Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Sunday Schedule

8:30 AM: Indoor Worship/Livestream Worship (watch from our website/FB Livestream

9:45 AM: Children's Sunday School at the Pavilion; Youth Sunday School at the Outdoor Benches; Sunday School in person.

11:00 AM: Indoor Worship

New Worship Guidelines
We have opened all pews for seating, we are Passing the Peace again, and we have resumed congregational singing. Here are the updated ReOpening Guidelines. Thank you for your continued support as we move forward together.
July 25, 2021:
Scripture: Mark 2:23-27
Sermon: Ordinary Gifts from an Extraordinary God, Mary Sellers Shaw
Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty
Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
Go, My Children, with My Blessing
First Presbyterian Franklin Preschool
First Presbyterian Preschool is looking for a teacher for the five year old classroom. This class has traditionally functioned as a junior kindergarten. Work hours are Tuesday-Friday 8:30-1:30. A preferred candidate would have experience teaching young children, an education degree and a desire to learn about the Reggio-inspired philosophy. Interested persons are encouraged to contact Cheri at 615-791-9061 or clindsley@fpcfranklin.org. This is an exciting position and a wonderful opportunity to join the preschool faculty. 
FPC is going LIVE and IN PERSON for WNL starting September 8! 
We will also experiment with new themes each week for dinner! Thank you for your response to our WNL survey and we look forward to spending time together again as a church on Wednesday Nights! Look for more information regarding programming in the fall.
Women’s Retreat at NaCoMe

Nov 12-14 – Relax and Restore in 2021.

We will explore some Practical Spiritual Practices for all ages and stages of your life journey. Come for the weekend or Saturday only. Register HERE
Room 211, Barr Conference Room

“Today's families face challenges not too different from the first families of the Bible. The drama experienced in Genesis happens within stories about families, and the issues they raise-married vs. single life, sibling rivalry, infertility, family relocation, blended families, and the like-and are startlingly relevant to families of today. This book examines the families of Genesis, starting with Adam and Eve. It also looks at the sibling rivalry of the Cain and Abel story and points to the jealousy and violence to which the whole human family seems addicted. Carolyn Helsel and Suzie Park invite readers to consider these connections as they reexamine modern family life as well.” Register HERE.
Upcoming Music and Worship Opportunities in July/August

“10 – 2 – 4” ---TEN Minutes TO Prepare FOR Fall
Vocal Exercises/Helps/Reminders
Some brief vocal exercises in preparation for the resumption of fall vocal rehearsals on Wednesday, September 8th!
Musical Mondays: Hymn Stories
Join us on Facebook each week for more stories about your favorite hymns!
Musical Tithes and Offerings
You are encouraged to share your musical gifts with us in worship. Simply contact the Michael for more information.

Zoom Gatherings
Join us for a brief check-in...they just keep coming around. Look for an invitation on the church Facebook page or via email.
Join the FPC Legends for BrightStone’s annual Bowlability fundraiser! Bowling legends Ryan Fox and Brian Keener are taking the lead as team captains for the event on August 3 from 7:30-9:30PM. We have room for six people per team (no bowling skills necessary, just the desire to have fun and support BrightStone!) Register online at www.brightstone.org to join either FPC Legends- Team BRIAN or FPC Legends- Team RYAN. Cost is $25 to participate; $125 includes a t-shirt and a donation. Contact Mary Sellers with any questions about registration and Ryan/Brian for bowling tips. 
Presbytery-wide Support Opportunity
PC(USA) pastor Rev. Lucas Mburu and his family are moving to Nashville this August from Kenya for Rev. Mburu to pursue his doctoral studies at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Churches across the Presbytery are offering financial and material support as they settle into the area (particularly because of visa restrictions on additional work). Current needs for their new apartment include items ranging from kitchen and cleaning supplies to beds and mattresses. Think you can help? Contact Mary Sellers for a full list of needed items or for information on financial donations. Reach out to Cathy McCall or Katie Gottlieb for general information on how to support this ministry. 
Pictorial Directory
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up for a photo! We still have evening spots on Thursday and Friday and spots throughout Saturday, July 29-31. We would love to fill all those. So please sign up in July if you are available. Otherwise, go ahead and sign up in August. We are planning to only have photos taken on Friday and Saturday, August 20 & 21. If they all fill up, we will open up August 19. Our directory will not be complete without you! Someone will be in the Narthex this Sunday to help schedule appointments.

Visit fpcfranklin.org/connect/pictorial-directory for instructions on how to schedule your appointment.
This Week's Schedule
5:30 PM: Youth Bible Study/ Picnic at Aspen Grove Park


10 AM: Sisters in Spirit
7:30 AM: Men's Bible Study

8:30 AM: Indoor Worship/ Website Livestream/ FB Livestream
9:45 AM: Sunday School (Zoom/In Person)
11 AM: Indoor Worship