 p.m.  

This live Facebook panel discussion explores the experience of Black refugees in America through the lens of former refugees: activist Shukri Abdirahman, physician and author Dr. Habib Fanny and award-winning writer and educator Habso Mohamud.  

RSVP here for this free event, and then join us at 8 pm on June 16 as we celebrate the resilience, strength and courage of refugees everywhere.


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June 18, 2022 - Washington DC

We're headed to the Rally!

The Poor Peoples Campaign March on Washington (PPC) is on June 18, 2022.

The Racial Equity Taskforce has made arrangements with for a bus to depart from FPC’s parking lot and travel up and back on June 18th. It will be a full day and an opportunity to meet and march with Bishop Barber and thousands of others from across the US who come to Washington DC to highlight the poverty, racism, inequity, and injustice people face every day in the US and the systems that enforce and perpetuate it, and we want to demand a change. We have a core group who have committed to go, and we hope that you will join us in person and in prayer.

Given our pre-dawn departure, we’ll need to prepare a breakfast bag for each rider and ask for people to volunteer to do that and donate food/drinks for snacks and sandwiches. If you would like to be a part of that activity, please contact Jane Williams, Jon Abels, or Kathy Krahenbuhl.

We also welcome contributions to sponsor other riders, including those from other congregations in Durham who wish to join us. To make a financial contribution you can go online at FPC to see various ways to donate to the “PPC Bus Support” or send a text at (919) 373-3254 and write the dollar amount you wish to give (e.g. $95 PPCBus) and send it. You can also leave a check in the mailbox at church for business manager Tom Bloom with “PPC Bus Support” written in the memo line. Thank you for your support and participation.

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Thanks to everyone who is comfortable volunteering! COVID prevention/spread guidelines remain in place. If you are fully vaccinated, contact Jen McGonigle to sign up for one of FPC's regular time slots each month, or call Jen at 202-421-5870.

A Little Muscle + Big Heart = Wonderful Volunteer!

Summer is here, and with these warmer months come plenty of opportunities to volunteer, to help build our Beloved Community. The Food Pantry at Iglesia Emanuel continues to serve an average of 650 families every week. We are totally volunteer run and would welcome new (and returning) faces to be part of this vital ministry. Please consider signing up for a 2-hour shift any Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. We work hard but have lots of fun in the process of providing healthy food for struggling families. If you are 14 or older and willing to put your muscles to work, join us! Young people 12 and older, with a responsible adult, are also welcome. To sign up, simply click here. Contact Margaret with any questions.

Announcing FPC's support of the Faith and Farmer Program

of the Rural Advancement Foundation Inc

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FPC’s Creation Care Committee has been working for several months with the Faith and Farmer Program of the Rural Advancement Foundation, Inc. (RAFI) in Pittsboro to create a community-supported agriculture program (CSA) with local black farmers. We are delighted to announce that we have found a farmer, Kamal Bell of Sankofa Farms, in Efland,, to partner with us, and the CSA began the week of June 6. Sankofa Farms follows sustainable practices, using no pesticides. We have two other congregations joining us for the CSA, Eno River UU Fellowship and Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. 

The CSA will run for eight weeks. The weekly cost will be $30, and the full cost of $240 for the season will have to be paid up front. Half shares will also be available. Weekly deliveries will be made to the church on either Tuesday or Thursday afternoon. 

If you have questions, please contact Tom Bacon (919-219-4826) or Larry Brockman (919-824-1579) for more information. 

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