"Downtown by history and by choice"

FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter

August 23, 2022            Issue 17


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

Helpful Links







for worship

In this issue you will find the following:

  • Pastoral Letter
  •  In Our Thoughts & Prayers/Thank You Notes
  • Worship info
  •  Faith Formation for Children
  •  Youth Corner
  • Faith Formation for Adults
  •  Congregational Life/Fellowship Events
  • Service & Mission Opportunities·       


Dear friends,

           While in Scotland for a family wedding recently, Tim and I became re-acquainted with the famous Scottish poet Robert (“Robbie”) Burns. The wedding took place in Alloway, the community of Burns’ birth, less than a half a mile from his childhood cottage. The day before the wedding, Tim and I toured the Burns Cottage and the Burns Museum, reflecting on his life and the influence of his poetry on the country and the world. “Auld Lang Syne” is the poem and song most of us know the best, I imagine, but it was another poem, “To a Mouse” that we found ourselves regularly quoting the week after the wedding.

           “To a Mouse” is the poem Burns wrote as an apology to his small, furry neighbor after accidentally disturbing and destroying a family nest while plowing his land. The poem (known to many because of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men) reminds us that in spite of all our work and planning, sometimes things can go wrong. In the original Scottish, he penned “the best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, / Gang aft agley.” Translated, this means, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” And so they do.

           In my life, when encountering situations that didn’t turn out the way I had planned, I have often shrugged and said “the best laid plans . . .” and left it at that. These days, the phrase “it is what it is” carries a similar meaning, as in “it isn’t what you planned for, but there isn’t anything you can do about it, so carry on.” Another similar phrase I have oft repeated is “If you want to make God laugh, tell her your plans.”

           In our case, our plans were put awry by COVID when Tim got a scratchy throat a few days after the wedding. He tested positive the next day, and suddenly all plans were cancelled. We would not be going to the Isle of Mull to visit friends. We would not get on the train. We would not travel to Iona. His symptoms were mild, thankfully, like a bad cold, but he still had to isolate for five days. We quickly adjusted our plans, quoting Robbie Burns regularly as we did. 



With gratitude for you all,


In our thoughts and prayers.jpg

SYMPATHIESThe love and concern of the congregation are extended to

  • Emily and Neal Wilkins on the death of Emily's mom (Bella and Sophie's grandmother). Frances Harris Kennedy passed away on August 21st. 

  • Will and Jamie Chambliss on the death of Will's father, Walter Chambliss, on August 9th.

  • Alice Raney and family on the death of her sister, Ethel Carr Lipscomb Girvin on August 9th.

Celebration of Life:  

Roger Alan Kalthoff, husband of Jane Williams, died August 5 at Duke Hospital. There will be a “Celebration of Life” gathering on Saturday, August 27, at 11:00 a.m. at Marie and David Sappenfield’s home (6 Pearse Wynd Road, Bahama NC 27503). Please call (919-801-1610) or e-mail Marie ( if you plan to attend. All are welcome.

Please keep these families in your prayers.



Ricky Bennett's mom is hospitalized in Wilmington NC.

Franzi Rokoske will begin rehab at home this week.  Follow her health journey via CARING BRIDGE.


Mitzi Lesher-Thomas is on short term medical leave from duties as our associate pastor. Follow her health journey via Caring Bridge: CARING BRIDGE


Paul Cornsweet     Kerry Holbrook       Lee House     Jancy Johnstone    

George Kafula      Katy Loebrich             Jo Ann Moore     

Caroline Pritchett     Carol Wills


Care Communities

Croasdaile Pavilion: Dub Gulley

Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark

Durham Ridge Assisted Living: Phillip Herndon

Hillcrest Convalescent Center: Julian Boswell, Maxie Honeycutt, Jim Wolfe

The Forest at Duke Health Center: Wes Carson


Family and Friends of the Congregation

Gladys Arrowood, mother of Al Arrowood

Bob, friend of Fred and Jo Ann Moore

Nicky Clegg, granddaughter of Jeanne Hervey

Tom Cotton, friend of Michael Honeycutt

Mimi Cummings, mother of Drew Cummings

Grace, Chris James’ great-niece

Vivian Mast, friend of Josh Walters

Sydnor Patrick, friend of FPC

Aaron Pritchard, friend of Kathy Parkins

Jim Vacca, father of Jamie Chambliss

John Wakefield, cousin of Vernon Neece

Deb Walsh, friend of Celia Dickerson

Janice Faye West, mother of Randy Lang Howard

Chris Wood, stepfather of Sharon Hirsch 

Grounds Workday - Thank you to those who came out on Saturday, August 20. Your work was very much appreciated.

Thanks to Mickey Velkey for arranging the August Daytimers' Luncheon at Bullock's Barbeque.  


The Church office will be closed on Monday, September 5 in observance of the Labor Day holiday


Sunday, August 28, 2022 

9:45 a.m. Faith Formation (Children and Lectionary Classes)

11:00 a.m. Worship in the sanctuary

and live streamed

Mindy Douglas, preaching

Blessing of Backpacks

Popsicles following Worship

Live Music by local band

Sunday, September 4, 2022

 9:45 a.m.  Faith Formation Classes  

11:00 a.m. Worship with Communion

For those who worship via live steam, remember to prepare your communion elements before worship begins

so we can all commune together.



Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

Kids Summer Faith Formation  June 12-Aug 28.jpg

FPC Book Reviews! Lenore will send a copy of a children's picture book for you and your family to read and review. You would video a short review of the book and send it to Lenore Champion. What's in it for you? You get to keep the book!! What's in it for us? We get to know about a new book! Sign up genius here! Click here to see an example of a book review submitted by Pastor Mindy Douglas.


Youth Group Escape Room at Bull City Escapes! 

We’re joining our friends from Trinity Avenue Presbyterian on ***TONIGHT*** August 23, at 7:00 p.m. This is a registration event – please sign up with John via email. It’s for 6th-12th graders. The cost is $30, but as always, we have your back, financially.  

Summer Youth Calendar _2022_.png




The Faith & Community and Journeys classes will be taking a recess for most of the summer and will meet again when the First Presbyterian Church faith formation season starts on September 11


 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. (year-round):

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45.

On August 28: Two of this week’s readings have advice for us on hospitality and etiquette. Are you following the table manners of the kingdom?

On September 4: What is the cost of your faith? Are there valuable things or relationships that you must give up in order to be a faithful disciple? What are you willing to give up?


 To join remotely via Zoom:

(For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.) 

If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith.

Meaning in the Middle (MnM)

There will be no MnM zoom meeting on Sunday, August 28. During this time, feel free to join the Lectionary Class that meets during the 9:45 church hour. 


It’s not too early to start brainstorming what we want to discuss and study for the fall. If you have ideas, please feel free to email the group or let Mary Berry or Emily Diy know. Mary and Emily will be in touch to kick things off!  


The Prayer Shawl Group would like to add some new members. If you knit or crochet and would like to learn about our various projects, please contact Barbara Fish, 919-475-8301.

Maybe needlepoint is your thing?

A small group is working on a needlepoint banner for the church. If you do needlepoint (also known as canvas embroidery), please contact Barbara Fish, 919-475-8301, for more information.


Friday, August 26 - 6:00 p.m.

Hosted at the home of 

Mac and Wendy McCorkle

4811 Montvale, Durham

Hosts will supply barbecue, sandwich buns, and slaw from Q-shack. People can bring sides and dessert. You can also choose to BYOB.

RSVP to let Wendy know you are coming and what you will bring., or 919-656-7153.



Most Needed Items

Crayons         Scissors          Clip Boards      Markers       Paper       Rulers

Sharpies    Ink Pens   White Out  Tape     Highlighters    Binder Clips   Mechanical Pencils   Hand Sanitizer    Pencil Pouches


Bring your donations to FPC and place them in the Fill That Bus bin.

The deadline is August 31st.

Thank you for supporting our Durham Public Schools Teachers.

Medical debt is the source of incredible inequities, keeping families mired in debt and impeding their ability to build assets. Plus, it adds enormously to emotional stress. That's why First Presbyterian Church is leading this campaign as one reparations strategy. The potential to WIPE OUT DEBT for pennies on the dollar is amazing! When you make a pledge to our capital campaign, you are already supporting this project. If you have not already made a pledge, we hope you will join us in giving to our Building Beloved Community campaign! Contact Tom Bloom if you wish to contribute to this project.

In-person Growing thru Grief meetings are continuing at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 1200 West Cornwallis in Durham. Meetings are held each Tuesday, with registration starting at 4:00. First time attendees must show proof of Covid vaccination and booster(s). Any masking requirements will be posted at the church. The program begins at 4:30 and all will end by 6:00 p.m.

Here is the remaining schedule for August:

August 23:    “Grief Support Turned on Its Head: A Companioning Approach to Grief and Loss,” with Mandy Murphy

August 30:    Tim Auman is the speaker

Please contact if you have any questions.


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Thanks to everyone who is comfortable volunteering! COVID prevention/spread guidelines remain in place. If you are fully vaccinated, contact Jen McGonigle to sign up for one of FPC's regular time slots each month, or call Jen at 202-421-5870.

A Little Muscle + Big Heart

= Wonderful Volunteer!

Summer is here, and with these warmer months come plenty of opportunities to volunteer, to help build our Beloved Community. The Food Pantry at Iglesia Emanuel continues to serve an average of 650 families every week. We are totally volunteer run and would welcome new (and returning) faces to be part of this vital ministry. Please consider signing up for a 2-hour shift any Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. We work hard but have lots of fun in the process of providing healthy food for struggling families. If you are 14 or older and willing to put your muscles to work, join us! Young people 12 and older, with a responsible adult, are also welcome. To sign up, simply click here. Contact Margaret Rubiera  with any questions.

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