"Downtown by history and by choice"

FPC Bi-Weekly Newsletter

November 29, 2022     Issue 24


Contact Valerie in the church office if you encounter missing or non-working links in this email.

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for worship

From the Pastor/Head of Staff

Advent: A time of waiting, hoping, preparing. . .

Waiting? For what? 

           For the fulfillment of Christ’s redemption here on earth. 

                       For peace among all nations, including our own.

                                   For an end to violence and oppression.

                                               For a time when there will be no more crying,

                                                           no more pain,

                                                                       no more cancer diagnoses,

                                                                                   no more mental illnesses,

                                                                                               no more disease,

                                               For a time when there will be no more hatred,

no more bigotry,

no more racism,

           no more “isms” at all.

                                               For a time when there will be no more killing,

                                                           no more guns,

                                                                       no more bombs,

                                                                                   no more murders,

                                                                       no more weapons of mass destruction.

                                               For a time when there will be no more suffering,

                                                           no more natural disasters,

                                                                       no more hunger,

                                                                                   no more loneliness and despair.

                       For a time when all shall know the love of our creating and redeeming God.

                                   For a time when all shall share that love freely with others,

                                               without regard for personal gain.

Hoping? For what?

           For a time when no one lives in fear,

                       when no one acts and reacts out of fear.

           For a time when truth is told and trust abounds,

                       and when we lean on one another for support,

                                   and receive support from one another . . . .

                       for a time when all are treated equally with justice and mercy,

                                               for a time when all know God’s unending love.

                       for a stress-free and anxiety-free world.

           That we can be better people, stronger people, more loving people,

                       by God’s grace. . . .

Preparing? For what?

           For Christ to come again and set all right with the world.

                     For the light of Christ to shine in our hearts and in our world.

                                 For the day when we will rest in God’s arms of love and grace.

                                             For the role that God has for us while we are still on this earth.

May your Advent be filled with the hope of God’s promises to you in Christ Jesus. 

My you find in all these days love and peace . . . and enduring hope.

Your pastor,


(c) 2022 Mindy Douglas

In our thoughts and prayers.jpg

NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED: We welcomed new members Ben Gunn and Candace Knotts Gunn in worship on November 27. Ben, who grew up in Durham, and Candace, who grew up in Bear Creek, NC, are married and live in Durham. Ben is a stay-at-home dad to seven-month-old Penelope who was baptized on Sunday as well. Candace attends NC State University and is a research associate with Elo Life Systems. Ben’s parents, Pam Gunn and Rev. Wilson Gunn and Ben’s grandfather, Julian Boswell, are Ben’s connections to FPC. Ben and Candace joined FPC by reaffirmation of faith.

We also welcomed Andrew Whiteman into membership on November 27. Andrew is from Raleigh and grew up in the Presbyterian faith. He is a professional guitar player and active with FPC’s Meaning in the Middle (MnMs) fellowship group. He joined FPC by letter of transfer.  


Congratulations to Lara Duffney and Art Baker on the birth of a daughter. Grace Alexandria Baker was born November 11. If you would like to help mom and dad as they settle in, select a meal for delivery from this meal train link:

Congratulations to Dan Hudgins and Ann McKown on the birth of a granddaughter, Cameron (Cam) Maya Brovember. Her parents are Dan's daughter Blair and husband Ben Brovember who live in New Jersey.


The love and concern of the congregation are extended to: Mary Putnam and David Hartman on the death of Mary's son-in-law, Gregory Alan Dale on November 24 (obituary), and to the family of David Dunkle, friend of Kathy Parkins. David's sister died unexpectedly last week.


The family of Bob Singdahlsen will greet family and friends at a reception at FPC on Saturday, December 3 in Watts-Hill Hall from 2:00-4:00 p.m. All are welcome.


Paul Cornsweet    Susan Cyr     Kerry Holbrook    Lee House Chris James   

Jancy Johnstone George Kafula      Carol Wills

Franzi Rokoske: follow her journey via CARING BRIDGE.

Mitzi Lesher-Thomas: follow her journey via Caring Bridge: CARING BRIDGE.


Care Communities:

Croasdaile Pavilion: Dub Gulley

Dubose Center at The Cedars, Chapel Hill: Arthur Clark

Durham Ridge Assisted Living: Phillip Herndon

Hillcrest Convalescent: Julian Boswell, Maxie Honeycutt, Jim Wolfe


Family and Friends of the Congregation:

Liz Block, cousin of Jane and Bill Brown                           

Bob, friend of Fred and Jo Ann Moore                      

John Carter, brother of Conrad Carter

Grace, Chris James’ great-niece                                            

Diane Lesman, friend of FPC                   

Karen Shelton, mother-in-law of Dawn Carsey Shelton    

Jim Vacca, father of Jamie Chambliss                              

John Wakefield, cousin of Vernon Neece        

2023 Pledge Update At a Glance

As of 11/27/2022

Pledges 113

Amount $743,573.50

Percentage of Pledge Goal 65.15%

Pledge Goal $1,189,586.54

Needed $446,013.04

Please submit your pledge form for 2023 as soon as you can. You are invited to pay your pledge as you are able for 2022 and confirm your pledge amount for 2023 if you have not already done so. Contact Tom Bloom if you have questions about the pledging process: 919-682-5511 x 216.


2nd Sunday of Advent

9:45 -10:45 a.m.

Faith Formation Classes (all ages)

11:00 a.m. Worship with Communion

Mindy Douglas, preaching

Acclaimed soprano Ginger Jones-Robinson will provide music on Sunday, December 4 during our 11:00 a.m. worship. Ms. Jones-Robinson has appeared in solo recitals throughout the Carolinas and with the leading orchestras of the region, performing works of Mozart, Beethoven, Da Falla, and others. She has also appeared in a wide variety of operatic roles. In February 2020, Ms. Jones-Robinson performed a recital at FPC. Currently she is pursuing her Doctorate of Musical Arts degree at the University of South Carolina. Ms. Jones-Robinson will be accompanied by Dr. Alan Rudell, who serves on the faculty of Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina.

For those of you who will be worshipping live stream this Sunday, remember to assemble your communion elements before worship begins so you will be ready to partake with us at the appropriate time during worship. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

4:00 p.m. in the sanctuary

Is your heart heavy with grief and loss? Do you need a space for communal grieving? Come join us as we sing and pray together, recognizing that God is with us in our grief and loss, and that we are a community that holds one another up in prayer and hope. As we celebrate Advent, come recognize the ways that God is with us in our grief. We do not walk this road alone.

Sunday, December 11

Third Sunday of Advent

Faith Formation Classes (all ages) – 9:45 a.m.

Worship - 11:00 a.m.

New members will be introduced during worship.

Christmas Pageant – 5:30 p.m.

Potluck Supper at 6:00 p.m. followed by a Sing-along

Volunteers are needed

to setup for and clean up after for

the Potluck Supper

Sign up here.

We also need a head count of how many will join us for the potluck.

Please respond to the EVITE

or call the church office: 919-682-5511 x 215.

All are welcome (no childcare provided).

Bring a dish to share - side item or dessert

(and a serving spoon/tongs for your dish).

The church is providing the main course with a choice of ham or vegetarian black bean and sweet potato enchiladas.

NOTE: All seating will be indoors.

Following the potluck we will gather around the tree

and sing songs of the season. All are welcome to participate!


Signup to receive Children's Weekly news

Faith Formation classes for children are held on the second floor of the education building from 9:45-10:25 a.m. 

All children are welcome.





 Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. (year-round)

Join us each Sunday for discussion, as we meet both online and in person in the Robert Daye Parlor. The class will begin at 9:45, preceded at 9:35 by sharing of news and concerns, and will end at 10:45.

On December 4: There is news of one who is coming. One report says he will be a wise, righteous judge, bringing in a time of peace. Another report says he will be very powerful and will collect the wheat but burn the chaff. Should we welcome him or flee from his wrath?

On December 11: There are reports of amazing things: miraculous healings, plentiful food for the hungry, streams in the desert, safety in dangerous places.... Does this mean that the one we have been waiting for is almost here? How much longer do we have to wait?


 To join via Zoom:

For phone access (audio only), call 253-215-8782.

If you need a copy of the handout of scripture readings, contact David Smith.


Sundays, 9:45-10:45 a.m. in the Wilson Parlor


Remember that class begins at 9:45 a.m. sharp, and let us know if you want to join calls via Zoom before Sunday.

 Contact Andy Henry (919-599-9405) if you have questions about class content.


Our Monthly Gathering

Saturday, December 3

at Hi-Wire/Two Roosters Restaurant

(Time will be confirmed by email.)

Sunday Morning Study: The Liturgy of the Ordinary

On Sundays, MnMers gather in Room 205 (near children's classrooms) during the faith formation hour, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Join us for conversation, discussion, sharing of lives and laughter. 

For those meeting via Zoom, we will meet at 8:00 p.m. If you have any issues accessing the meeting on Sunday evening, please feel free to email or text Mary Berry (703.851.8625). The Zoom link will be sent on Sunday evening prior to the time for class to meet. 

As always, you are welcome whether you've had time to read or not. Our leaders will give a brief summary of the readings before we dive into conversation, so this is a low-pressure thing!

Contacts for this class are: Mary Berry and Emily Diy.


Liturgists Training

 this Sunday

 A two-hour liturgist training class will meet this Sunday, December 4 following worship in Watts-Hill Hall. A lite lunch will be served for attendees. We need a head count so please send an email to Steve Rimmer ( to let him know you will attend. 

New Member SundayDecember 11 Contact Mindy Douglas if you are interested in joining the church. Membership is a sign of your deep and ongoing commitment to the mission and ministries we are a part of at First Presbyterian Church as we seek to be faithful disciples of Jesus. We are glad you are here and would love to welcome you as a member of the church!

Inquirers’ Classes – December 4, 11, 18Education Building, Second Floor landing Room 202 – Whether you are a new visitor to FPC, a new member, or a long-time member who wants to learn more, join us for classes on Reformed worship and the liturgical year, Presbyterian theology and polity, and life and ministry at FPC (Class is not required for membership. Open to anyone.).

Sunday, December 4

4:00 p.m. FPC Sanctuary

Is your heart heavy with grief and loss? Do you need a space for communal grieving? Come join us as we sing and pray together, recognizing that God is with us in our grief and loss, and that we are a community that holds one another up in prayer and hope. As we celebrate Advent, come recognize the ways that God is with us in our grief. We do not walk this road alone.


Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m.

Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Zoom Link:

Beginning the week of November 29, we will read Hope: A User's Manual, by Maryann McKibben Dana.

Here is the reading schedule:

November 29/30 - chapter 1

December 6/7 - chapters 2-3

December 13/14 - chapters 4-5

December 20/21 - chapter 6

December 27/28 – no meeting Christmas week

First Friends Advent Potluck

Melinda Ruley & Stewart Fisher's home

Saturday, December 10 at 6:00 p.m.

Please join us for this annual tradition of fun and fellowship near the fire and bring a dish to share.

Address: 5301 Cabe Ford Rd., Durham, NC 27705

If you did not receive the EVITE, contact Valerie in the church office to have your email address added.


Sunday, December 11

at 5:30 p.m. in the sanctuary

Please sign up to indicate your interest in taking part in our Christmas pageant this year. There will be non-speaking and narrator parts as well as "stage hands" who will play an integral part in the pageant. Thank you!

Click here to sign up to participate in the pageant.



The flower ministry of FPC offers a meaningful way to donate flowers for the sanctuary in memory or in honor of a loved one, or in celebration of a special occasion. Each Sunday the flower arrangements bring the colors and beauty of nature to our worship service. Following worship, our deacons divide the flowers and deliver smaller arrangements to members who are ill, grieving, or unable to attend church, as a way of sharing with them a part of our worship service. Ninth Street Flowers creates the beautiful arrangements each Sunday.


If you would like to reserve a Sunday in 2023 to be a donor of flowers for worship in 2023, please sign up ONLINE using this link: FLOWERS FOR WORSHIP.

North Carolina Council of Churches

shares their

2022 Advent Guide:

Keep Awake is Now Available!

The central calling of an Advent ethic is waiting. But this waiting is not a passive or idle activity. The root word for wait is the same root word for watch. Waiting means to watch, to pay attention to what God is doing around us. Waiting means to be alert, to keep awake.

Keep awake to justice; dismantle systemic racism which continues to uneven the playing field. Keep awake to mercy; advocate for those whose voices are stifled by the few over the good of the many. Keep awake to where God is already at work and join in this good work. There is much work to be done and God invites us to join in this good work.

The North Carolina Council of Churches staff offers you this resource as you move into the Advent of another Christian year, a year like all that have gone before it in which God’s people strive to be faithful to the call to love God and love our neighbors. We hope these weekly reminders to “Keep Awake” built around the Advent scriptures, grounded in the Council priorities, and spread across the state will enrich your season of expectation. Click the button below to download the Advent guide.


Download the Guide


The Racial Equity Task Force will be meeting on Sunday, December 4t at 12:15 in the Wilson Parlor. Please join us if you are interested in joining the Task Force. If you have any question, please contact Kathy Krahenbuhl (


Get Proximate and Be Love in the Heart of Durham

Have you ever had a friendship that changed your life? Could you be such a friend? If so, please consider joining a Faith Team.  A Faith Team is a group of 4-6 volunteers (both men and women) who provide practical, emotional and spiritual support to a man newly-released from prison. The Reconciliation and Reentry (R&R) Ministry is a one-year covenantal Partnership between individuals recently released from prison and congregational faith teams of 5-10 members to help the offender and the Durham community reconnect and restore wholeness to one another. This ministry is managed by the Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham

This program has proven to reduce recidivism by providing friendship and support to people reentering our community. FPC is creating Faith Teams and holding a required training in early 2023. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to Kathy Krahenbuhl at (919) 801-0422 or email: or Jane Brown at (919) 323-1806 or

Grandparents‘ Tea Party

Tuesday, December 13

at Covenant Presbyterian Church

at 3:00 p.m.

And God said: Let there be Grandbabies. And Grandparents’ Love”

This is the title of a wonderful book by Elder Sue McLaurin of Covenant Presbyterian Church.

Grandparents in Covenant and First Presbyterian are invited to a Grandparents’ Tea Party at 3:00 p.m. on December 13th at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Durham.

Sue will discuss her book and there will be a conversation about the joys and challenges of grandparenting. Refreshments will be available.

Please let us know that you will join us by calling FPC at 919-682-5511 x 217 or Covenant at 919-682-1484 by Sunday, December 11. Copies of Sue's book will be available at the event.

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