"Downtown by history and by choice"

FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter

November 15, 2022     Issue 23


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

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for worship

From the Pastor/Head of Staff

Dear friends,

           Do you have fifteen minutes? Do you think you could find fifteen minutes, if it meant that you could also find your center and be reconnected with God? If so, I would like to invite you to join with me in the practice of the “Examen.” St. Ignatius of Loyola believed this prayer exercise should be practiced every day, ideally twice a day. But that is a stretch for most of us, so how about you start with what you can find – five minutes, ten minutes, two minutes – and make it a daily practice.

           St. Ignatius of Loyola used this practice to connect more deeply with God, to see the way God was moving in his life, to give thanks for the countless gifts of God, to grieve failures and losses, and to apologize and seek a way forward that is healing and hopeful and helpful for all.

           There are five steps to this practice:

1)     Recognize places of gratitude – Pause to reflect on all you are thankful for and the many ways God has shown up in your day so far.

2)     Call upon the Spirit to guide you – through your day, as you deal with your hopes and fears, your griefs and joys – that you might be honest with God, with others, and with yourself.

3)     Review your failures – Recognize and name the mistakes you have made in the day.

4)     Ask for forgiveness and healing – How can God help you move on?

5)     Look to tomorrow – Ask for God’s help for the next day, that you might learn and grow, heal and renew, in order to find tomorrow a day for deeper and closer relationships with God and with others.

As we move toward Thanksgiving and Advent, I invite you to adopt this practice as your own. Do it at your own rate, and in your own time, but do it regularly and as a disciplined practice. Discover how God is moving with you and through you. And be thankful.

I look forward to spending this Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas Season with you, friend.

With love,


In our thoughts and prayers.jpg


Lara Duffney and Art Baker welcomed their new child, Grace Alexandria Baker, into the world on November 11. Lara and Grace should come home today.  Lara and Art were very happy to accept the offer of a meal train. 

you are interested in signing up, please visit the following link:


The love and concern of the congregation are extended to:

  • Bruce and Ellie Meade on the death of Bruce's mother. Margaret Meade passed away on November 14 in western New York. 
  • The Rev. Robert (Bob) Singdahlsen died October 22. Family and friends will gather at a reception at FPC on Saturday, December 3 from 2:00-4:00 p.m. to remember and celebrate Bob's life and contributions to the Durham community. All are welcome.


Paul Cornsweet     Susan Cyr     Kerry Holbrook     Chris James   

Jancy Johnstone George Kafula      Carol Wills

Franzi Rokoske: follow her journey via CARING BRIDGE.


Mitzi Lesher-Thomas: follow her journey via Caring Bridge: CARING BRIDGE.

Care Communities

Croasdaile Pavilion: Dub Gulley

Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark

Durham Ridge Assisted Living: Phillip Herndon

Hillcrest Convalescent: Julian Boswell, Maxie Honeycutt, Jim Wolfe


Family and Friends of the Congregation

Liz Block, cousin of Jane and Bill Brown                                  

Robert Bloom, father of Tom Bloom

Bob, friend of Fred and Jo Ann Moore                                              

Grace, Chris James’ great-niece                                                              

Diane Lesman, friend of FPC                                          

Karen Shelton, mother-in-law of Dawn Carsey Shelton            

Jim Vacca, father of Jamie Chambliss                             

John Wakefield, cousin of Vernon Neece   

Dear FPC family,

I give thanks and praise to God for answering our prayers and for bringing Charlie safely through. He is home now, recovered, and the tumor biopsy was negative. Thank you from a loving father!  - Lanny Pratt


Dear Friends,

After my mom passed on August 21 at Brooks- Howell in Asheville, I spent two weeks in her house. Thank you especially to First Friends for feeding my family here in Durham during that time and to all who sent cards for me to read when I got home. The Memorial Service is at Black Mountain Presbyterian Church Saturday November 19 at 10 a.m. I look forward to being at First Pres Durham, my home church, for Advent!

Emily Wilkins


Dear amazing FPC folks,

Thank you SO very much for hosting such a wonderful event for Peter yesterday. He remarked multiple times about how lovely his time was, and I’m so grateful for all the hard work and care you all devoted toward making the Lunch & Learn such a success. I’m thrilled Peter was able to share his witness with FPC and the larger community, as heaven knows we need his message and inspiration especially now. Thank you for the food, the volunteers, the help with book sales, and the beautiful space for the Holy Spirit to be at work. What a gift! Thanks be to God! - Sarah Musser

Another Successful Blood Drive

Thanks to everybody's effort, we had another successful blood drive. Our units collected dropped off a little. We only collected 15 units. The bright point is that we have collected 150 units since our first blood drive at FPC. Our next blood drive is February 2, 2023. Let's make it a good one.

Julie Whiddon


If you are already using the Church Life app on your smartphone, you can continue. This change does not affect you.

Due to changes in app store restrictions, as of November 1, 2022, the ACS Church Life app will no longer be available in the app stores for download. If you currently have Church Life on your mobile device, you may continue to use it, but the app will not be available to download on new devices after November 1st. 

ACS Church Life also includes a web portal,, for staff and congregants that provides similar functionality.

If you're interested in

  • This mobile responsive portal will give your users the same look and feel as the Church Life app. The .mobi portal can be opened in a browser on your mobile device or a PC/Mac. The majority of the functionality will be the same. However, a few features are unavailable in
  • Recording group attendance
  • Receiving push notifications
  • Saving contact information directly to your mobile device

For more details on using the website,

click here or check out the video.

New Member SundayDecember 11 Contact Mindy Douglas if you are interested in joining the church. Membership is a sign of your deep and ongoing commitment to the mission and ministries we are a part of at First Presbyterian Church as we seek to be faithful disciples of Jesus. We are glad you are here and would love to welcome you as a member of the church!

Inquirers’ Classes – December 4, 11, 18Education Building, Second Floor landing – Whether you are a new visitor to FPC, a new member, or a long-time member who wants to learn more, join us for classes on Reformed worship and the liturgical year, Presbyterian theology and polity, and life and ministry at FPC (Class is not required for membership. Open to anyone.).


As you can see from the chart below, we are significantly behind in our annual stewardship giving. As you know, we face increased expenses related to inflation. We are seeking an 8% increase in giving in order to keep up with inflation. If you have not yet had a chance to complete your pledge card for 2023, please do so as soon as possible, online (, in person or by mail (using a pledge card in the pledge packets found in the foyer near the entrance to the sanctuary. To request a pledge packet, call 919-682-5511 and ask for Valerie McMillian (x 215), Sybil King (x 217), or Tom Bloom (x 216).

2023 Pledge Update at a Glance

As of 11/14/2022

Pledges 110

Amount $725,773.50

Percentage of 63.59%

Pledge Goal $1,189,586.54

Needed $463,813.00

Questions about the pledging process?

Contact Tom Bloom at 919-682-5511 x 216.


Capital Campaign update As of this week, we have received $2,694,161. Wow! Thank you so much to all who have donated so far! If you haven’t had a chance to make your pledge to our Building Beloved Community Renovation and Expansion (we hope to break ground in the summer!), we hope you will be able to do so soon. Please let us know if you have any questions about the project! 

Amy and Gray Wilson, Capital Campaign Co-Chairs.

The Building Committee continues to meet about every three weeks with architects from MHA Works of Durham. The first set of drawings showing the location, dimensions, and general features of the building project is complete. We continue to refine the design as the architects add increasing detail to the plans. We are also identifying candidates for general contractor and are beginning to collect information to make this selection. Interviews with contractors are scheduled to begin in early December. By selecting a general contractor at this phase, we hope to utilize their expertise in design, materials, costs, and phasing. Feel free to ask me or any member of the committee for updates. Members are Chuck Wilson, Phyllis Supple, Barbara Buckley, Lanny Pratt, Dawn Shelton, and Mindy Douglas.

--Tyler Momsen-Hudson, Chair

The FPC Temporary Stated Supply Associate Pastor Search Committee is in the process of interviewing candidates for this position. They are hard at work and grateful for your prayers and support.

Our Advent Festival and Alternative Giving Market are coming up this Sunday, November 20!

  • At 9:45 am, children and youth meet in Fellowship Hall to make an array of festive crafts.
  • At 12:10 pm, our alternative giving market will open so folks can do some faithful shopping with folks doing good work. Crafts will return (for children and adults). And the Bull City Eatery FOOD TRUCK will be outside in the parking lot!

Advent begins November 27, but we just can't wait to get ready.. 


9:45 -10:45 a.m.

Faith Formation Classes

for adults will meet as usual.

Children and youth will participate

in the Advent Festival in Watts-Hill Hall

11:00 a.m. Worship

Mindy Douglas, preaching

Stephen Champion, son of Megan Champion and grandson of Lenore Champion and Susan Buck will be baptized during worship. Communion will also be celebrated at the end of worship.

ATTENTION Live stream worshippers:

Remember to assemble your communion elements before worship begins so you will be ready to partake with us at the appropriate time during worship. 

Liturgists Training this Sunday

 A two-hour liturgist training class will meet this Sunday, November 20 following worship in the Wilson Parlor. A lite lunch will be served for attendees. We need a head count so please send an email to Steve Rimmer ( to let him know you will attend. 

Sunday, November 27

First Sunday of Advent

9:45 a.m.

Faith Formation Classes for all ages

9:30-9:45 a.m.

Called Session Meeting in the Wilson Parlor to receive new members.

11:00 a.m. Worship

John Weicher, preaching

New members will be introduced during worship.

The Sacrament of Baptism will be celebrated for Penelope Gunn,

daughter of Candace Knotts and Benjamin Gunn,

and granddaughter of Pam and Wilson Gunn.


Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

Faith Formation classes for children are held on the second floor of the education building from 9:45-10:25 a.m.  All children are welcome.





 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. (year-round)

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45.

On November 20: On the last Sunday before Advent, we celebrate Christ as King. What does that mean? How can Christ be King when the other kings and powers of the world ignore or mock his kingship? Is his reign apparent only to the eyes of faith, or is it still in the future?

On November 27: In Advent, we're waiting for...what? Something is going to happen, but just what is it, exactly? Will it be a time of universal peace and understanding? Will it be a terrifying time of disruption and judgment? How can we prepare, when we don't know what to expect?


 To join via Zoom:

For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.

If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith.


Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Wilson Parlor


We had a great discussion this past Sunday on the many names for Christ in John's Gospel. Jerry Postema will continue our discussion this coming Sunday, November 20, on chapters 2 and 3, and with a special emphasis on Nicodemus. 

Remember that class begins at 9:45 a.m. sharp, and let us know if you want to join calls via Zoom before Sunday.

 Contact Andy Henry (919-599-9405) if you have questions about class content.


For the rest of the fall semester, we will be using The Liturgy of the Ordinary 

because of its blessedly short chapters and because we can disseminate the text easily.

On Sundays, MnMers gather in Room 205 (near children's classrooms) during the faith formation hour, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Join us for conversation, discussion, sharing of lives and laughter. 

For those meeting via Zoom, we will meet at 8:00 p.m. If you have any issues accessing the meeting on Sunday evening, please feel free to email or text Mary Berry (703.851.8625). The Zoom link will be sent on Sunday evening prior to the time for class to meet. 

As always, you are welcome whether you've had time to read or not. Our leaders will give a brief summary of the readings before we dive into conversation, so this is a low-pressure thing!

Contacts for this class are: Mary Berry and Emily Diy.


Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m.

Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

No Cure For Being Human

 by Kate Bowler  

Zoom Link:

Remaining Schedule

November 15/16 - chapters 9-10

November 22/23 – Thanksgiving week – no meeting

Beginning the week of November 29, we will read Hope: A User's Manual, by Maryann McKibben Dana.

Mindy has purchased 12 books from Rofiwa Cafe and BookShop. They are $18 each, or whatever you can pay (pay what you would pay Amazon, that is great! We will cover the rest. It is so important to support our local vendors of color). They will be available at the church. Checks to FPC, with "book group" in the memo line, or you can pay on our church website with the same memo note, or you can leave cash in the envelope provided).

Here is the reading schedule:

November 29/30 - chapter 1

December 6/7 - chapters 2-3

December 13/14 - chapters 4-5

December 20/21 - chapter 6

December 27/28 – no meeting Christmas week


Mindy also has copies of This Here Flesh, by Cole Arthur Riley, if you want to get a head start on that over the holidays. Just let Mindy know if you want your copy now. Cost for that is: $26 (hardback) (or pay what you would pay Amazon!).


First Friends Potluck

Join us for some Thanksgiving vibes

Saturday, November 19 at 5:30 p.m.

hosted by Deborah and Tyler Momsen-Hudson

1339 Holden Roberts Farm Rd, Hillsborough

Bring a favorite dish to share.

Link to EVITE.

The Nominating Committee is beginning to do its work of developing the slate of candidates for the Ruling Elders and Deacons (Class of 2026) and the 2023-24 Nominating Committee. 

We would love to hear your suggestions. 


Ruling elders and deacons serve three-year terms and the Nominating Committee serves for one year. Ruling elders, deacons, and Nominating Committee members may serve a consecutive term.


You can submit your nominations in the following ways:

  • Via Google form (click here)
  • Contact Mary Ann Compton by email or by phone (919-452-6500)
  • Complete the form enclosed in the worship bulletin and return it to the church by Wednesday, November 30th

Thank you for your help!

December 4, Sunday,

4:00 p.m. FPC Sanctuary

Is your heart heavy with grief and loss? Do you need a space for communal grieving? Come join us as we sing and pray together, recognizing that God is with us in our grief and loss, and that we are a community that holds one another up in prayer and hope. As we celebrate Advent, come recognize the ways that God is with us in our grief. We do not walk this road alone.



The flower ministry of FPC offers a meaningful way to donate flowers for the sanctuary in memory or in honor of a loved one, or in celebration of a special occasion. Each Sunday the flower arrangements bring the colors and beauty of nature to our worship service. Following worship, our deacons divide the flowers and deliver smaller arrangements to members who are ill, grieving, or unable to attend church, as a way of sharing with them a part of our worship service. Ninth Street Flowers creates the beautiful arrangements each Sunday.


If you would like to reserve a Sunday in 2023 to be a donor of flowers for worship in 2023, please sign up ONLINE using this link: FLOWERS FOR WORSHIP.



North Carolina Council of Churches

shares their

2022 Advent Guide:

Keep Awake is Now Available!

The central calling of an Advent ethic is waiting. But this waiting is not a passive or idle activity. The root word for wait is the same root word for watch. Waiting means to watch, to pay attention to what God is doing around us. Waiting means to be alert, to keep awake.

Keep awake to justice; dismantle systemic racism which continues to uneven the playing field. Keep awake to mercy; advocate for those whose voices are stifled by the few over the good of the many. Keep awake to where God is already at work and join in this good work. There is much work to be done and God invites us to join in this good work.

The North Carolina Council of Churches staff offers you this resource as you move into the Advent of another Christian year, a year like all that have gone before it in which God’s people strive to be faithful to the call to love God and love our neighbors. We hope these weekly reminders to “Keep Awake” built around the Advent scriptures, grounded in the Council priorities, and spread across the state will enrich your season of expectation. Click the button below to download the Advent guide.


Download the Guide

 Presents its


6:00 p.m. November 15, 2022

Click here to view program.


This past summer, the 225th General Assembly approved the “Study Document on Denouncing Antisemitism and Islamophobia” be distributed throughout the PC(USA) for study and reflection.

What is the study document? Why does it matter? How does the study document connect to ecumenical and interfaith work already happening? What are some practical materials for congregations to use for engaging this study document?

On November 15, 2022, at 7:30 p.m., the Outlook will engage these questions through the “Love your neighbor” webinar. Join Teri McDowell Ott for a conversation and public Q&A with members of the writing team behind the GA-approved study document.

Can't make the webinar? A recording will be made available to all registrants.

Register — $15 for individuals,

$30 for groups

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