"Downtown by history and by choice"

FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter

October 18, 2022     Issue 21


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

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for worship

Letter from Pastor/Head of Staff 

Dear friends,

           For her daughter’s confirmation, writer Stephanie Paulsell shared a copy of Emily Dickenson’s poem, “I dwell in Possibility.”* She wanted her daughter to remember that, as a child of God, in God’s house - “More numerous of Windows--/Superior--for Doors"-- there is room to turn and be changed, to choose mercy over revenge, to give away everything we have and follow Jesus. Within God's possibility, even death is not the last thing to be said about us.”

When I think about stewardship, I think about possibility, particularly the possibility of expanding our hearts through gratitude. God has gifted us in unimaginable ways – through our very life-breath, through an expansive, unconditional, enveloping love, through relationships that bring us joy and peace, and through a calling to live lives of deep meaning, faithfulness, and service. 

When I think about First Presbyterian Church, I also think about possibility. God has called us to be bearers of the good news of Christ’s love, inclusion, grace, and peace to the world. We are challenged to share and live a different narrative than the one the world shares and lives. The world says “horde, buy, accumulate, expand your wealth.” God says “give, share, support, expand your heart.” To follow Jesus is to dwell in the endless possibility of a world full of love instead of hate, of healing instead of violence, of grace instead of judgment. 

On Sunday, we are celebrating stewardship dedication, a time when we bring forth our pledge for 2023. This ritual of faith reminds us that everything we have is from God. In this service, we remember that God has placed us in downtown Durham to be bearers of light and love. We have a particular role to play in this place. Your generosity allows us to live into the possibilities of transformational love for Durham and beyond.

Your pledges for 2023 will allow us to continue our mission giving to Iglesia Emanuel, Urban Ministries of Durham, Habitat for Humanity, Housing for New Hope, Step Up Ministries (to name a few organizations), support our youth ministry program as well as the campus ministry programs at NC Central University and Duke University, fund our children’s, fellowship, and membership programs, and give our staff raises in this season of high inflation. As your generosity increases, the possibilities we have for living into God’s kingdom of grace and love increase. As I have often said this year, “FPC has an embarrassment of riches.” In other words, God is good. Our responsibility is to be good stewards of these amazing gifts we have been given. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday as we share our gifts with humility and grace, giving thanks to God for all we have, all we are, and all that it is possible for us to be.

With love and deep gratitude,


*“I dwell in Possibility” by Emily Dickinson

I dwell in Possibility –

A fairer House than Prose –

More numerous of Windows –

Superior – for Doors –

Of Chambers as the Cedars –

Impregnable of eye –

And for an everlasting Roof

The Gambrels of the Sky –

Of Visitors – the fairest –

For Occupation – This –

The spreading wide my narrow Hands

To gather Paradise –  

November 2022 Birthdays
In our thoughts and prayers.jpg

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS: Caroline and Ed Pritchett announce the birth of two granddaughters: Olivia Anne Pritchett was born April 6, 2022 to Tiffany and Hartwell Pritchett of Erie, CO, and Pippa James Pritchett was born October 4, 2022 to Kelly and Poston Pritchett of Kansas City, MO.


The love and concern of the congregation are extended to Drew and Amy Cummings (Webb, Isa, and Doran) on the death of Drew's mother, Miriam (Mimi) Zoet Cummings in Kalamazoo, MI on October 6, 2022. Read Mimi's obit here.


  • Julian Boswell, hospitalized at Duke General with a broken hip following a fall.
  • Stephen Champion, grandson of Lenore Champion home after a brief hospitalization.
  • Susan Cyr, home after a fall and brief hospitalization.
  • Chris and Emily James can use our prayers and meals as Chris undergoes back surgery this week at Rex Hospital in Raleigh. Meal train link:

Paul Cornsweet     Kerry Holbrook    Jancy Johnstone     

George Kafula      Carol Wills

Franzi Rokoske: follow her health journey via CARING BRIDGE.


Mitzi Lesher-Thomas: follow her health journey via Caring Bridge: CARING BRIDGE.


Care Communities

Croasdaile Pavilion: Dub Gulley

Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark

Durham Ridge Assisted Living: Phillip Herndon

Hillcrest Convalescent Center: Maxie Honeycutt, Jim Wolfe

The Forest at Duke Health Center: Wes Carson


Family and Friends of the Congregation

Bob, friend of Fred and Jo Ann Moore

Grace, Chris James’ great-niece

Paul Quirk, uncle of Tim O'Brien

Jim Vacca, father of Jamie Chambliss

John Wakefield, cousin of Vernon Neece

Janice Faye West, mother of Randy Lang Howard

Dear FPC family,

Thank you so much for your prayers, cards, and messages before, during, and after my recent surgery. I felt unexpectantly calm during the time of diagnostic uncertainty leading up to the surgery and know that was largely because you "had my back" and were surrounding me with prayers. I am so grateful to be part of this wonderful community.

                          - Jo Ann Moore

John Fricks was recently presented a resolution prepared by the FPC Session, honoring John and acknowledging his retirement as FPC's sound guy. Click here to see the resolution.  


This Friday, October 21, the FPC Day School will hold a Family Fall Festival at FPC from 4:30- 6:30 p.m. The church parking lot will be the location for the festival which will feature a pumpkin patch and hayrides

The church’s parking lot will be closed (blocked off with cones)from 12 noon till the end of the event. Day School and church staff have permission to park next door (parking lot for Marcus Hill, Attorney at Law). If/when you come on Friday, please go ahead and park next door.

The leased parking spaces at FPC will remain available(open and accessible) but lessors will be advised to also park next door if possible. 



Dear friends,


Thank you for your continued support of our renovation and expansion through the Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign! At this date, we have $2,647,535 in 138 pledges toward our project! If you have not yet made a pledge, we hope you will do so soon to help us fund this exciting project and the mission components we have included with the campaign. If you have questions about the project, please feel free to contact one of the members of our capital campaign team.


With deep gratitude for your support,


Your Building Beloved Community Capital Campaign Team

(Gray & Amy Wilson (Campaign Co-Chairs), Tom Bacon, Paul Baldasare, Roxana Boyd, Sharon Hirsch, Kristin Meade, Bob Pleasants, Tom Roberts, Scottie Seawell, Mindy Douglas, Joe Harvard (Advisor), and Chuck Wilson (Advisor))


Dear friends,

The Building Committee is hard at work, meeting regularly with the team of architects and designers at MHA and drilling down on specific designs and plans. We are also meeting with sub-committees to help with ongoing details and questions. Please feel free to talk to any of our team members to get more details about where we are in the process!


We are still aiming for breaking ground on this project in the summer of 2023.


Thanks for all your support!




The FPC Building Committee

Tyler Momsen-Hudson, Chair

Barbara Buckley

Lanny Pratt

Dawn Shelton

Phyllis Supple

Chuck Wilson

Mindy Douglas, staff



We are meeting weekly and beginning to review the resumes (Personal Information Forms) that we are receiving. We will begin interviewing qualified candidates in the next few weeks. We will continue to accept resumes. We are advertising this position through the national search system as well as at seminaries and divinity schools such as Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond and Charlotte, Shaw Divinity School, Duke Divinity School, Columbia Theological Seminary, and Johnson C. Smith Seminary. We are also posting on our website and through social media. We encourage you to share this job opening with anyone you know who might be interested in this position. The job description and ministry information forms are posted on the FPC website under the "Jobs" tab.


We appreciate your prayers and your support!


The FPC Search Committee for a Temporary Stated Supply Associate Pastor

Gordon Campbell, Chair

Josh Walters, Assistant Chair

Debbie Hamlin-Aggrey

Mary Ellis Merritt

Mary Ashley Rose

Amy Sanchez

Eric Wiebe


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Stewardship Sunday

9:45 a.m.

Faith Formation Classes for all ages

11:00 a.m. Worship

Mindy Douglas, preaching


Sunday, October 30

9:45 a.m.

Faith Formation Classes for all ages

11:00 a.m. Worship

British Hyrams, preaching  

British Hyrams hails from Chicago, Illinois and its surrounding suburbs. She is a graduate of Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and holds two master’s degrees from Union Presbyterian Seminary- a Master of Divinity (M. Div.) and a Master of Arts in Christian Education (M.A.C.E.). She currently serves as campus minister for Presbyterian Campus Ministry at North Carolina Central University.

After deciding to leave corporate to raise her three children with her husband, she accepted a position as a math instructor at a local college and returned to teaching online with Johnson C. Smith University.  British has served at Central Steele Creek Presbyterian church in Charlotte, NC – as the Director of Christian Ministries, Associate Pastor, and as acting Senior Pastor. British has also served in the wider denomination as a part of the Presbytery of Charlotte COM committee, Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) Advocate team member, and board member for the William Black Lodge.

British is a cancer survivor with a zest for new experiences and a passion for lifelong learning. She seeks opportunities to build bridges with people of varying perspectives as an integral part of her Christian service and witness.

She is married to her college sweetheart Kevin. Jamal, Akilah, and Aman are their young adult children who continue to bring them blessings upon blessings.


Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

Faith Formation classes for children are held on the second floor of the education building from 9:45-10:25 a.m.  All children are welcome.




October 23:

Confessions of Behar


PCUSA Report on Reparations

FPC_Reparations - Google Drive 


 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. (year-round)

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45.

On October 23: What does it mean to be righteous? Is it measured in the things we do, or in the things we believe? Do we know we are righteous because of the rewards we have received?

On October 30: The prophet Habakkuk made his complaint and then sat and waited for God's answer. The answer came, but it might not have been what Habakkuk expected. Do we spend our time just waiting and watching for God to act? Maybe God is telling us to come down and do something ourselves.


 To join via Zoom:

For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.

If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith.


Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Wilson Parlor

 Here is the schedule for the next several weeks. Note that we will get back to a more consistent theme in November:

  • October 23 – We will finish our discussion of the gnostic Gospel of Mary. Some members have suggested a read of the first chapter of the Karen L. King book on this subject as preparation. Excerpts of the chapter are available online, e.g.,
  • October 30 – We will have activities with other Sunday school classes as part of an FPC intergenerational event.
  • November 6 – We will begin a complete review of the Gospel of John. The guide material has not been selected yet, but the Interpretation series is a solid foundation if you want to get started now. We hope to get some guest speakers for this series.

 Contact Andy Henry (919-599-9405) if you have questions about class content.



MnMers gather in Room 205 (near children's classrooms) during the faith formation hour, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Join us for conversation, discussion, sharing of lives and laughter. For those meeting in person, Amy Wilson will be leading us. 

For those meeting on Zoom, we will meet at 8:00 p.m. , and Michael Schultz will be leading us. If you have any issues accessing the meeting on Sunday evening, please feel free to email or text Mary Berry (703.851.8625). The Zoom link will be sent on Sunday evening prior to the time for class to meet. 

As always, you are welcome whether you've had time to read or not. Our leaders will give a brief summary of the readings before we dive into conversation, so this is a low-pressure thing!

Contacts for this class are: Mary Berry and Emily Diy.

For the rest of the fall semester, we are going to be using The Liturgy of the Ordinary because of its blessedly short chapters and because I can disseminate the text easily. We realized if we voted on a text and ordered books, we'd be onto the next semester by the time we got that all squared away. But never fear, we'll take the other texts we've sampled this semester + other ideas (e.g., podcasts) and have the group select what we'd like to use for the spring semester from those texts and ideas. Stay tuned!

Fellowship: On Saturday, November 5, we will meet at Hi-Wire/Two Roosters from 3:30-5:30 PM for our monthly fellowship event. Hope to see you there! 


Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m.

Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

No Cure For Being Human

 by Kate Bowler  

Zoom Link:

October 18/19 - chapters 1-2

October 25/26 - chapters 3-4

November 1/2 - chapters 5-6

November 8/9 - chapters 7-8

November 15/16 - chapters 9-10

November 22/23 – Thanksgiving week – no meeting


Trunk or Treat!

Join us for this new Halloween event at church, Sunday, October 30, 5:00-7:00 p.m. It’s like trick or treat, but in our own parking lot, and car trunks take the place of homes. FPCers are invited to decorate their trunk around a theme of their choosing (from Harry Potter to Duke basketball) and give out candy. FPC children and youth will join children and youth from some of our local mission partners. To sign up to “do a trunk,” or if you need inspiration, contact Stephen Berry, (You don’t have to decorate a trunk to bring children, or even come just yourself, but we do want as many trunks as possible.)  

 Use this link to make a meal reservation for this Lunch & Learn event:

Please RSVP by October 26.

Day Timers’ Luncheon

Tuesday, October 25

at 11:30 a.m.

at Bennett Pointe Grill

4625 Hillsborough Rd, Durham

Hosted by Mickey Velkey

Please call, text, or e-mail

Mickey to RSVP:

601.750.3619 cell


First Friends POTLUCK Event

Friday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m.

Hosted by Susan Dunlap

and Prasad Kasibhatla

1527 Hermitage Ct, Durham

Bring a favorite dish to share.

RSVP to: or call Susan at 919-801-5968.

First Friends is open to any adults who enjoy hosting FPC members in their home and participating in occasional service projects together.


Saturday, October 29

9:00 a.m.-12 noon

on the grounds of FPC

Contact Barbara Buckley ( to learn more about the work to be done.

 Durham CAN Listening Session


The Racial Equity Task Force will host a listening session for Durham CAN on Sunday, November 6 at 12:15 (after the worship service) in the Wilson Parlor. The purpose of this listening session is to hear from CAN member congregations about issues and concerns for CAN to consider for its agenda over the next 2 year. CAN hopes to engage with more than 1,000 residents in these sessions across our community! This is your opportunity to share your ideas for CAN agenda items for the future. If you are interested in getting more involved with social justice work, this is a great place to start. All are welcome -- come with your questions, concerns, and ideas for making Durham a better place to live, work, play, and pray for all.

Medical debt is the source of incredible inequities, keeping families mired in debt and impeding their ability to build assets. Plus, it adds enormously to emotional stress. That’s why First Presbyterian Church is leading this campaign as one reparations strategy. The potential to WIPE OUT DEBT for pennies on the dollar is amazing! When you make a pledge to our capital campaign, you are already supporting this project. If you have not already made a pledge, we hope you will join us in giving to our Building Beloved Community campaign! To learn more about how this debt is eliminated, check this out: HERE.


To pledge to reduce medical debt without giving to the capital campaign, go HERE.


 Please invite your family and friends to add to the amount we give to relieve medical debt. Give in the name of FPC’s Building Beloved Community campaign.


Day of Service and Fun

at Iglesia Emanuel Food Pantry!


Here we go! It is time to gather once again at Iglesia Emanuel for a fun-filled morning of service and fellowship. Come join fellow FPC members and friends on Saturday morning, October 22, from 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon, as we bag rice and beans for the Food Pantry. This is a family friendly event, and all ages are welcome. Bring your nimble fingers and warm smiles,and help us fill the shelves of our pantry. Come spend an hour or two or stay all morning to lend a hand! With your generous support, we will continue to provide nutritious food every week to over 600 families facing economic hardship. Please sign up here.

•   Address: 2504 N Roxboro

•   Other options: come early to help set up, stay a bit later to help clean up, bring snacks for the volunteers, or bring food donations (protein items, cereal, granola bars, bags of apples or oranges). Monetary donations always welcome!

•   Questions? Contact Margaret Rubiera.

FPC hosts Fall Blood Drive

Thursday, November 3, 2022

1:00-6:00 p.m.

FPC - Watts-Hill Hall

Go online at using code firstpres to schedule your appointment.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) urges your support this hurricane season. In the wake of catastrophic impacts from Hurricane Ian, recovery is ongoing in places hit by Hurricane Fiona, including Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic and Cuba. Financial support for relief efforts can be designated to DR000194, which supports the church’s response to hurricanes and typhoons. Gifts can be made online by clicking here, going to, by phone at (800) 872-3283, or by check made payable to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) with "DR000194" written on the memo line and mail to:

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

P.O. Box 643700

Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.

Duke Presbyterian Campus Ministry (PCM+) 

PCM+ needs your help! We are looking for volunteers who are able and willing to sign up to bring dinner on Sunday nights before worship. We are so grateful for your consideration - the engagement and support that students receive from partner churches like First Presbyterian Church is such an enriching part of this ministry! 

If you would like to review the details/instructions and sign-up volunteer to bring dinner on a Sunday night, use this link:

Urban Ministries of Durham.png

THANK YOU to those who have been volunteering. Please be sure to consider making lunches as we have been short on those shifts and that is just as important as serving. :)


NOTE: The clothing closet & food pantry also have opportunities, so be sure to let me know if that is something you're interested in.



  • Friday, October 21st, prepare breakfast and fill take-out boxes, 7 - 9am (4 volunteers needed)
  • Thursday, October 27th, prepare lunch bags, 9:30-10:30am (3 volunteers needed)


Links here for other UMD opportunities:


Contact Jen McGonigle to sign up for one of FPC's regular time slots each month or call Jen at 202-421-5870.

Tutoring at Iglesia Emanuel

Our Tutoring Program is underway, and the enthusiasm is high! Every Tuesday and Thursday evening, from 6 - 7, over 20 Hispanic students from kindergarten through high school come to Iglesia Emanuel for one-on-one tutoring. Tutors not only help reinforce reading, writing and math skills, they also become mentors and friends. Dedicated tutors commit to a minimum of one hour a week and help shape the future for a child. If interested in learning more and applying, contact our Learning Center Director, Erin Nguyen. For more information, reach out to Margaret Rubiera.

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